Evan Antoine Lafleur



6 years, 3 months ago




π™Άπ™΄π™½π™³π™΄πš: Male.

𝙰𝙢𝙴: 23

π™·π™΄π™Έπ™Άπ™·πšƒ: 5’11

π™°π™»π™Έπ™°πš‚: Evan

π™Ώπšπ™Ύπ™½π™Ύπš„π™½πš‚: He

π™Ύπšπ™Έπ™΄π™½πšƒπ™°πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½: Heterosexual

πš‚π™Ώπ™΄π™²π™Έπ™΄πš‚: Fleuvelier

π™°π™²πšƒπ™Έπš…π™Έπšƒπšˆ: Active/In Use

πš‚πšƒπ™°πšƒπš„πš‚: Not for Sale

π™±π™Ύπ™³πšˆΒ  π™Ώπš‚πšˆπ™²π™·π™΄Β 











1 = Hardly | 5 = Average | 10 = Nearly Divine | 11 = Godly


Evan was born a friendly and cheerful boy who wanted to get along with everyone and was curious about everything. As a child, he would bombard anyone and everyone with every questions he could think of. He was a caring and mature child who could easily distinguish one’s expressions and inner feelings. He always tried to care for them. He was optimistic and believed anything could be possible if he put in the effort.

He is brave and devoted. He would accomplish a task at all cost and despised leaving things unfinished. His stubbornness was both a quality and a fault. He still remains the kind hearted and altruistic person that he was when he was younger and treats everyone the same way, and became quite a lady charmer. His smiles make it hard for someone to see his true feelings asdoes not show any anger or sadness to anyone.


Evan was born and raised by his knight father and citizen mother in the Mihmir Kingdom, a kingdom situated by the waterfront and well known for its cerulean ocean view and calming sea breeze. Due to its proximity to ports, many trades are made which explains its high population of dancer fleuveliers compared to other kingdoms. Merchants stalls were mostly situated near the port, which quickly became Evan’s favourite place to go. It was always beaming with energy. In his childhood years, the young boy would wander around and spend all his pocket money on diverse foods, artisanal artefacts, as well as dance shows. He had a close relationship with his father who was a respected knight of the kingdom and his role model. His father inspired him to become a knight and protect the peaceful kingdom that he cherished dearly.

At the age of nine, Evan witnessed the fall of his beloved kingdom. The once prosperous kingdom deteriorated when Mihmir’s powers weakened and flood hit the city. Much of the kingdom was damaged and many of the citizens and dancers living near the waterfront lost all their property. Economy hit rock bottom and the once proud and skilled dancers lost their jobs, making them resort to thievery and assassination. The kingdom that was once warm and peaceful was thrown into chaos. Not only were the commoners affected, the royals also became more corrupted. Thirst for power and riches grew, fuelling royal families to plot against each other, going as far as hiring assassins to gain another’s wealth. The fall of Mihmir was a turning point in Evan’s life. He no longer was the innocent child that he was. He witnessed fleuveliers at their lowest and saw that the world was not as perfect as he thought it was. He became more distant and closed his heart to others, not willing to show any weaknesses for his own safety. However, the longing for the kingdom he called home persisted and he deeply wanted to restore it. He made himself the promise that he will play a role in its restoration. Not long after, he read about a myth from a traveller merchant: if you wrote down your deepest wish, folded it into a flower, and let it float away in the ocean, the God Mihmir would see it and seek to the realization of your wish. That same day, he wished upon a folded edelweiss that he will become a knight who will maintain peace and be loved by all. Thanks to his father’s training and hard work, he was able to achieve a position of a knight just like he had wished so. His love for the kingdom’s commoners was also the reason why he did not take part of a binding ceremony; he wished to serve the people who brightened his childhood experience, not the upper class royals.


YingyuΒ | LoversΒ Β 1582274?1517599200

A blurb about how these characters are related or what your character thinks of this character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit Β ipsum orci, vel efficitur elit sollicitudin non. Nulla a tellus quam. Β Vestibulum ex leo, iaculis a venenatis ac, convallis rhoncus enim. Etiam Β at faucibus magna, vitae elementum dolor. Mauris nec libero elementum Β nunc fermentum accumsan. Vestibulum sit amet tempus nulla, eget pharetra Β lectus. Sed eu augue ligula. Curabitur non elementum magna. Aliquam Β dolor dolor, hendrerit a accumsan id, elementum eu nisi. Praesent non Β porttitor dui.

DellingerΒ | Best friendsΒ Β 1712246?

A blurb about how these characters are related or what your character thinks of this character.Β Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit Β ipsum orci, vel efficitur elit sollicitudin non. Nulla a tellus quam. Β Vestibulum ex leo, iaculis a venenatis ac, convallis rhoncus enim. Etiam Β at faucibus magna, vitae elementum dolor. Mauris nec libero elementum Β nunc fermentum accumsan. Vestibulum sit amet tempus nulla, eget pharetra Β lectus. Sed eu augue ligula. Curabitur non elementum magna. Aliquam Β dolor dolor, hendrerit a accumsan id, elementum eu nisi. Praesent non Β porttitor dui.


  • Triva, or other important information you want people to know about your character.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit Β ipsum orci, vel efficitur elit sollicitudin non.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit Β ipsum orci, vel efficitur elit sollicitudin non.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit Β ipsum orci, vel efficitur elit sollicitudin non.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit Β ipsum orci, vel efficitur elit sollicitudin non.

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