Marley T.Kingley



1 year, 10 months ago


Made my oc from closed species to my world (Asked artist and creator of closed species)
Was drawn by Sharkimi, edits by me.
Link to closed Species self:


A bunnyrabbit with air powers with energy, good mood and a passionate smile.  Supportive on those around him and always an open ear and heart for those he helps. Deeply cares about those close to him and would do anything to  protect. 


Marley comes from a poor background. With an alcoholic father and a workaholic mother, it was rare he saw both his parents at the same time. So what does one do?? Make the best of it and spending time with his best friend and bro ever.  X and him had alot of trouble in their younger times (young teens) and causing chaos was on a daily basis.
Next to handling school, Marley was actually pretty smart if it weren´t for his workaholic mother who didn´t want to spend money on his collegue or university to support. (While she was a workaholic, she was pretty tight on spending anything! Beeing greedy and rather hording it all for herself than supporting for her family)
The father was no different. He lost his job after they caught him stealing and doing deals under the hood. (A Gangmember) While he spends his time at home  throughout the day, nighttime was when he left the house and usually came home with bloody knuckles and clothings (never his blood).
Marley focused as well as he could, did every type of good job to gather the money together and soon had the needed cash (hiding it in a secret place in his room) As the time came where he packed his few belongings, his  father encountered and not only on a bad day, but also taking Marleys money. Having the worst night of his life as he almost died to protect what was his. Beeing beaten up, trying his best to get up and flee from his abusive home (Since it wasn´t the first time his father got aggresive with him) fleeing to X at home, hanging out and thankful for the best friend he ever had.
As it was time for school, his mother and father both brought him back home after lying to the police. Marley at the time wasn´t old enough to simply leave.

One night got rough and Marley fought back. Making his father impressed and other than beeing beaten, got dragged along to his fathers gang. Not wanting this at all, things got complicated.
The last thing X had heard from Marley was that his aunt was taking him to California to bring him to safety after police arrested his father and the mother charged with  several delikt.
From there X and Marley haven´t seen each other.
Until one day a special food delivery met the other.

Has his own lil Appartment he treasures. After returning  from California (around 23) he found his new home and an old appartment he took. Paying the rent by delivering food throughout day and nighttimes used to dance or be a callboy for more. Anything to earn money and keep what he now has.

Next to his parents, he does have half siblings since his father had affairs and connections. Among his siblings are Eliza Later on finding them and making contact.

-Heterochromia (Has left pink and right green)
-Has little feathers in hair at times 
-Tends to flip his ears in direction of sound
-when startled, jumps way up (thank´s to airpowers) and holds onto
-can use air and become really light
-tends to seek around when flying and explore
-hates the cold and winter
-Loves colorful colors
-scars on his body are due to his abusive father physically (while mother did mentally)
-Got his tattoo´s after he moved with his Aunt to California and to cover the deeper scars and a reminder as well as his inner energy. 
-His hairshampoo is usually sheabutter and coconut and showergel either strawberry with White chocolate or Lemonrush (by Axe)
-when he is happy, his tail wags
-only close ones knows what the T. Stands for (Theodor)
-Fan of " The Popsickles" (made up Band for story) 
-Is a good drummer, can sing really good
-loves rythmn games and gaming when he get´s to it. 
