


1 year, 10 months ago





Name Chinchilla
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age (Dragon Years) 25
Sexuality Bisexual
Status Single
Tribe IceWing
Occupation Jeweller
Worth 5$

"It takes delicate talons to make good jewellries."


Chinchilla is an IceWing who is of the 5th Circle, hailing from the IceWing town; In-Sight-Of-The-Four-Castles, named after the town's view overlooking the four IceWing castles from different directions.

Chinchilla is famous in her town for her jewels and accessories, which she has been making since she was a dragonet. And despite not being of high-ranking, quite a few IceWing nobles find themselves wearing beautiful earrings or fancy necklaces made by her talons. She herself wears blue stones on her ears, one of her early works, she claims. The silver earrings that a dragonet under her care were her own work too, as she also claimed.

Though she seems disinterested in anyhting outside of her business, Chinchilla does have an interesting life outside her work. Hauling her entire stand back home, she was encountered with a young dragonet, no more than 2, who offered to help her carry her stuff. She allowed them to, thinking the young dragonet was trying to up his current social status, supported by the fact that the dragonet only had one wing. But the little dragonet had boldly asked Chinchilla to let them stay with her, as they had nowhere else. Chinchilla couldn't help but feel sympathy, and took Tundra in. Now, she finds her days more lively with a young dragonet under her care.


Chinchilla was born into a low-ranking family, an as such, was not thought of highly by the upper class. In her family, she was taught to be kind and generous, as low ranking dragons like herself and her family couldn't afford to be unnecessarily mean and selfish in their state. She was encouranged to explore her talents, as anything that she honed would get her a better chance in adulthood. After Chinchilla saw some IceWing nobles wearing pretty elaborate jewellry, Chinchilla took up interest in such craft and began to dabble in it everyday.

Eventually, her craft got better and better, and she began to boost herself and her family up the ranks. She sold her works to other dragons indiscriminately, and always sought out ways to improve herself. Yet no matter how many accessories she made, she never shot up as high as her parents hoped she would in ranks. But Chinchilla found that it was fine that she didn't make it up to a high rank when she came of age, for she loved her craft and found great pride in her talent, no matter if there was someone better than her or not.



Tundra is Chinchilla's ward. She cares for them a lot, and treats them like they were her own child, and not a dragonet she was suddenly in the care of. She wants nothing but the best for them, and was incredibly proud of Tundra to have been accepted to go to Jade Mountain Academy.










Reads during her free time..

Can make delicious IceWing treats.

Secretly hopes that Tundra would not move out if they reach a higher Circle by the time they've become 7.

Got her scar from fighting a polar bear while hunting as a dragonet.

Is interested in having an audience with the royal blacksmith, but knows that she never will be able to.

Has a chinchilla key for her personal safe.

Not very fond of seals as a meal.