


1 year, 9 months ago


Evelune Skyheart

Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious

A half-danlun child, Evelune spent the latter half of her childhood growing up in the peaceful orchards of Aurumdale Village. She has a knack for adventure and loves the thrill of encountering the unknown. In other words, she can hardly sit still when she knows there's a whole world beyond the mountains for her to explore.

Family History

After allying with the rebel merfolk during the Burning of Serenity Forest, the danluns were blamed by other land races for instigating the Merfolk War. Following the Burning, danluns who resided on the continent of Dranear were hunted to near extinction. History books called them nightfiends, erased their culture, and taught the next generations that the nightfiends were a malevolent race of beings cast aside by their mother, the Moon Queen herself.

Evelune's mother was a survivor of that initial genocide. While disguised as a human, she fell in love with a man whom she trusted enough to share her secret with. Together, they travelled the land and settled on the outskirts of a peaceful town where they raised Evelune.


Evelune was originally born in the outskirts of a town several miles away from Aurumdale. Her danlun mother fell in love with a human man but because such relations were forbidden among both species, they ran far away from home before starting a family. Their neighbors knew about the hybrid child they were raising, but fortunately none of them cared enough to do anything about it. Thanks to this, Evelune was able to wander around her neighborhood while only attracting the strange gaze here and there. Meanwhile, her parents doted on her and homeschooled her. They prioritized teaching her about human culture and etiquette, which resulted in her regrettable not learning much about her danlun heritage other than her inherent ability to swim through shadows into the Abyss.

However, those peaceful days were not meant to last. When Evelune was six, merfolk ransacked the town and found her family's home while they were having dinner. The moment they intruded, her father grabbed a knife from the kitchen and defended his family. He bought Evelune and her mother time to escape, but he was fatally wounded before he could make it outside with them. Evelune's mother tried to reason with the merfolk, saying that danluns and merfolk used to be allies as lunar-aligned races, but the merfolk didn't listen. With no choice but to fight, her mother connected to the night's darkness and fended them off. The merfolk fled, but not before setting their house on fire with Evelune's father still trapped inside.

Her mother wanted to save him, the man she loved so dearly. Evelune protested that it wasn't worth it. He gave his life to save them, and she did not want to risk losing both of her parents in one night. Instead of agreeing to leave, her mother told her to shadowdive and swim far, far away, because she wasn't leaving while her husband was still alive. She ran into the house, and moments later, the roof collapsed. Neither of her parents emerged from the wreckage.

Devastated, Evelune dove into the Abyss and swam, desperate to escape the burning terror and trauma hounding after her. In her frantic escape, she nearly suffocated in Abyss' liquid darkness multiple times. After an hour, she emerged from the Abyss, only to pass out in front of a newlywed couple's doorstep in Aurumdale. One of them heard Evelune collapse outside their porch and took her inside. This couple would end up becoming her adopted parents.


danlun Half-Blood

She only has access to some abilities from her danlun bloodline such as shadowdiving.


Shadowdiving is the ability to utilize any shadow as a portal into the Abyss, a parallel dimension only accessible to danluns and beings of darkness. She often uses this ability in combat to surprise opponents, and it's extremely useful for getting away. Physically, she is slower and less nimble than the average danlun, but her human blood allows her to pack more muscle, making her sturdier and allowing her to pack a punch. She also has good hearing and night vision.
While she is bad at strategizing under normal circumstances, her cleverness shines when under pressure. For this, she credits her good instincts.


danluns are able to breathe in the Abyss, but Evelune cannot due to her human blood. In addition, she is completely missing the power to manipulate darkness as a physical entity. Because her eyes are sensitive to light, she wears sun-goggles to protect them during the day.

  • Exploring, especially dark places
  • Stargazing
  • Golden colors
  • Anything with melted butter on it
  • Shady forests with lots of wildlife
  • Hot, sunny days
  • Studying, waiting, anything that requries her to sit still
  • Black cats
  • Fish (people)
  • Slimy things (like fish)

  • She can swim through the literal darkness of the Abyss, but she's really bad at swimming through actual water.
  • Full-blooded danluns have four arms and two long moth antennae that fall down from the back of their heads. The traits she inherited from her mother are: yellow eyes were star-shaped pupils, grey skin, white hair, and pointed bat-like ears.


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Age 17
Pronouns She/her
Gender Female
Sexuality Pansexual
Role Protagonist