Nikoky Sweetcrow



1 year, 9 months ago


Self-interest is divine.

Name Nikoky Sweetcrow
Race Sin'dorei
Gender Female, She/Her
Age Middle-Aged
Class 2nd Generation Death Knight
Sexuality Homoromantic, Asexual

Relationship Widowed
Religion Fel, Shamanism
Archetype Secret Feral Scientist
Occupation Botanist, Archaeologist
Status Undead
Residence Orgrimmar, Nazmir
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Role Content

Nicknames Nik
Aliases Mynka Palestone
Mynka Boldblood
Nynka Crowblood

"You hate your pulse because it still thinks you're alive."

A weird, feral lady who is determined to defy her undeath and dabble in the delicate balance of the living. Nikoky is fascinated by the past byet driven by the change she will make to the future. She smiles at strangers in spite of the scorn they judge her existence with. She is a walking paradox.

Nikoky considers herself to be a literary paragon and an adept botanist. She has published multiplte works on botany underneath several pseudonyms, including the particularly esteemed "rmemeber to put something here when you're done, nerd" co-authored by Taqq.

At first glance she is... disorderly. She outwardly appears to be. Oddly enough her chaotic nature appears to satisfy her. She is not otherworldy in terms of attractiveness, honestly she is mundane. Plain. Aside from her musculature and the unnatural pulse of fiery blue in her eyes, Nikoky would not stand out.

Bog living is no easy feat. Nikoky is a filthy animal who looks like she crawled out of a cave covered in webs and, weirdly enough, soot then forcefully integrated herself into society by applying herself where she proficient. She's a creature of habit in her social environment but walks every field of thought and trail of practice in her workspace regardless of morality.

Height 5'4"
Body Type Well-built
Weight 128 lbs.
Body Shape Petite

Voice Tori Amos
Most notably, Nikoky's smoky dual toned voice carries a lilt of a rich Thalassian accent. Regularly she speaks at a low, calculated volume. Despite her ability to project her voice, she hates to do so.
Handwriting Left Handed
She scrawls in an elegant, neat cursive and pens in distinct characters. She has a habit of leaving her pen on the paper too long.

An averagely tall elf with dirty red hair and olive skin. Nikoky is keen on presenting herself as physically capable in spite of her small stature as a Sin'dorei.

Starting from her head, she has bushy, curly, dark coppery hair the reaches her middle back. It's intrinsically unkempt state conceals her right ear, which has been halfed by a jagged blade early in her undeath. Her left ear is unscathed in comparison. Unfortunately the left side of her face is not unmarred, a line of scar tissue scores her skin from the crown of head to the side of her nose. The color of her eyes draws attention away from her imperfections, as their ethereal glow fogs and sparks, a dark spot of blue in her otherwise crystalized irises indicates the existence of pupils. Her hair is frequently adventuring her face, obscuring it from view whenever she tilts her head.

Beneath her clothing is a burly, sinewy body. In some odd sense of fate her undeath has not withered her away, the forces of her affliction pulse underneath her skin. Her anatomy intact, the various muscle groups in her body flex with her movement. Scars litter her olive skin, the most signifcant of them veiled beneath her overshirt. The fatal wound which put upon her a new, alien and undesired condition remains staunchly present on her chest. She scratches at her ribs occasionally, acknowledging the scars reality.

The lines of age show on her face and boney hands. She was in the prime of her life when she fell. Her hands are a laborers and the crow's feet kissing her eyes tell of a happy life.


Nikoky wears breathable clothing for practical reasons soley. From day to day she wears dusky leather trousers and a white cloth undershirt, a utility belt with a knife, small pick, paper and charcoal, a pair of comfortable, well-worn steel toed leather boots, and fingerless leather gloves. If ever she deviates from her usual attire it's to put her more... tactical abilitles to practice.

Plate is uncomfortable and heavy, Nikoky finds it restricting. The only time she employs plate is when equipping greaves, boots and gloves. Her weapon of choice is typically a polearm or two-handed axe. She favors a particular polearm of Pandaren craft. It has a sleek grip with feather tassles and a sharp silver edge. If ever she uses an axe, it doesn't matter what it is, so long as it can cut through bone.

Nikoky was a vain person in life, and in death she has disowned her vanity for the sake of practicality. Work is to be done, there's no time to play around with finesse and frivolous expenses. However... she does indulge in her favorite colors: green and red.


On her index and middle finger of her right hand, Nikoky wears three identical silver bands, she switches them from finger to finger often. On the left hand her ring finger still dons a gold band, suggesting she's remains coupled.

A silver chain with various charms loops around her neck, consisting of the head of a lynx baring its teeth encirlced by a triad of crow's feathers, a small, simple gold dagger and the emblen of the Ebon Hold. Notably the first charm is worn and there appears to be cuts along its surface.

Body Modifications

Nikoky has a myriad of scars. Her body is covered in them. She was once a war machine, to put it aptly. The most prominent, or easiest to see, includes the across her face, along the right side of her neck and chest.

She has one piercing on the lobe of her left ear, it's a plain silver stud. She has no other piercings.

Design Notes
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Positive Traits
Calm Intelligent Benign Respectful Approachable
Neutral Traits
Patient Studious Introverted Visionary Morose
Negative Traits
Dishonored Vengeful Fierce Alarmist Quixotic

Nikoky longs, daresay yearns, to define the purpose of life in death. She desires to capture an audience with her literature, fictional or otherwise.
Nik's hopes are unclear. Her death and the affliction she fell prey to thereafter starved her hopes. The past is dead. She once wished to meet her heart in the most pleasant of afterlifes. If ever asked about hope, she is flippant and dismissive.
Nikoky dreams seldomly. Sometimes, during long stays in dark forests where the song of hooting animals, she dreams of feeling the sun on her skin again. She dreams of hot tea and lit hearths and the chime of her heart's laughter.

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  • Everything unexplored or undiscovered
  • Un'Goro Crater, Nazmir and Vol'dun
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Friendship, she enjoys feeling bonded with others'
  • Literature, non-fiction
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Complacency, or the refusal to change
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, beatae debitis assumenda praesentium dolorum molestias adipisci harum, impedit aperiam, reprehenderit blanditiis delectus consectetur ea sequi quasi a ex enim! Consectetur!
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, beatae debitis assumenda praesentium dolorum molestias adipisci harum, impedit aperiam, reprehenderit blanditiis delectus consectetur ea sequi quasi a ex enim! Consectetur!
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Box won't scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam, magnam vero dignissimos iure, porro reiciendis amet laudantium modi odit et sint vitae obcaecati quidem quia delectus voluptas eligendi fugiat corrupti?

Skill Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?
Ability Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?
Talent Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?

Pretty much none of the boxes here (except for main card, obv) will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam, magnam vero dignissimos iure, porro reiciendis amet laudantium modi odit et sint vitae obcaecati quidem quia delectus voluptas eligendi fugiat corrupti?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?

Fun Facts
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum, unde eius. Officia, nihil! Perferendis aliquam ipsam, facilis vero quaerat officiis iste soluta quos laboriosam quibusdam quis incidunt nisi reprehenderit totam.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed ducimus expedita quia impedit voluptas pariatur dolores doloribus, amet, totam officia facere, autem alias deleniti. Facere ducimus commodi iste non aspernatur.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi veniam perspiciatis odio harum molestias placeat consequatur inventore illo, suscipit quia omnis officiis optio quae sit dolor recusandae explicabo ullam.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga perspiciatis assumenda quod consectetur cumque, deserunt nesciunt et commodi laudantium maiores debitis, quibusdam nostrum dolorem, dolores vel sed suscipit quae facere.
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  • Just stuff the character likes to do.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Morals, philosophy, stuff like that. I couldn't think of a good icon to use, lol—
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Content. Character's favorite stuff.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis ab recusandae doloribus qui vel vero. Soluta dolorem, iste, ullam, fuga dolores quibusdam delectus numquam repellendus alias inventore explicabo ducimus debitis.
  • Content. Stuff your character has. Weapons, important valuables, and so on.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, beatae debitis assumenda praesentium dolorum molestias adipisci harum, impedit aperiam, reprehenderit blanditiis delectus consectetur ea sequi quasi a ex enim! Consectetur!
  • Content.

Taqq  Friend - Romantic Interest

"I am grateful for your kinship, Taqq. It is... a lightness I feel is unfair, for a creaute like me." Taqq is irreplaceable to Nikoky. They trust Taqq entirely, with their soul and body. She is not actively pursuing Taqq. They prioritize their studies, emotions are frivolous. It is fun to flirt, though.

Alriavette  Ally

"Alriavette, you are fascinating. Something that runs in your blood calls to me and I am so very inclined to answer... it. I'm wishful with you. I believe it would be beneficial for us both to befriend one another." Nikoky has an inkling as to what ails Alriavette. She isn't sure exactly what plagues her, but her curiosity eats at her mind. They are desperate to know more about Alriavette.

Nevaro  Ally

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

Vidallas  Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

Name  [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

Author's Trivia
  • This is where you, the creator of this character, will write about character stuff. I dunno. Talk about how your character started off, your development of said character, your first drafts, your unhealthy attachment—anything. W r i t e.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed ducimus expedita quia impedit voluptas pariatur dolores doloribus, amet, totam officia facere, autem alias deleniti. Facere ducimus commodi iste non aspernatur.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi veniam perspiciatis odio harum molestias placeat consequatur inventore illo, suscipit quia omnis officiis optio quae sit dolor recusandae explicabo ullam.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga perspiciatis assumenda quod consectetur cumque, deserunt nesciunt et commodi laudantium maiores debitis, quibusdam nostrum dolorem, dolores vel sed suscipit quae facere.
  • Content.

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  • Sax Rohmer #1 - The Mountain Goats
  • She's Gone - Daryll Hall & John Oates
  • Be Calm - fun.
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  • The characters, books, personal experiences, whatever that made this character poof into existence.
  • Contemt.
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  • Content.