Marcel (AU: Cyborg)



- a criminal in futuristic times
- kidnapped and brought onto a spatial experimentation center, to where he was tweaked and experimented on.
  • added a sort of electronic database into his cerebrum, a sort of USB that allows input from computers through a private cloud.
  • made him more charming to those with simpler minds
  • added to his previous knowledge of parkour, muay thai, krav maga
  • downloaded weaponry knowledge into his DNA's "database"
  • Marcel's tail was strengthened to the point where it was fully prehensile, plus it became strong enough to drag a fully grown man.
- they found out he was not quite an Earthling human, as he had distant DNA from those of an animalistic alien species.
  • his tail and ears were able to be retracted and hidden quite easily as a form of camouflage, a helpful genetic trait passed down through generations of his alien ancestors surviving on Earth (and specifically in Cynage).
  • his alien ancestors have all been wiped out, as they were primitive yet sentient animals who didn't know the difference between friend and foe. they didn't forget to procreate with their slaves, creating a "mutt" with both human and animal characteristics.
- released back on Earth after experimentation with the purpose of [REDACTED]
  • his orders are given from those he has never met, but he follows his assignments with the hope that perhaps his servitude may someday be lifted and he'd be able to live a proper, normal life again.
  • "clients" and "coworkers" are obviously the absolute assholes and lowest of the low in Cynage; constantly roughhousing and hurting him whether it's because his service is "too slow" or "not good enough."
- despite technically being a cyborg and "above" pure humans, he's still treated like crap

- ultimately reserved and timid yet majorly respectful because of his past experiences
- feels like people are out to get him (which, to be fair, they are considering his status)
- constantly tiptoeing around others
- tries to make good first impressions and doesn't allow himself to show his pain
- distrustful until shown otherwise.
- frustrated that he's never listened to; his opinions aren't valued, and even when he gives good advice, it is almost never taken