


1 year, 10 months ago


Are you alright, my little fledgling?
Lia, Crow mother
46 EYO / 15.3 CYO
April 27th
Candyfloss - Sugarfloss
  • Caring for others
  • Baking
  • Reading to others
  • Shiny things
  • Her fledglings fleeing
  • Loud and crowded places
  • The cold/winter
  • Being denied

Aurelia is a gentle and patient floss that holds a lot of care for those she meets and takes into her flock. She does her best to remain calm no matter the circumstances, even when the other floss is purposefully trying to make her upset. She loves all of her fledglings dearly no matter who they are or the background they come from. However something to note is that she can grow highly protective, terrified they'll get hurt sometime if they were to leave the nest. Their home. She doesn't handle rejection well nor when her fledglings wish to leave her behind, often growing cold and shutting the talk down or changing the topics. She just wants her fledglings where she knows they are safe and cared for but give her time and she'll open up to letting them spread their wings and leave. She means well.

Aurelia has an odd kind of mannerism according to most floss that come across her, especially to how she speaks. She replaces words with things you'd normally associate with birds, such as fledglings when referencing the floss she has taken under her wing or her flock when referencing them all as a family. Some floss says she even acts somewhat like a bird, using pillows and blankets to create a nest of sorts rather than using a bed, or using claw-like jewellery on her fingers to mimic talons. Even down to letting out noises that mimic that of warbles and chirps. Everyone can agree that while she is a lovely floss to be around, she certainly is incredibly odd.

  • She takes in anyone of any age who needs a home and someone to care for them. Good luck trying to leave.
  • She calls those she brings into her home ‘her fledglings’, some chalk it up to it being a little family nickname, especially when she refers to the family as ‘her flock’. Most of these come from bird terms.




Silas is someone she had taken in a few years ago when he needed a new home. She considers him her little fledgling and does whatever she can to make him happy, often reading for him and supplying him with art stuff. They are very close.




Valen is someone Aurelia met somewhat recently through Silas due to being related. She doesn't know him as well but they are on speaking terms, which while he is not as fond of her, she wishes to take him away too her nest so he can join the flock. He doesn't want to join but she'll find a way eventually.




Damianos is someone Aurelia considers as a pest. Neither of them get along well unless its to put on a facade in front of Silas or when they have too. They met due to Damianos wanting too take Silas in but was beaten too it, thus leaving bitter feelings. Aurelia would rather Damianos lie in a ditch than talk to him.