Ezra (Voice Lines)



 HelloI'm Ezra. If you ever need help you can count on me. I can survive every situation. How can I be sure? Well... Nothing has killed me yet?
When It Rains
As long as it doesn't get too windy, we don't really have to worry about catching a cold.
When Thunder StrikesI don't see this kind of storm very often... I like it.
When It SnowsDon't worry, it's still too light to become a storm.
When the Sun Is OutThis weather always calms me. Unfortunately it never lasts too long in my homeland.
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good NightGood Night. You can rest, I will keep guard. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine.
About Ezra: 
About Ezra: HeartlessI've been dedicating my life to rescuing people for a while now, but a lot of people still call me heartless. I guess it's hard to change people's perception once they've made up their mind. I supose my time in the abyss is always going to haunt me one way or another.
About Us: 
About Us:  Friendship Lv. 6

About the Vision Friendship Lv. 4
Does my vision mean the Tsaritsa appreciates my efforts to change? Or is it just her way of saying I'll always be cold hearted? I guess I'll never know...
Something to Share Friendship Lv. 4

Interesting Things
About Fatui Friendship Lv. 6
I have cut all my ties and have no sympathy for them or the Tsaritsa. They're as much my enemies as they are yours.
About Childe Friendship Lv. 4
 That's what he goes by these days? Yeah... I know him, well, I used to. We were friends, once upon a time. We took different paths, but I don't think I'd ever be able to dislike him. 
About Ezra Friendship Lv. 5

About Lisa Friendship Lv. 4

About Bennett Friendship Lv. 4
That unlucky kid? I have found him in some weird places before... I've been called by the guild multiple times just because the kid went missing or got stuck in some weirdly inconvenient place. Honestly, if he just stayed home it would probably be better for everybody.
About Beidou Friendship Lv. 4

About Cyno Friendship Lv. 4
I met him a while ago, when I was bringing some people back from the desert to the Bimarstan. He is... Funny? I suppose? Although, he insisted in explaining all of his jokes... I guess my poker face wasn't enough of a reaction for him. At least our lack of expressions is something we have in common.
About Dainsleif Friendship Lv. 4

About Kaedehara Kazuha  Friendship Lv. 4

About Venti Friendship Lv. 4

More About Ezra: I
More About Ezra: II Friendship Lv. 3

More About Ezra: III Friendship Lv. 4

More About Ezra: IV Friendship Lv. 5

More About Ezra: V Friendship Lv. 6

Ezra's Hobbies
Ezra's Troubles 
Favorite FoodI like meat. Besides being easy to gather during storms, It's always been my favorite.
Least Favorite FoodI'd eat pretty much anything, but I guess I don't eat too many sweets. I prefer salty things.
Receiving a Gift: IOh. That IS very good. I guess you really are a man/woman of many talents.
Receiving a Gift: IIThank you. I'll always appreciate a good meal.
Receiving a Gift: IIIThis is not... Exactly to my liking, but food is food.
Feelings About Ascension: Intro Ascension Phase 1

Feelings About Ascension: Building Up Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion Ascension Phase 6