


9 months, 23 days ago



"What am I really fighting for?"

Hello Cold World - Paramore

Renegade - Paramore

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic - Paramore

|| naming

Trash - an insulting way of referring to a person or people that you have no respect for.
Paw - Status of apprenticeship.

|| age

9 's

|| identity

Demigirl , She/They

|| sexuality

Greyromantic, Asexual

|| birth season

Newleaf (April)

|| world/story

sumire's blessings

|| faction


|| ranking


|| mentor


|| apprentice(s)

N/A name

|| voice claim

Hailee Steinfeld, clip link


Trashpaw has an avid need for significance, a need to find their place in their clan. Her main goal is to belong. To fight for anything. Regardless if they know what really drives them. Trashpaw is eager, driven, comitted, focused, capable, attentive. The things that hinder her are her impatience, naivety, and her ease of impressionability.























|| Kithood

Kithood consisted of absence. Their mother never talked much. Trashkit was encouraged to stay kitlike and explore the city relatively unsupervised with their sibling Headkit. Their upbringing was around the times of war, but they were kept relatively oblivious to the harsh reality of bloodshed and death in their clan. Trashkit had vague ideas, but chose not to pry, as it was a fresh wound in the clan, and their mother.


|| Apprenticeship

Once appointed apprentices with their littermate, Headpaw, their mother, Carcrash, left the clan without a word. They were given their respective mentors, Headpaw loved muskrat dearly, until muskrat disappeared. Trashpaw consoled her littermate and promised him that they'd find out what happended to them. She didn't see Flashbang as her mentor, adapting a sibling-like bond with them instead. Trashpaw navigated the clan with uncertainty, heeding her mother's word of beware, not to trust too quickly. As Trashpaw explores the ins and outs of Alleyclan's members, she becomes more and more weary of the future her warrior life promises her.

|| Warrior Life




Build: Short, lean.

Breed: Domestic Longhair

Height: 9"

Scent: Fresh rubber, Oil, plastic.

Nature: Eager

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Trashpaw is a grey smoke agouti domestic longhair with a short, lean build. They have bright amber eyes, smelling of fresh rubber, oil, and plastic.


Headpaw and Trashpaw are knit tight, always tending to each other where their mother wouldn't. They share ideals and most of their demeanor. Both of their attitudes towards strangers and clanmates vary. Trashpaw admires their littermate's optimism and kindness, they try to nurture it and step up for Headpaw whenever's possible. Headpaw means the world to Trashpaw.

  • Headpaw is considered the closest cat to Trashpaw.
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TLDR; Headpaw is Trashpaw's close littermate.

Carcrash always seemed distant from Trashkit and Headkit, struggling with the loss of both of her partners. The tides of war did not help their ailing mother, as tensions between Alleyclan and the Polix drew evermore explosive. Carcrash was affliated with a rogue tom, Strikeout, who fathered Spitfire and Shortstop, however he was caught in a border skirmish during the kickstart of the Polix/Alleyclan tensions and passed in battle. She took to Versace, a Showcat from the inner city to repair her grief, only for it to backfire, and for her to raise his kits on her own in Alleyclan, reminded constantly with every conflict of the lovers she had lost. When Trashpaw and Headpaw were apprenticed, Carcrash left without a trace, her whereabouts unknown.

TLDR; Trashpaw's mother.

Versace is absent in Trashpaw's life. Versace reminded Carcrash of Strikeout, Spitfire and Shortstop's father, albeit more beautiful and stunning. He’s a show cat, competed with Showstopper during his glory days. His and Carcrash's relationship was more of a fling, a tool for Carcrash to forget the grief of the loss she had faced. When things got serious, Carcrash pleaded and begged Versace to join alleyclan to raise their kits together. With the war, and Versace’s distaste for the abandoned side of town, he declined, and was rather upset that his beautiful kits were going to be raised in a dump. He offered to take what would be Trashpaw with him (to extend his legacy) but Carcrash retaliated. It turned into an argument and Carcrash lashed out at him, ruining his perfect muzzle. They never saw each other again, and Versace wears the ugly scar of an absent father.

TLDR; Trashpaw's father.

Spitfire is Trashpaw's half-sibling.They share a mother. Trashpaw considers Spitfire to be fairly close. Trashpaw appreciates Spitfire's protection while their mother mourned, taking a very nurturing role over both Trashpaw and Headpaw.

Shortstop is Trashpaw's half-sibling, littermate to Spitfire. Trashpaw wasn't remarkably close to Shortstop, nor are they currently. Shortstop is quite aloof and uncaring when it comes to family affiliation.

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Question 1. How do you feel about Headpaw and Versace?

"Headpaw means the world to me! I’ll protect her no matter what. He’s always been with me, and I don’t ever want her to leave. I’d do anything for Headpaw. Versace is my father… I don’t know him, really. All I’ve heard is that he’s super famous somewhere. Maybe I’d want to meet him someday. Hopefully he doesn’t hate me."

Question 2. What are your feelings on the polix-alleyclan war?

"I don’t know the motivations behind it just yet. I’m still trying to gather all the information I can. I’ve seen the hurt, the guilt, the pain reflected in this clan. We are broken because of this. It is sad for me to see my siblings try to find an ends to this mean, but for that it is the cost of violence and loss. I have seen it when I was so young, the horror in my mothers eyes every time a body would be dragged back to camp, and my head was forcibly turned towards her chest. I could feel her heart fracture and split every time. I’m not sure what to say, other than that. There are forces tugging this unity apart, and we all seem to be trudging forward due to a lie. If that is what makes us content, then I might as well follow it, for now."

Question 3. where'd you find all those cool accessories...? your earring is so cool!!

"Dumpster diving with Flashbang! They’re cool… They also gave me the earring I have. Our patrols get a little boring sometimes, so we search the old twoleg bins for fun. Don’t tell, it’s our secret."

"Carry my legacy."

|| Dynasty

Ancestor: ?, ?

Father: Versace

Mother: Carcrash

Sibling(s): Headpaw, Spitfire, Shortstop

Mate(s): N/A

Kits(s): N/A

Other(s): Candlelight, Mother figure, Flashbang, Sister figure.

|| Trivia

  • Sleeps/naps in a discarded tire.
  • Stores valued items inside of her bag.
  • Strongly lives by "one cat's trash is another cat's treasure."

|| Likes

  • Dumpster diving.
  • trinkets.
  • Exploration.

|| Dislikes

  • Dogs.
  • Sudden violence.
  • Exclusion.