🏡 Lumi 🏡



1 year, 10 months ago


She/They (Any is fine)
Grotto Nation

I was blessed by the gods as a youthful child. It would behoove me to not continue to promote life, my allies.

Oriental Long Hair

Cranesight is inspired by an oriental long hair cat. This means he has some pretty big ears!
Fur Colour
Gray with black/white markings

Cranesight is a light gray cat with a white underbelly that coats half of his face. A darker, brown tinted gray covers his ears as well as a majority of his back. Finally, his dark gray/black stripes cover his body as well as his paws and the center of his face.

Cranesight starts his story with a bite mark in his ear. During The War is when he gains the rest of his scars.

Body Shape

While he's a long haired cat, he appears leaner than others.
Yellow-Blue (formerly dark blue)


Good-Natured . Trustworthy. Protective.

Lumi is a very warm hearted individual. They are extremely trustworthy, and they always seek out the best in others. That being said, she is also very protective.

Pacifist . Selfless .

Lumi never believes in violence, which can be a good thing when not in a war. She is also selfless, which can harm her but benefits those around them.

Thanatophobic . Perfectionist .

Lumi is incredibly scared of death. They cannot handle anyone close to her dying. She is also very much a perfectionist; everything has to go right in their eyes.

the lore

Pre-War. . .

Lumi was born in Grotto Nation to her mother, Spector. When Lumi was just a few months old, they were caught in the collapse of the nursery. Her front leg was completely injured, which soon turned into a deadly infection. One night, Spector and Lumi are visited by Dahlia, the God of 'Life', who saves Lumi's life before their spirit fades off into the distance. Lumi grows to be a fine warrior, though now with a shortened tail and a stub for one front leg.

During War. . .

During the war, Lumi continues to fight and be a good warrior for her nation. When Wolf is suddenly blinded by an unknown force, Lumi stays by his side as he heals.

When word spreads that Rook, Grotto's deputy, had passed, Wolf gives the title to Lumi, seeing her potential. Though Lumi was only acting as deputy, Wolf's health continued to deteriorate, leaving Lumi to lead the nation.

One night, Lumi goes to visit Wolf only to see the God of 'Death'- Juniper- attempting to take Wolf's soul, for he was soon to pass. A blast of energy surges through Lumi, knocking Juniper away and reviving Wolf. Lumi had gained the powers of Dahlia; Lumi was now the God of Life.

Wolf transfers leadership over to Lumi and retires to the Elder's Den.

Post War. . .

Post War, Lumi continues to lead her nation while the weight of her powers brings them down (MORE COMING SOON)



Lumi loves their mom very much; they're a happy, wholesome mother-child relationship.


Wolf was almost like a father to Lumi. The two share a very close bond that is unbreakable.


Rook and Lumi never really got along. Rook was just a very distant deputy, so Lumi didn't know much about him.


Lumi has a lot of respect for their nation's healer.


Lumi has tried to repair relations between Breeze and Grotto, but to no avail.


Lioncurl and Lumi have an extremely close bond. They're best friends.


Without Dahlia, Lumi would be dead. Though she can't remember the God, they are grateful for them.


Lumi and Juniper have a decently bitter rivalry. They often bicker, as Juniper tries to force Lumi into the God Drama happening in the midst of everything else.

code by jiko | front image by Tinylizard |