Team Whisper (Harper)



CW (Content Warning!!)
Violence and Gang Activity!
(Mentioned in History -section)

Name: Harper

Age: 28

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Height: 185cm (6'1'')

Species: Spritzee

Team: Whisper

Position: Leader

Branch: Rescuers

Team Type: Double-Leader

Team Rank: Silver

Total Poké: 0

Level: 82

Ability & Moveset

AbilityAroma VeilProtects itself and its allies from attacks that limit their move choices.
Harper has a certain aura to himself, one of intimidation with a side of being demanding as he tends to judge others. This - while perhaps no outright intimidating his opponents who may not know him - causes his allies to step up their game and focus deeper on things at hand. They might try to impress him or to simply live up to his expectations. Which ever the cases, they won't fall victim to a good selection of tricks their opponents might try to pull on them because of this pressure.

Move nameTypePower/Accuracy
Calm Mind
Wishnormal.gif-/100%10PPother.pngOne turn after this move is used, the user's or its replacement's HP is restored by half the user's max HP.
Also taught to him by his parents, and this one he does cherish and holds dear to him. Tough on the outside, Harper does carry with him a care for the well-being of others. Harper makes an arc through a sweeping motion above himself with one of his arms or wings, this movement will be followed by the visual of a shooting star appearing to trail the motion line made.

Forgotten Moves that were known previously

Sweet Kiss ---> Echoed Voice ---> Psychic
Sweet Scent ---> Aromatherapy  ---->  Misty Terrain  --->  Calm Mind
Fairy Wind ---> Moonblast

Move nameTypePower/Accuracy
Fairy Windfairy.gif40/100%/30PPspecial.pngThe user stirs up a fairy wind and strikes the target with it.
Harper will make a sweeping motion with his arm or wing, this summons a strong gust of wind that appears to glitter and sparkle as it damages the opponent.
Sweet Scentnormal.gif-/100%/15PPother.pngA sweet scent that harshly lowers opposing Pokémon's evasiveness.
Harper can produce a pink mist like powder with a pleasant scent and scatter it around, usually through a light flap of his wings or by rubbing his hands together. This powder causes those who smell or are hit by it to relax and let down their guard, lessening their capabilities of taking any given situation as seriously or simply feeling less jumpy and nervous around Harper.
Sweet Kissfairy.gif-/75%/10PPother.pngThe user kisses the target with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
Taught to Harper by his parents (& later on added acting skill training from Caspian), not as something inherited from them, but as something that was simply in the nature of his kind. Harper is... Well... He's not ever eager to use the move and it's more a last resort kind of thing for him, usually only considered as a 'get out of the current situation' kinda thing.
When using the move, Harper will perform the motion of blowing a kiss to someone with two fingers or a wing and a wink - followed by him burying his face into his clothes afterwards in embarrassment. It's no wonder why this confuses the opponent it was directed at.
Echoed Voicenormal.gif40/100%/15PPspecial.pngThe user attacks the target with an echoing voice. If this move is used every turn, its power is increased.
--- Description to be written ---
Misty Terrain

Nature: Calm

Characteristic: Alert to sounds (Sub: Capable of taking hits)


✦ Adaptable
✦ Bold
Secretive✦ Stoic
✦ Aloof

Harper's personality and conduct has changed a fair bit from how he was when he was younger. There are traits leftover from his childhood, but those are fairly suppressed at this point and will take some time to resurface - if they are to become notable ever again.
As it stands though, Harper is a quiet man who tends to keep to himself. He's not one to step in every single conversation and skirmish, rather preferring to stay on the wayside and avoid conflict. While he may not interact or partake, he still stays alert when near others - especially strangers and people he doesn't trust. Because of his past the number of people he doesn't trust is fairly high, and he does find it quite hard to form tight-knit bonds because of this. He's been betrayed and fooled in the past and does not seek a repeat of such events, leaving him quite vary when it comes to new people and therefor prefers to keep them at an arm's length until he knows their true intentions for safety reasons. While there might have been an exception with Caspian - as his soul was yearning for a change even as his mind had given up - full recovery is going to take a lot of time.
Most people's first impressions of him are going to end up as them seeing him as someone who is very distant and aloof. As he prefers to keep to himself he's not exactly that easy to approach. Depending on the situation he may even appear apathetic in not trying to step in to handle a situation if there's a commotion. His demeanor is fairly cold at first glance - especially emotionally - but upon further interaction people will come to notice that he's a fairly courteous individual. Polite and considerate, few worded but tends to get the point across just fine.
There's a limit to everything though, and while for the most part Harper is the nicer of the two when it comes to the lead of Team Whisper, he's been trying to regain some confidence, and with this come a handful of supplementary traits. He's been capable of independence for a while now, functioning on his lonesome, able to adapt to most things whether he wanted to or not., but as he has learned to stand up more for himself as of late, gaining quite some boldness to his words too. Perhaps it's the influence of Caspian or something else; regardless though, the things he says may come off as rather harsh and straightforward at times even as he means well. Harper certainly does not lie (outside of things in regards to his past) and has the habit of either speaking the truth or not at all, even as the truth may not be kind. Even still, internally he is a caring person and is more willing to show it than his partner - although he still downplays it a fair bit as well, not wanting to be seen as soft as that may result in him being stepped on again. Sometimes you have to be told the truth and that can be an act of kindness in on itself; it's the beginning to recovery.
When it comes to thoughts on their future, Harper is a little clueless and nervous. He's uncertain on what is to come and doesn't know how to tackle it, but is thankful that Caspian is there to speak for him when needed as standing up for himself can reawaken bad memories fast. His stoicism tends to be a defensive facade as under the surface he gets quite nervous about many things and is just trying to manage.

Island Name & Hometown: Faravei Island, Frosdin, a town far far up North

History: Harper is from a town far far up North, named Frosdin. He has had good loving parents, perhaps a little too protective at times but always meaning well.
When he was younger he accidentally hurt another kid while they were playing. Being taller than most his age, he felt a bit like an outcast. After the accident other kids seemed to avoid him and as a result and both because of that and overall not wanting to end up repeating such an accident, Harper became a bit withdrawn from everyone.
Years down the line though he'd try approaching others again and ends up on getting dragged into a bit of a bad crowd. Unable to say no and desperate for recognition and friends, people who weren't scared of him, he keeps returning to hang out with a group that'd form into a fight-club of sorts, and eventually a gang. At first Harper doesn't mind the rougher edges or having to do work for the group, he's just thankful to have the approval of others, and he doesn't really fight but is instead the one to patch others up afterwards, it's not So Bad... What they do is not the best, but at least he's accepted and allowed to hang out with someone.
One day though they won't let him go home afterwards anymore. The gang has made him overwork himself in healing others and are demanding more and more from him. Harper however just wants to go home and makes his first attempt at stepping away from the circle to seek something else. He's tired and doesn't care for the gang's ideals at all anymore, now they're just a bunch of violent meddlers and he isn't sure he wants to be around them anymore. He tries to stand up for himself, but is beaten up pretty badly by those he considered his friends previously. The gang makes him believe that going back home all beaten up like this would only serve to terrify his parents, and that the whole situation is his fault, so he stays with the gang. And no matter they won't let him leave and go home, even as the bruises heal.
The gang becomes a full-blown fight ring before long, and while previously Harper stayed with them out of his own volition, this is no longer the case.
He loses his confidence, doesn't really feel joy anymore and flinches here and there, until he stops caring all together and loses track of time.
It's been years at this point, but he has no idea how long it's really been.

One of the mundane days is broken by a stranger, one he doesn't recognize, offering a brief helping hand with his work at the gang's base as he's moving items around. He doesn't even get to learn the stranger's name before they're both at an arena fighting another person. Harper, with his low confidence, isn't exactly all that thrilled about being involved in a fight. But against all odds the two of them manage to win the fight and scram out of the gang base afterwards.
Such a speedy escape wasn't in either of their plans, but soon they find themselves hiding from the gang, and in order to avoid being found and caught the two of them climb aboard a cargo ship that's just about to leave the harbor. The captain of the ship seems to take pity on the two hitchers and helps them on the right path.
During the ride they learn of GCSF and its different branches. The two of them see it as a chance to start anew, mostly out of alternate options anyway, they take on alternate names for themselves and eventually settle on to becoming Rescuers.

Caspian - A chance encounter. I suppose they're friends now?

Inventory: Basically just the clothes on him

✦ Harper has a fairly good sense of hearing
✦ Because of past events, he's pretty good at reading people too
✦ He won't say it, but he likes sweets a fair bit (they remind him of home) / On the other side, if things have a lot of salt, he'll have a bit of trouble eating them
✦ Has a soft spot for tame or small animals
✦ If asked what he does around Caspian the two of them will lie and play Caspian up as some sort of manager to Caspian with figure skating - they really don't want to publicly share their actual pasts
✦ Harper does take care of most of their paperwork, but outside of that he really has no idea on what he should be as a person
✦ Likes bitter food but doesn't take well to spicy dishes. He'll be very polite either way, but may offer his food for someone else to finish to not disrespect the chef