


1 year, 9 months ago



"Interesting... I'll look into that."
Basic Info

Name Lukas "Luka"
Age 25
Gender Male
BirthdaySeptember 30th
Height 5'10" / 178 cm
Weight 176 lbs / 80 kg
Ear Type Canine (Hound)
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Rookie Detective
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 9382
Value $35 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • He wears dark colored gloves on both hands.
  • His paw tattoo is only on his right / our left wrist, he only has one tattoo.
  • Please color-pick off his reference!
  • The metal tag on his stocking doesn't say anything, it's just a blank metal tag.
  • His harness is not optional.

  • Most of the cases he works are missing persons cases, but occasionally he gets assigned unrelated cases.
  • His success rate is one of the highest in his area, which has made him a rather popular detective. He sometimes receives pleas to work on old cold cases from grieving families, and he always accepts them. Because of these factors, he's usually very busy.
  • He prefers to spend the few moments he has outside of work catching up on much needed sleep, so he doesn't really have many non-work friends. However, he likes to check in on people he's helped from old cases, whenever he has the time.

For the majority of his life, Luka was a smug and cocky individual. Always confident in himself and his skills, perhaps to an obnoxious degree. While he certainly held himself in high regard, he also had the skill to back it up. Determined, dedicated, and loyal, Luka is well suited to his chosen career path. He's highly analytical and finds problem solving to be exciting. Highly attentive to detail and keenly aware of his surroundings, Luka isn't one to be easily caught off guard by an assailant... However, he's painfully blind to his shortcomings and inadequacies. After a particularly harrowing first job assignment, though, Luka has been able to change his tune a bit. While he still exceeds all expectations at his job, he's also been humbled a bit. He now exudes more of a true passion to assist the victims in his cases, rather than wanting to just prove himself and his skills. Additionally, he's able to acknowledge that he still has a lot of learning left to do, and while he's good at his job he can also admit that he's not flawless.


  • Rainy days
  • Early mornings
  • Cafés
  • Perfecting new skillsets

  • Busywork
  • Cold drinks
  • Dropping cases
  • Bright colors

Luka had always wanted to be a detective. Captivated by crime dramas and investigative pieces in his youth, he always admired the keen intelligence of the detectives able to unravel such stories first hand. As such, he worked hard to achieve his dream. While he had to study a good amount in his young adult years, this studying put him leaps and bounds ahead of his peers. The gap between his skill level and that of his peers proceeded to contribute negatively to his ego. He was a know-it-all, believed himself to be the best of the best, insurmountably more talented and gifted than those around him. His smug attitude didn't win him many friends, but his excellent resume reeking of high attention to detail and his many achievements allowed him to gain employment at the most highly respected detective agency in his region. He, of course, let this job placement even further inflate his ego, and upon walking in for his first day of the job, his smug and snarky attitude had won him a healthy amount of disdainful glances from his new coworkers.

His coworkers and superiors couldn't deny the kid had skill and would be a valuable addition to their team, but... his attitude had to go. They decided to assign him his very first case - a missing person's case, gone cold and with no leads. They hoped to drill into him the cold realities of their work: not everyone can be saved or found, even if you're the best in the room. Luka, being ever the confident rookie, gladly took the seemingly impossible case, hoping to make a powerful impression on his superiors with his natural ability. Luka would soon find the case to be much harder than anticipated.. Though he never let his determination falter. He came in to the office early mornings and stayed late nights, combing over every possible piece of evidence, following up on every supposedly inconsequential lead they'd received on the case, and examining every last crevice of the victim's life. He refused to believe in the possibility that this case couldn't be solved. He left no stone unturned. His unwillingness to let the case rest did, in fact, impress his superiors. Despite all the big talk of his natural ability and his smug attitude, he truly did possess the analytical grit necessary to exceed in this profession. It was clear that nothing occupied Luka's attention more than this case, even when he was technically off the clock. One evening, late at night as Luka was drifting off to sleep, a realization hit him. He was reminded of a connection that had been overlooked and pushed aside at the very beginning of the investigation... it certainly wasn't a smoking gun, but it was enough to point his attention in the direction of a potentially implicated third party.

Luka brought this new discovery to the attention of his superiors the following morning. However, they didn't seem to think it amounted to anything. They did allow him to pursue it, though, as they hoped it would put the nail in the coffin for the cold status of this case. Much to their collective surprise, it turned into Luka discovering something larger than he'd ever imagined. This missing person's case was a kidnapping, centered around his estranged brother, who hadn't been related to him by blood. In fact, it would be a bit of a stretch to call them related at all, considering the two hadn't met until the elder had brought the victim to court over his parents' last will and testament. CCTV footage was found of the victim meeting up with the suspect, getting into a car with him, and never being seen again. The suspect, however, had an active public presence, and was easy to keep tabs on. Luka committed himself to tailing the suspect for several days at varying times, and after a solid month of watching, he unearthed something larger than he'd ever imagined.

Luka ended up tailing the suspect straight to an underground fighting ring. The suspect and supposed leader of the ring was literally operating the ring underground. From the outside, the building looked like an abandoned warehouse, but upon sneaking in, Luka discovered lower levels housing caged-in rings, seating, live broadcasting equipment, and cells for the unwilling participants. Once he figured out what the building's true purpose was, Luka was smart - instead of trying to play the hero, he snuck back out to call for backup. By this point, this case was so important to him that his ego had taken a back seat. If he messed this up, real lives were at stake, so he had to be careful with it. After explaining the situation to an absolutely bewildered team, Luka managed to get plenty of backup to the location, and the team successfully retrieved the participants. Following some soft questioning, it was easy to tell that none of the participants were there willingly. Some were recognized from missing persons cases, some had no cases at all, and some didn't even legally exist. As the team began to process all of the participants, Luka couldn't help but notice that the odds were not in his victim's favor... Of all the bodies found, the only live ones were tall, muscular, and practically built like wrestlers. His victim was much smaller than them all, and certainly didn't have the mass to give him an upper hand... Luka's outlook was bleak, to say the least.

Until he saw someone with dark hair, long floppy ears, and a small physique looking a bit lost in the midst of the rescued. Luka rushed to get a better look, relief making its way into his features as he could positively identify his missing person. Greeting him, he introduced himself and invited him over to a quieter area to answer some questions for him... He was surprised to find that he didn't want to leave another rescued fighter's side, though. Inviting the other person to come along, Luka got the two of them comfortable and asked a few questions of the stranger, but many questions to his missing person. Once it seemed like he'd asked all the questions they could handle, he offered to get them set up in a hotel for the night, and invited them in to his office in the morning. Luka returned to the office that evening to widespread pride and recognition from his superiors - he'd done something they all couldn't. And while they were expecting him to be rather smug about it, he surprised them with his humbleness. Despite the case not resulting in the expected outcome, it seemed that his superiors had in fact managed to humble him.

Over the following weeks, Luka did everything he could to help with the aftermath of his big case, including meeting with Benji and Ford regularly for more information or to just check in and see how they were doing. They'd become close to him through the ordeal, and Luka had grown fond of them in return. He went above and beyond, managing to get them everything they needed to start a normal life again, and once the case was formally closed, Luka was even able to return to Benji his parents' old home that he'd lost in court. He still visits their cafe sometimes, and even got a paw print tattoo on his inner forearm to commemorate both his first case, and the kinship he'd found through it. Nowadays, Luka works hard to help anyone who seeks his assistance, and has managed to make quite a name for himself in his field despite his relative rookie status.

World Info

Luka lives in a world fairly similar to our own, where dainties exist and while they aren't rare, they aren't common either. He lives in an apartment towards the middle of a large city. The city, though seemingly safe on the surface, houses darker operations. People of all ages routinely go missing, never to be seen again. Luka works tirelessly on cases of all kinds, though most of his experience lies in missing persons cases. He can often be found around the city, following new leads and watching for more clues.




Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
First Case
Benji's disappearance was the first case Luka was ever assigned. After helping him, they've grown close, and often visit each other to catch up. Luka checks on him often.
Unintentional Case
When working Benji's case, Luka had no idea he'd also end up working with a person who didn't even seem to legally exist. Luka pulled many strings to get Ford what he needed so that he and Benji could live together peacefully. He checks in on him often and cares about him very much.