🏡 Rook 🏡



1 year, 9 months ago


Deputy (Deceased)
Grotto Nation

No matter what we do, violence will be the result. Shouldn't we try to be violent in a way that would benefit peace the most?

Oriental Long Hair

Cranesight is inspired by an oriental long hair cat. This means he has some pretty big ears!
Fur Colour
Gray with black/white markings

Cranesight is a light gray cat with a white underbelly that coats half of his face. A darker, brown tinted gray covers his ears as well as a majority of his back. Finally, his dark gray/black stripes cover his body as well as his paws and the center of his face.

Cranesight starts his story with a bite mark in his ear. During The War is when he gains the rest of his scars.

Body Shape

While he's a long haired cat, he appears leaner than others.
Yellow-Blue (formerly dark blue)


Caring . Soft .

Rook is ultimately, very caring. He is passionate about his clan and his mate. Before the war, he also had a much softer personality - not nearly as strong as it was during the war.

Loud .

Rook talks very loudly, and has a loud presence. He doesn't really understand volume control, and his remarks can lead him into some trouble.

Narrow-Minded . Obsessive . Militant .

Rook is very narrow minded. He can only think of his solution and cannot see any reason outside of this. This can prove deadly due to his militant personality, where he discards all morality for the sake of the war. His obsession with believing he can fix things makes Rook take dark turns.

the lore

Pre-War. . .

Rook and Swiftstrike become mates. Though there is no code against dating outside of your nation, problems begin to arise as tensions rise. Rook is then made deputy.

During the final gathering before the War of Nations, Rook watches in horror as Cranesight (Frost's Leader) murders Dappleclaw (Sun's leader). After seeing Wolf - Rook's leader - declare war, Rook looks towards Swiftstrike, knowing that things in their relationship will change.

During War. . .

During the war, Rook and Swiftstrike had to meet in secret. Swiftstrike speaks bitterly about the war, believing that most of the war was the fault of the nation's leaders. Rook agrees, and gets Swiftstrike to agree that they'd be the best leaders for their nations. With this, Rook begins to plan.

Rook gets several snakes to attack Breeze's deputy, Newtflight. After Newtflight dies from the poison, Swiftstrike becomes deputy.

When Rook sees Swiftstrike again, she shares the news of her new position to Rook. Extremely happy, Rook proclaims that now all they have to do is get rid of the leaders and the war would soon be over. Swiftstrike was hesitant with this information, asking Rook to wait for her to make a decision. He reluctantly agrees.

Weeks after, Rook returns to camp after a battle only to find Wolf blinded by an unknown source. With Wolf blinded and seemingly hallucinating, Rook knows that it's the best time to dispose of Bark.

After several tries, Rook successfully poisons Bark's food with deathberries. He then reveals himself to Swiftstrike, announcing that this poisoning was his doing. When Swiftstrike lashes out in anger, Rook lashes back- admitting that he was the one to kill Newtflight. Swiftstrike launches herself at Rook. A battle ensues, killing Rook.



Rook loved Swiftstrike. He did what he thought was best for her, but he never actually listened to what she wanted for herself.


Rook respected Wolf as leader and was honored to be his deputy. That was until the war. During the war, Rook felt as though Wolf was weakening the clan, making the nation a mockery to everyone else. He felt as though he could be a better leader.


Rook showed his true colors around Lumi the most. With only three legs, Lumi was looked down by many - including Rook. While Rook thought she was a good hunter and guard, he found it comedical that Lumi wanted to fight. This is where Rook sees Wolf as a trouble: when Wolf allows Lumi to fight. If Rook learned that Lumi was made deputy then leader after him, he'd most likely explode.


Though he didn't know Bark well, he hated her enough to think that Swiftstrike would make a better leader.


Rook didn't know him well, but he felt as though Swiftstrike would make a better deputy than him.

code by jiko | front image by Snoozie |