


6 years, 4 months ago


Jess the Jackal

Name: Jess
Species: Jackal
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Relationship StatusSingle
Occupation: Mercenary
Powers: Fighting/Survival
Likes:      -Being in charge
               -Being right
Dislikes:  -Being overpowered
               -People who can stab her verbally


Jess used to be a cute and curious girl that had a lot of compassion for her team. Having to deal with a lot of loss in her early years, she always looked up to her big brother, Xander and had him as the pillar of hope, even when things were grim.
She is bold, has no issue with getting her hands dirty and can actually be pretty intimidating if she wants to. Not unlike her brother, she wants to protect her teammates from harm. Unlike him however, she does this for the sole purpose of it being the right thing to do and not necessarly because she wants to.

Having her brother leave her and her squad for dead, left her with deep, emotional scars. This caused her to hold deep grudges and become irrationaly violent when pursuing her goals. She also has become incredibly selfish, as a defence against disappointment.
Jess isn't quite certain what her purpose or goal in life is, and this makes her scared.
Growing up with her brother in a village in Red Canyon, Jess always was tough and rough, but curious and kind as well. After the Squad was forced to band together in order to survive, she tried her best to be like her brother.
As he began to break on the responsibility, she too began to crumble apart as he was the only thing keeping her truely going.
Aside from a love intrest within the squad, Xander was all she really had and she clung to him.

After Xander agreed to have him and his Squad work for Eggman, she was sent out with the rest of the squad to find and destroy an intruder, who promptly overpowered them and killed all but her and Rusty.
With Rusty now being dependant on her care, she tried to reform a new group that has one purpose: To take Xander down. Especially after his time as Infinite.




1714856?1516231230Rusty the Mixed Breed
Former Love intrest, Jess always hoped they could be together. After the incident, she soon figured out that it would never be. Deep down, she still cares for him though, but she is overwhelmed with his condition.

1608948?1513627916Xander the Jackal
[Big Brother]
Jess' big brother. After the incident, she lost all trust towards him and wants him dead, even though she secretly wishes they could be friendly again.