Mildred Lance's Literatures

1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
1 3529 1

Explicit Violence

This is really bad. This covers the (while not intentional) abuse and Hardships petunia faced while around her ex husband Ryan.

things covered, hinted at, mentioned, or occurring in this included

- Drinking, a character is drunk

-Non consented kiss while said character is drunk

-Intense self destructive breakdown with uncommon self harm tactic (akin to pulling out hair)

-Murder of plants who have feelings, thoughts and consciousness

-Domestic dispute, yelling, screaming

-Abuse through hiding medication for ulterior motives

-Abuse through basically mind control (it’s more nuanced but whateve.)

-physical abuse and violence, leading to a near death experienc, particularly through strangulation and severe burn injuries 


I think that should be everythin? Hopefully.

Petunia thinks on her past, her marriage and her agony while confronted with her dreams.


1 year, 11 months ago
1358 1

Idk man. If you get sad from watching one person falling into disrepair and their sister is trying to reach out to them only to vaguely get physically threatened (it isn’t stated but like. that’s what happens) then

This isn’t for you. 

Allison Lance has become incredibly worried for her sister. No one has been able to get into contact with Petunia. With her history of instability and unpredictable behavior, that scares Allison. So she takes an evening to visit.