Bazyl ☼



6 years, 3 months ago


  • Bazyl

  • Age 315
  • Gender male
  • Race Human - Dragon Spirit
  • Role Main Character
  • Story 12 Heirs

"This is my chance to make it up to him and I will not fail"

Personality:very organized, Proud, doesn't especially like anyone except for his ward, Aaron (an heir), especially dislikes Rinarime, likes clean environments, uses holy/ white magic, while he was still 100 percent human, he was a priest of the Church of the Dragon Spirit, easily irritated by anyone other than Aaron,

was granted strength by the great Dragon Spirit. Is the guardian of the Heir, Aaron.

Design Notes and Art Permissions

eye color: bright green

hair color: extremely pale blonde

- Minor Gore/Blood is okay (try to keep it related to battle)

- Otherwise no NSFW art

-Try to stay in character if possible. Feel free to interpret

-Changing his clothes is allowed/ encouraged

-He can make his wings appear/disappear at will on his human form.

-his physical appearance stopped aging at the age of 15 (but I tend to draw him older, like 19/20, so feel free to draw him at either)

-Feel free to draw him with any of the characters in links, any of my characters, or even with your ocs if you have an idea.


DoB: date of birth
Origin: where they from
Height: how tall
Build: body type
Demeanor: content
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Shape shifting - Humanoid and dragon


light magic


Going Back about 300 years before the beginning of the story, 12 Heirs, when Bazyl was still human

- Born as the second prince in a kingdom in the providence of the great dragon spirit. He got along exceptionally well with his family. Only has one sibling, an elder brother who he was extremely close with.

-Per custom of his country as the second prince, he began training at a monastery at the age of 13 so he could join the priesthood of the Church of the Dragon Spirit as an adult. Bazyl spent most of his time at the monastery and lived in quarters on the premise provided to him. He didn't get to see his family much, but his older brother (who was a bit of a trouble maker) would sometimes sneak out of the royal castle to visit Bazyl at night and they would generally talk for several hours before his brother had to leave. (the royal castle and the monastery were fairly close). This happened regularly.

- When Bazyl was 15, during one of his brother’s visits, his brother managed to convince him to slip out of the monastery to go see something cool in the city. Bazyl decided to go with him. He was surprised to see a festival occurring in the city and the two brothers joined in the festivities. In the early hours of the morning before dawn, they were heading back they were attacked and captured. Bazyl was knocked unconscious and awoke in a barely lit room. He could make out cloaked figures and lit from a strange glow. The glow was from a large magic circle on the floor and he realized with horror that his brother was bound with chains at the center of it. Bazyl watched his brother being killed (note: the spoiler box denotes slightly more specific as to what happened but might be slightly to gruesome for some folk so I'm hiding it)

-Bazyl struggled to get up and make it to him, but he too was bound, at the side of the room. Some of the figures on the side of the room with him noticed he was conscious and forced him to watch as the other cloaked figures slit his brother's neck, pooling blood onto the circle.

-distraught Bazyl could barely process that the terrible scene before him as everything went white. He found himself before a great beast resembling the mural portraying the great dragon spirit. Torn in grief and awed by the site of his people's god, The Great Dragon Spirit told him that he was to protect the current generations heir of the dragon's spirit. Bazyl noticed a puddle like screen depicting a thirteen-year-old boy hiding amidst shadows cast by flame. "This boy is Aaron, he is the one of this generation to inherit my power, and you are to protect him from the Cat Spirit that took the life of your brother. Your life is tied to his, his death is your death." Bazyl found himself next to the boy, in the shadows of a burning manor. The boy looked at Bazyl with awe and fear. Bazyl was unaware that he had been placed in a form of a dragon. Surprised Bazyl lowered his head towards the boy who tentatively touched Bazyl's muzzle, suddenly turning Bazyl to a form much closer to human. Bazyl told the boy, Aaron, that he was there to protect him. They left the site and were able to reunite with Aaron's family that had fled the attacked manor. (note: he is now 300 years in the future)

-several years passed, and Bazyl came to learn that Aaron was treated as an outcast in his family and when Bazyl, clearly not human, appeared with Aaron after the manor was attacked and burned that believed the boy was cursed. Aaron's parents eventually sent him to live in a small manor that they had long abandoned due to unstable relationships the country had with its neighbors. Aaron was seventeen at this time.

- When Aaron was twenty, he and Bazyl were in town when Aaron spotted a childhood friend, Tatyel (*Aaron's family used the manor they currently lived in as a vacation home when Aaron was a child, believed to be cursed even at that time, Aaron never really had friends, but he met another boy Tatyel, a son of one of the housekeepers, who wasn't bothered by the rumors and they played together all summer, they were 8. They haven't seen each other since. Since Aaron doesn't really have friends he remembers the faces of the few he's made very well). When invited to Tatyel's very small apartment for tea, they meet the small rats that Tatyel mentioned had stuck with him in the past seven years. When Aaron went to pet one, it suddenly turned into a ten-year-old child. The same happened to the other two rats. They learned that Tatyel was the heir of the Great Rat Spirit and he too was a target of the Great Cat Spirit. Aaron decided that he would try to find the other Heirs targeted by the Cat, so they could band together.

-Now to the current time, ten years have passed since Bazyl first met Aaron (now age 23). They have found two other heirs besides Tatyel. Its Chrissy, the heir of the Great Rooster Spirit, and her guardian Rydell. And the heir and guardian of the Great Rabbit Spirit. Aaron seems to have a faint sense for the cardinal direction the other heirs are, and the story begins in a town somewhat to the east where Bazyl and Aaron meet Zu, the heir of the Great Dog Spirit, along with her guardians Rinarime and Vratra.


-The initial reason to why Bazyl is so fond of Aaron is that Aaron reminds him of his older bother (who he was very close to). Bazyl was forced to witness his brother (the heir of the dragon spirit from his generation) being sacrificed 300 years ago when Bazyl was still human. He is extremely defensive/ protective of Aaron because he views his position as a guardian as a second chance.

-300 years ago he was the second prince of a kingdom (heavily influenced by irl 1500s western Europe)

-The main reason he dislikes Rinarime so much is that Rin was able to save Vratra (Rin's older half-brother and the previous generation's Heir of the Dog Spirit) and despite that privilege/ ability Rin acts like a fool most of the time.




[ Ward ] The heir of the dragon spirit of this generation, it is Bazyl's duty to protect him. Aaron reminds Bazyl of his dead brother, so he see this as a chance to make up for being powerless to stop his brother's murder.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
