
1 year, 9 months ago


Lepto is a wolf. You probably already figured that one out.

What separates him from your standard wolf, however, is his…let’s call it “elasticity.” You ever seen those Roadrunner cartoons, where the coyote gets exploded, flattened, or stretched in one scene, then he’s fine in the next? Lepto can do that too. He often gets beaten to a pulp by something or other, but he always recovers.

He makes his living as a villain sidekick. You ever seen a Bond-type supervillain turn around in a big chair, and they’re stroking a cat or something? Lepto fills the role of the cat, with the added novelty of being ordered around by his boss. Despite his villainous position, he’s always looking to save as many people as possible without alerting his evil boss. This often leads to cartoonish misunderstandings that end with Lepto in a cast. You ever seen those Animaniacs segments with the dog and the baby, where the dog runs after the baby trying to keep it safe? You guessed it: Lepto’s the dog.