


1 year, 10 months ago


I think I need to start charging you a dollar every time I save your life.
Full Name
Kira Sloane Rivera
Neutral Good
November 14th
Dating Arielle
Nice try. Not fooling me that easily.

insert kira bio here.

Height 5'7"
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Dark Brown
Skin Tone Dark Brown

Kira's okay! She has dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes... but she makes up for that by wearing bright colors. She's got some outfits. I have yet to redo her full ref!The old one is... well, old! This one is courtesy of Ten-Ten.


She's just... pretty normal. Nothing special. Link isn't accurate tho that's for Arielle
Voice Claim


She writes pretty quickly, it's just a matter "can I read it". Fun fact, the font is called "Just Me Again Down Here." When did I decide on said font? When she was alone. Down there. It was unintentional.
Example of Handwriting


Arielle has a really interesting wardrobe. It's very colorful with a lot of different styles. She sews a lot of her clothes herself, with some help from her mom. She has a couple of specific outfits that she likes, but she normally tries to mix it up. Some of her outfits are feminine, some are neutral, and some are peak queer fashion. Accessories really just depend on the outfit, but she isn't the type to wear a lot of jewelry or such.


Arielle has two noticable scars— one on her neck, and one on her chest. Both of these are results of injuries that resulted in her death, but she was revived both times. She's extremely insecure about both of them, but gradually tries to be more confortable, knowing they won't go away.

In her cursed form, both scars are "infected", in a way. The one on her neck glows gold, and the one on her chest turned grey due to infection from the Wander. Neither of these have any real effect, but they're not great for self esteem.

  • In her human form, her eyes can either be brown or gold. If you choose to make them brown, her right eye (our left) is more of an amber color compared to her other brown eye.
  • Her cursed form has claws! They're not actually all that terrible at fighting.
  • In her cursed form, her entire right arm is covered in the black stuff.
  • Her tears are gold. Very fun.
  • She eventually uses a wheelchair/forearm crutches! They're for ambulatory purposes, and she eventually learns to walk effectively after a couple of years of physical therapy.
  • In some images, she has horns and a halo. These are a parallel to Angel and are not part of her design, but can be incorporated.
  • Both eyes glow when she's either focusing really hard, when she's mad or startled, or when Angel is in control.
  • When Koda is in control, her left eye (our right) has a black sclera with a blue iris.
Designer Me
Obtained When I got an idea one night at 10pm
Trade Status Never for trade/sale
  • Drawing her in different outfits is fine (and encouraged)! Try to keep a somewhat similar vibe, though.
  • Gore is okay, but don't make it too heavy.
  • She's sixteen. Use your judgement, please.
Enneagram 7w8

Kira, like Arielle, is kind. Unlike Arielle, she’s cautious. For the most part, she tries to do the right thing, unless she deems it absolutely necessary. She’s very steadfast and loyal, and is just overall a really good friend.

None of above changes when she’s separated from Arielle. Now, however, she’s grieving. Kira is one of the only people, if not the only person, who doesn’t believe Arielle is gone forever— or even dead. She’s the only one who knows Arielle is alive, but no one would ever believe her. She really just wants Arielle back and hasn't fully processed that she's gone. She has a hard time expressing her feelings, even more so putting it into words when she does.

After she’s reunited with Arielle, her mood significantly improves. Between Arielle’s disappearance and everything else she’s been through, she puts a lot of stress on herself. She’s a bit distant and constantly overworks herself, but still tries to put on a front as much as she can. She puts her all into helping Arielle, but insists she herself is fine. She’s lying. She’s still working through some feelings surrounding betrayal and love, but she and Arielle heal together. They’re both available as a support system for each other, and at this point in time, Kira is comfortable fully sharing her feelings with Arielle and doesn’t feel like she has to hold back.

Positive Traits

Kind Compassionate Creative Upbeat Outgoing Empathetic Humourous

Neutral Traits

Absentminded Curious Impressionable Sarcastic Persistent

Negative Traits

Impulsive Withdrawn Disorderly Resistant Escapist Anxious


  • Her family
  • Her friends
  • Reading
  • Helping others
  • Astronomy
  • Music


  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Animals
  • Wikipedia rabbit holes
  • Music
  • Sweet things


  • Getting distracted
  • Being ignored
  • Sensory overload
  • Awkward silences
  • Extremely hot days
  • Those pens that are fine until they spurt ink everywhere


  • Koda
  • Being lied to
  • Nightmares
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling helpless

Goals & Dreams

Arielle's main goal is just to help as many people as she can. She knows how hard it can be to be stuck in some places, especially marginalized communities, and she really just wants to make life a little better where she can.

Secrets & Fears

Arielle is constantly worried about her amnesia relapsing. The months she spent alone were the worst of her life, and seeing her best friend and her brother and not knowing who they were was unbearable. As for secrets, however, she had some ulterior motives behind some of her goals and is determined not to let them get out (she's in denial).


  • Has a bit of trouble with volume regulation
  • Somewhat odd sense of humor
  • Likes some really obscure things
  • Has a bunch of unique outfits (a lot are made by her!)
  • Won't drink carbonated beverages


  • Drawing
  • Playing piano
  • Anything artsy, could be scrapbooking or sewing
  • Sports, but never how they're actually supposed to be played (think Calvinball)


  • Talks to herself
  • Occasionally repeats the last few words of a sentence
  • Singing about something she's looking for when looking for said thing
  • Talking over movies, often to point out some plot thing
  • Gestures a lot when talking
Q: What do you like most about yourself?

Just being adaptable to stuff, probably. Because one day life is going one way, and the next you end up possessed or something, and at this point I've kind of learned to roll with it. I'm dealing in extremes here, but it could also be, like... a taco. Falls on the floor. Or something. I don't know, don't expect me to come up with good answers.

Q: What's your favorite childhood memory?

The frog pond! There was a little pond in the back of our elementary school, just a little nature area, and we would hide in the bamboo and pretend it was our secret hideout. We kept trying to catch frogs, but all we ever caught were tadpoles.

Actually, wait, I think I did catch a frog once. I named him Ran. Which was short for Rana. Which means frog in Spanish. Feel free to commend my creativity, folks. The stat's at 90 for a reason.

Q: What was the best day of your life?

Huh. Weird answer, honestly, but I'd have to say the day we set everyone free. The day we finally saved everyone, the day I was finally freed, and... well, the day I finally worked up the courage to kiss Kira. That day was... a lot of things. It was terrible, it was wonderful... But in the end, I think everything turned out okay.

Q: What's your biggest regret?

You're... heh, you're getting a bit personal there.

But my biggest regret... I guess just not being able to help everyone sooner. Fully giving up and letting myself succumb to the Wander... I wish I had fought harder.


  • Finding the good in others

    Arielle believes there's good in everyone, no matter how bad they seem to be. At the very least, she knows they have some motivation and can kind of get where they're coming from.

  • Creative

    Arielle is very adaptive and loves change. She's constantly coming up with new plans— some work, some don't, some are casually dissuaded by the rest of the group, but she just keeps going.

  • Curious

    Arielle sticks her nose into places she probably shouldn't be doing so. She's constantly looking for answers for the things that bother her, and won't stop until she gets there.


  • Persistence

    Persistence can be good sometimes, but she doesn't quite know where to place it. She often spends night after night staying up, so desperately searching for something she can actually make sense of. This does not work well considering she is a teenager.

  • Excessive trust

    Trust comes easy to Arielle, but this gets her in trouble multiple times. A lot of people have come to use that to their advantage, and she's left wondering where she went wrong.

  • Recklessness

    She's no stranger to getting herself into a mess and having no way to get out of it. She doesn't have a huge sense of self-control.



Arielle's sort of gained a danger sense over time. She's started to figure out when people aren't being entirely honest, how she would be able to talk someone down, or even just if something didn't seem right. It's gotten her out of a few bad situations.


Arielle's amnesia has gone from complete loss of memory to common small incidents. She calls those "blinks," which are essentially quick lapses of her forgetting. If she went from point A to point B to point C, then blinked, she may only remember being in point A and suddenly finding herself in point C.


Arielle does have the unique sort of ability to share her memories with other people— or, in rare circumstances, have other people share memories with her, act as a conduit to transfer a memory from one person to someone else, or help recover lost memories. However, all of these have some pretty severe consequences, ranging from delirium to unconsciousness to physical damage. She's only able to do this about four or five times before the others deem it too dangerous.


Arielle is really good at telling what other people are feeling, and tries her best to help them even if she can't quite understand what they're going through. Between that and her being able to understand someone's motivations, she's able to get close to people she otherwise wouldn't, and starts to figure out what they're going for.

Arielle constantly writes stuff down in her journal, using it as a fallback for her faulty memory. Kira got it for her at the start of their junior year— it's a plain purple journal, nothing fancy. She occasionally uses it to write about something mundane, but for the most part, saves it for the important things. The "important" things are mostly memory related.

A maroon bag. Very simple. She mainly uses it to store the essentials. It's roundish. Contains things like granola bars and her phone and such.

Arielle's first weapon was a stick/staff, which wasn't incredible at fighting. Angel then made some upgrades with the help of the Wander and the Light, eventually adding on a golden blade, which ends up doing a lot more damage than a normal blade. It's technically Angel's scythe, but Angel lets Arielle use it.

Arielle kept this photo in her bag. It's a photo of her, Kira, her brother Damien, Kira's sisters, and the rest of her friends, along with Kira's dog, on her 15th birthday. On the back, a couple of days before she completely lost her memory, she wrote the words, "This is what you're fighting for."


Character history here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore voluptatibus dolores velit. A aperiam commodi id excepturi. Nulla quas eligendi maxime ut, omnis rerum quod sit perspiciatis sapiente modi praesentium? Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis, vitae nesciunt. Natus, cupiditate, iste nobis voluptas facilis beatae veniam vitae alias, corporis tempora nam officia sunt placeat sapiente similique. Voluptatem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

I'm not going to stay silent if it means I'd lose everything.


Character history here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore voluptatibus dolores velit. A aperiam commodi id excepturi. Nulla quas eligendi maxime ut, omnis rerum quod sit perspiciatis sapiente modi praesentium? Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis, vitae nesciunt. Natus, cupiditate, iste nobis voluptas facilis beatae veniam vitae alias, corporis tempora nam officia sunt placeat sapiente similique. Voluptatem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
  • She has ADHD and anxiety, plus some other things she knows exists but isn't quite sure about. All she knows is something is Not Quite Neurotypical
  • Spanish is her first language. She didn't learn English fluently until she was about five
  • She supports pineapple on pizza. Kira thinks she is blatantly wrong
  • Her favorite food is her mom's empanadas. She and Damien have gotten into many a fight over the last one
  • She plays piano and has been doing so since she was 8 (she heard one of her friends playing and wanted to try too)
  • She knows a bit of ASL, due to Kira teaching her
  • She likes singing too! She's not the best at it, but that doesn't discourage her