Palepakoa Bautista



1 year, 10 months ago


 Basic Information

Name: Palepakoa Jay Bautista ... or just Jay, if she doesn't know you.
Gender/Pronouns: she preferz not to label it (she/he)
Age: 25
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5'4" (162cm)
Ethnicity: everyday people wake up and go wash are you going to stop making mixed hawaiian characterz and iiii go no. never. (Hawaiian/Filipino)
D.O.B: July 24 (Leo)


Overview: pointz at him
Positive Traits: Passionate, in the moment, resourceful, thoughtful
Negative Traits: Showoffish, arrogant, shortsighted, impish

 Misc. Information

Likes: :pdance: startz singing
Dislikes: :pdance: keepz singing
Playlist: TBA

 DRRP Information

Talent: Ultimate Pyrotechnician
Game/Fate: TBA
Public Bio: Palepakoa used to be a proper nobody up until a few years ago - someone who went through life without much thought. But lately, sheʻs been making a name for himself at an (and pardon the pun,) explosive rate. Heʻs just as in-your-face as those fireworks she so loves are, and rest assured that every dazzling display that she puts together and sets off is a love letter to the craft.