


2 years, 1 month ago


Kasa 28/07/2023
gender: Non binary
pronouns: they/them
orientation: ace panromantic
height: 6'3"
voice claim: Sam (Green Eggs and Ham)
status: alive

Colour Palette

Sword Colour Palette



They're the leader of 'the revolution' who are trying to retrieve the pieces of the sun from Underscore. They were were part of the guardians army, but left because they thought that they should have been doing more to deal with the suns death.

They're quite polite to everybody they meet, but are fiercely loyal and will do anything for their friends. They believe in doing the right thing no matter what.

  • they're on art fight ( here)
  • They can't use light magic (at least for most of the story)
Plan partner
They're in a polyamorous relationship with him and Spark. They all love each other a lot.
Spark partner
They're in a polyamorous relationship with him and Plan. Spark joined a while after Plan and Kasa were already together, but they all love each other equally.
  • Gospel - He technically started the revolution but nobody in it but Kasa knows about him, and he plans on keeping it that way. He sometimes acts as a mentor figure for them.
  • Agate - She joined mostly because she was bored. They argue a lot but have each others backs no matter what.
  • Moon - They get along well and have each others backs.
  • Micro - They were the last to join. Kasa cares about them a lot, and acts as a sort of mentor figure for them.
  • Flare
  • Ichor
  • Corp
  • Demo - He used to be very suspicious of them, but now trusts them more.
  • Fren - They don't like being around him because of how aggressive he is.
  • Puppet - They've tried to get it to care more about others, but their efforts have been in vain.
  • Atomos - They think she lacks empathy and doesn't care about anybody.
  • Alcinder - They think that he should have done more about the suns death, and has lost all faith in him since that incident.