Victor Midas



2 years, 1 month ago


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User Profile

Victor Midas




Aug 19


Victor is extremely short-tempered, and has anger management problems, which he is attempting to solve with a yo-yo, because, as someone once told him, "no one can be mad when they're playing with a yo-yo." Unfortunately, he has gotten rather good at using his yo-yo as a bludgeoning weapon to smack people who make him angry. Victor is a very standoffish man, slow to make friends and quick to cut people off if he feels they are getting too close. He is a man of many secrets and few friends, but the friends he does have, he will be loyal to until the very end.

Victor is the CEO of Golden Sun Finance, a loan agency known for giving loans to those with no other option. Because their clientele is typically untrustworthy and likely to skip out on repaying their debts, Victor is also the leader of the Gold Lions, a street gang thinly disguised as debt collectors. If they don't get the money owed to them, they are known to take a pound of flesh instead, cutting off fingers, hands, or even whole limbs depending on the debt owed. They are able to profit off of this thanks to Victor.

As his name suggests, Victor is afflicted by the Midas Touch - everything he touches turns to gold. Through practice, he was able to focus this ability in order to affect separate parts of a whole, such as creating gold thread instead of turning his clothes into a solid, immovable gold mass.

Victor is much older than he looks. He was born into the royal family way back when the country had a royal family. As a child, he discovered the Midas amulet in the royal treasury, which granted him the "gift" of the Midas Touch, as well as eternal youth. Unfortunately, not knowing what he stumbled upon, Victor turned both the king and queen (his parents) to gold. Afraid of punishment, he ran away, and was soon declared lost to the kingdom. He lived in hiding for centuries, growing excruciatingly slowly. At first, he lived alone in the woods, struggling with his newfound power in order to survive. He had to learn how to handle food without turning it to gold, and how to focus it in order to turn his clothes into gold fabric rather than solid gold so that he can move.

Eventually, he carefully reintegrated himself into society. He wore two pairs of gloves to protect his hands, and was careful not to touch anything. He did odd jobs until he reached his "teenage years," when he was discovered by the previous leader of the Gold Lions. Wanting to protect the boy from being exploited and turned into a golden goose, the leader took him under his wing and groomed him to take over in his stead. He taught Victor that if he doesn't want to be used by people, then he will have to use them first. He said that the only way Victor can remain free and in control of his own power is if he becomes strong enough and ruthless enough that no one would even think to control him.

Victor took these words to heart, and became the ruthless leader of the Gold Lions, and later the CEO of Golden Sun Finance. Although inwardly, he doesn't enjoy his work at all, and takes no pleasure in threatening people or turning them to gold when they don't pay their debts, he is in too deep to back out now, so he keeps a confident demeanor and stands firm in his position, so as not to show any weakness to his subordinates, whom he believes would quickly turn on him if he doesn't provide for them.

Victor has a pet goose that lays golden eggs, which he calls Goldie. At first, she was a nuisance to him, as she kept following him around and getting in the way of business, but after discovering that his Midas Touch does not affect her, Victor has since accepted her as his companion.








Designer Me, bitch

Value All the stars in the sky

Species Human

Species Owner God

Visual Data

  • Any clothes touching his skin is gold.
  • He wears leotard leggings under his pants to prevent his outer pants from turning gold.
  • Pins the right side of his hair back to keep it out of his face.
  • Wears business suits and that's pretty much it.
  • His shoes have heels to make him a bit taller.


Eddison Cassidy

Best Friend

Eddie is a ghost who follows Victor around and occasionally acts as his hidden set of eyes and ears. His soul is bound to a pen that Victor keeps in his breast pocket.

Lawrence West


West is the head detective in the City Police Department, and has dedicated a significant amount of his career to pinning Victor with an actionable crime and seeing him behind bars. Unfortunately for him, Victor is extremely good at covering his tracks. Victor doesn't take him too seriously.

Joxephyn Webber


Although they are not blood-related, Victor considers Joxie to be like his little sister. He looks out for her and helps her whenever she needs it (although that isn't very often).

The Piper


Although Victor and the Piper constantly bicker with each other, they seem to consider each other friends, at least secretly.

User ID >_

Victor Midas
