Team Whisper (Gabriel)



Defender, Guide, Devoted Protector with a kind smile

Name: Gabriel

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 181cm (5'11'')

Species: Houndour (Festive)

Team: Whisper

Position: Member

Branch: Rescuers

Level: 68

Ability & Moveset:

AbilityEarly BirdSleep conditions lasts for half as long, rounding down.
He's definitely earned that ability name, dude wakes up as early as is healthy and gets right to stretching and ushering others to wake up too to see the beautiful sunrise and what not - to the dismay of those who prefer to sleep longer. He's not forceful & doesn't do it to annoy, but it's a bit of a habit - being born in a place that gets really cold teaches you to not fall asleep in the snow. He's trained himself to stay awake at all cost in case he has to rescue someone in a blizzard or at night.

Move nameTypePower/Accuracy
Fire Fang
Destiny Bondghost.gif-/-%/5PPother.pngIf the user is knocked out after using this move, the Pokémon that knocked it out will also faint. This move's chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Gabriel is simply extremely loyal and persistent. This loyalty and duty to protect is one of the many things passed to new members of the family, so in a sense, Gabriel was born with the duty and will to protect. If there's not a lot he can do, he'll still try his best to take the attacker with him so that others won't be hurt by them even if he himself falls.
This effect will be felt by those who are targeting Gabriel or his allies, as a somewhat overwhelming feeling of dread. A sense that works as a bad omen of sorts if they are to continue.

Forgotten Moves that were known previously

Howl ---> Bite ---> Crunch
Leer  ---->  Roar ---> Fire Fang
Ember ---> Incinerate ---> Flamethrower

Move nameTypePower/Accuracy
Leernormal.gif-/100%/30PPother.pngThe user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers their Defense stats.
Gabriel isn't necessarily all That intimidating - but he can show a more serious face when necessary. Sometimes utter calmness in a tough situation can be intimidating, as well as an eager grin when faced with challenges. There are many things that can throw others off and make them take you less seriously & not as ready to defend themselves as they could be.He Can be intimidating when angry though, that he can't help. Showing sharp fangs and a displeased face should be a warning as to not try anything stupid. Still, Gabriel doesn't necessarily want to be seen as scary, terrifying or someone to be feared, but if it's required for the safety of others and getting an upper-hand through that, he'll do it.
Emberfire.gif40/100%/25PPspecial.pngThe target is attacked with small flames. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Basic little flame. Gabriel is a Fire-type afterall, he has his internal flames he can control and use in more ways than just keeping himself warm in the cold. In his feral form these flames are very easy to summon and bring out, but in his human form, summoning actual proper flames isn't quite as easy. He can do it, but most of the time it requires his staff to make this process swifter, easier and more mindless so to speak. It's a lot easier to think about summoning a flame rather than bringing it out from inside you.
Gabriel's flames are indigo in color, with various hues of purple and blue dancing among them.


Nature: Hardy

Characteristic: Good perseverance (Sub: Highly curious)


✦ Calm
Loyal✦ Open-minded
✦ Frivolous
Protective✦ Resolute
✦ Lack of self-value
Undersells himself
✦ Vocal

Gabriel is nothing if not dutiful & loyal. He's spent years of his life working together with the rest of his family as a Search & Rescue group in the Frozen Wastelands. He's had a fairly strict but still warm upbringing, meaning that he can be both serious and take to things with great caution, as well as kind, open and caring. Overall when it comes to his family, Gabriel is really quite optimistic and open-minded. He's more open to new things and tends to approach them with a curious caution.
He likes helping others and tends to form close bonds with others - well at least to him they're close. These relations might be surface level to others, but Gabriel himself is ready to defend and fight for those he cares for and has deemed as decent people worth protecting. He'll carry out his missions with great care, keeping his mind calm and accessing the situation to the best of his abilities.
While he can be of great aid during missions, Gabriel has a bit of a bad habit in getting carried away with protecting others. As it is his job to keep others safe, he doesn't always give himself and his own safety as much concern. This can lead into risky plays that may put him in great danger. Sometimes he does acknowledge this, knowing that he's putting himself on the line and that he could be hurt in return - but it's still extremely hard to try to get him to back away. Resolute if not outright stubborn at times, Gabriel's mind is not exactly easy to turn. This combined with how vocal he can be about things at times could lead into potential trouble as the Houndour will speak his mind truthfully and straightly to everyone. It's helpful when you want feedback, he'll gladly say what he knows. But when you're trying to negotiate and on the other side is a less than pleasant individual? Now that could be a bit troubling unless you have the situation under control. If Gabriel wasn't so overall kind and willing to help he'd potentially get into many arguments with others. Thankfully though, his sense of togetherness and comradery can overwrite this persistence and stubbornness. He has your back through thick and thin, but it'll be hard to convince him to go get help as he's extremely reluctant to leave anyone behind.

Gabriel is fairly robust, not a lot of things can get to him or ruin his mood or break his spirit. He can take a lot without being affected. This unfortunately though applies to other things too, and that unfortunateness comes in the form of him not exactly giving himself a lot of credit. He's worked in a group, as a unit for so long that he doesn't value himself as an individual quite as much as he probably should. During missions he sees himself as just a cog in the machine most of the time. He's there to keep thing running, only doing what he has to & if the cog needs to be replaced then that's simply the way things are. He doesn't consider himself anything special, and if someone comes to him with a compliment he can turn it down, saying that he simply did what was asked and necessary. This modesty he shows can be nice, but it also leads to him underselling himself and asking very little in return for what he does.

Outside of work Gabriel can be a bit frivolous at times. While he takes his work seriously, many things outside of Frozen Wastelands are new to him. At first he was quite cautious, approaching everything with a lot of thought and consideration - he has now loosened up significantly. Where he's from he couldn't really and truly relax or let loose quite as much. There was always some danger to things and he had to be ready at a moment's notice if something were to happen. Now though, there are many more people taking care of things and there's actual true free-time off-duty.
With this though, Gabriel is overall rather unambitious. He's fine with little and doesn't need much. He doesn't have all that much planned, nor something that he really and truly wants to strive for. He's fine and open with trying out new things, but he's just as content with things remaining the same and unchanging. All he needs are a few nice people around him and a chance to be helpful.

Island Name & Hometown: Frozen Wastelands, Igloo

History: Gabriel's family's history on how they ended up on the island is a little obscured. No-one can truly say how long they've resided there, but there are words on how they came there with a group of individuals, to whom they worked as guards, protectors and all sorts of loyal support. With this, the family's main form of work in functioning as the local Search & Rescue group has some seemingly long roots in their past.
Their main tasks are to assure the safety of those in the town of Igloo, as well as helping outsiders to and from the town. While not every single family member has to take up this job, pretty much all of them still work in helping and supporting the local community. None of them have really and truly left the Frozen Wastelands, or at least no-one has ever voiced such decisions out loud.

Gabriel himself is a fairly normal member of his family. He received the same strict but loving upbringing as the rest of his family and went through years worth of training with the rest of them to become a part of the Search & Rescue group the family runs. Nothing out of the ordinary happens until one day - or set of days rather - Gabriel and the rest of the group he's in find two very lost individual on one of their routine trips. To their surprise the two of them (a Minccino & Spritzee) seem to be fairing in the cold weather rather well, but they certainly aren't where they should be.
In the task that is getting the duo a way of getting off the island and towards their actual destination, Gabriel begins to feel a sense of curiosity, something he hasn't felt in years. He's also weirdly finding himself concerned over the duo's ability on finding their way to where they should really be going. So eventually, he offers to personally escort them to their destination before returning back to the Frozen Wastelands.
Instead though, the strange feeling that overtook him doesn't leave. And while the 3 of them are on a small ship headed elsewhere, the Houndour is given a suggestion and a chance in joining the duo on their adventure as a Rescue Team - something he found to be surprisingly close to what he's already doing. At first he turns the offer down, but as the ride has many hours left, Gabriel comes to different thoughts and ends up on joining the Minccino & Spritzee to see what all the world outside of the Frozen Wastelands has to offer.
Besides, someone has to keep an eye on them and make sure they get where they need to go, right?

Caspian - {To be added later}
Harper - {To be added later}

Inventory: ??? { I'll write more later, but most likely he only has his staff and some safety equipment in his bag in case something happens }

✦ ??? { I'll add stuff later }
✦ ??? Does not have a good sense of spices when it comes to food. He isn't bothered by 'hot' things (think jalapenos, chili, tabasco, wasabi and the like) and his mouth does not get that burning sensation - even in human form. He appreciates all kinds of food though and is always ready to give new things a try. Others might find it weird though how he just, takes a jalapeno from a jar and bites onto it all casually. He eats them like other people eat fries, but in a snack sense
✦ ???
✦ ???