
1 year, 10 months ago


Made my oc from closed species to my world (Asked artist and creator of closed species)
Was drawn by Sharkimi, edits by me.
Link to closed Species self:

The Parents: 

Mother: Bianca: Leader of the "graceful Vixens" Ice-figure skating
Father: Leader of "tundra Wolves" Ice-Hockey Team. 


Both met on Ice as they both wanted to use the ice for training purposes  and "rivaled" here. From pranks to taking over, the teams had their fair share. Both sides were competitive, good and strong. As one  day  they had the same dilemma at night, trying to practice alone to improve as they rivaled, turning into playful fun and .. messing around.  None of the two thought the first time would result into children. And twins no doubt!
While the kids were not expected, the parents loved them with all their heart, putting both before their own needs and even stopping a tournament to attend to their children.
With them marrying as the mother was pregnant, having them in the "lil`" house  (both parents are rich due to hard work and fame) with a personal butler. 

The twins got all they ever would want. From private tutor, schools of high class and more, the twins were smart and passionate.
Following partly the footsteps of the parents.
Loving  parents, passionate and strong as they support their children no matter what. And no matter what direction they decide to take. 

Blanka can be in her own way very determined and hates to waste time. From school to private she want´s to be perfect in what she does. As ice is graceful and strong, so wishes she to be seen as this as well.
What started to be a lil arrogant, Blanka learned through time to accept others in her life and that friends are here to help and listen as well.  She becomes clear of that fully.

-earpieces (from crescent moon above, below a star with long lil beads resembling stars) - doodle
-necklace (like a collar) with a bunny in silver and a turquise eye
-watch, sportsgear and accurate on timezones
-blue rose hairclip (formed like a real blue rose)
-has her tail partly decorated fitting with her hair (so when you see her from behind, it flows in one through)
wears hair up when realxed or at home or studying. Always different things


-Has a tattoo on her arm and back
-She loves Astrology! From  planets, stars and cosmos she adores it. That  goes to show on her clothings, rooms and such. Her room has a nightlight with the galaxy,  planets and stars: She is afraid of the night, looks up to stars to comfort.
-Loves bunnies. (even if they  are Nyanarrs, she ll go up to  anyone with bunny or rabbit traits and  wants to pet) as well as neon  octopus (those blue ones)
-has to wear glasses due to an accident on her eye as a child. Without she has a hard time seeing (otherwise wears  contact lenses)
-Usually wear´s modernized pants and skirts with leggings rarely (only as she starts with iceskating, does she wear more  feminine stuff
_has backpacks (finds handbags annoying as they are not as functional) so from small to big backpacks. All are stylized and custom
-Sporty type as she does enjoy Bowshooting (the classical with bow and arrow), Skating and rollerderby.
-Followed first fathers steps as she enjoyed Ice hocky, soon part ice skating due to her brother.

-Nicknamed Elsa (from Frozen) at times.
