
1 year, 10 months ago


The mind is like a vast ocean, It's easy to get lost
Young adult (22 EYO/7.3 CYO)
9th September
Candyfloss - Peppermintfloss
  • Hair combing
  • Naps
  • Chatting with others
  • Cuddling
  • His ability
  • Being hurt
  • Being alone for too long
  • Having nothing to do

Silas is someone who is easily excitable and can come across as quite talkative depending on who he's talking too. He's a good listener for those who also wish to chat a lot or just have stories to tell due to his curiosity and his want to keep himself distracted from his thoughts (and the thoughts he hears from others). Sometimes however, when things get too overwhelming for him whether emotionally or mentally, he'll retreat and become less talkative, often speaking in cryptic meanings or phrase his words weirdly, as if in a daze and holding no sense of how to form sentences coherently. Like this, he tends to be aimless in topic and his direction when walking, smile constantly on his face.

Silas is someone who tends to come across as passive, often choosing not to fight by either talking things out verbally or choosing to flee from the area. He's the kind of floss to accept fate as it happens, an example being if he were to wind up ganged up on while out and about- If it happens then it happens, he won't change it even if things go south. Morally, he's grey. He won't hurt anyone however he will still allow his friends and family to hurt others, accepting it as it happens since to him it is merely fate or karma. He's easy to get along with despiet everything, even if he can come across as odd at times.

  • Silas cannot control his ability too well, even with practice all his life. He constantly hears the thoughts of others, sometimes flashes of memories if he's highly focused on a floss.
  • He's almost drowned twice when younger, which some have noticed was when his ability began to derail. Some say it's caused longer lasting personality and mental effects.
  • Due to his weaponless nature, he usually relies on what he hears through other's thoughts in order to use the information against people if needed. It comes in handy when needing to blackmail to get his way but sometimes it doesn't work.
  • His love for art is highly noticeable, however some have yet to notice the paint he uses is actually blood from floss. (He does not do any deeds in collecting, Aurelia, Valen and Damianos do the collecting for him).
  • Silas is inspired by S.K.Michels' version of Renfield from their Dracula animatic on Youtube. (:3 I highly recommend watching, it's good).




Valen is Silas' older brother. Valen looks out for him whenever possible and visits often, being quite protective of him. The two get along incredibly well despite the darker business Valen tends to get up to.




Aurelia took Silas in when he was a bit younger, acting as his new mother figure. She's incredibly protective of him but treats him well, often bringing shiny gifts and plush petpets. He calls her master out of habit, but she lets him as it makes her happy. The two are very close and consider each other family (flock in Aurelia's case).

Uncle figure



Damianos is a family friend who took on an uncle-like role in Silas' life. The two weren't the closest in the past but ever since Aurelia took him in, the two have grown to talk more often and started to get along a lot more. Like the others, Damianos is protective of Silas, often harming those who threaten the floss. The two see each other as family.