


1 year, 8 months ago



- Profile

Name Arwin
Age 20
Gender Nonbinary (They/He/She)
Height 6'2 (1.8m)
Birthdate August 8th
Species Red Panda
Orientation Aspec Lesbian
Occupation Digital Artist

  • They have both an anthro and quadraped design! No preference in how you draw her!

  • Her quadreped design has no set height, just generally red panda sized

  • No nsfw or lewd content please, light gore is allowed.

  • Feel free to mess around with clothing outside of their assigned outfits on her reference!

  • Piercings and Glasses are non-optional accessories

  • Please draw her round and slightly chunky! That means a lot to me as my sona

  • Their pride flags as wristbands, pins etc. is always a delight to see when people draw her ^w^

— Personality

Arwin is an anxious and introverted person, but will happily open up to people if percieved as friendly and open to her ideas and interests. They have a pretty low social battery and often need to take breaks from people but when they're with the ones they love they're as energetic and sociable as they possibly can be. They're an extremely creative type of person and really enjoy drawing, character creation, music and all sorts of other things - and she's constantly lost in the clouds of daydreaming.

They have slight issues with volume control and don't realise how loud they can get (especially when excited) but most of the time they're happy with chill vibes and hanging out. On top of this, Arwin has some vocal tics and really enjoys music so, she can be a buzz of noise without realising. They never intend to be stand out or be a distraction but sometimes she can't help it.

Arwin can also be rather self concious, with a mixture of anxiety and questioning around gender identity. Its a fun mixture but she does her best to keep on top of it. This can also make them slow to open up to others, and is very private about certain aspects of herself. While they don't talk about themselves very often, she's always open to listen to others and does her best to be of help. She cares about her friends strongly and will always try to give the best advice she can or be a shoulder to cry on if needed.

Her interests almost always connect back to her artwork, something Arwin is the most proud of and has a strong connection to with her identity. One thing she'll never stop talking about as soon as you get them started is their OC's and art techniques. This goes the same for animation. If any interest is expressed in her hobbies or fandoms she's sure to talk non-stop on the subject if allowed.

  • Thunderstorms

  • The moon and night sky

  • Pokemon, Warrior Cats, TMA, Doctor Who, FMAB

  • Sleep

  • Plushies and blankets

  • Animals, especially dogs and corvids

  • Minecraft

  • Warm weather and overheating

  • Sunburn

  • Pickles

  • Anxiety and intrusive thoughts

  • Second hand embarrasment

  • Loud noises and overstimulation

  • Crowds and large groups of people

— Background

Arwin doesn't have a lot of background information as they're my fursona and entirely based around me. Besides having Blackcurrant as a pet she doesn't have any additional information that doesn't already pertain to myself.

Just a British digital artist and animation student. I'll use this spot as a place to link my twitter and commission post in case any of you are interested in my artwork ^^

— Trivia

  • Arwin is my 5th go around of a sona design. I always gave them their own backstories and lost connection so she's just me now!

  • Her design came from a fusion of how I draw myself with a very cute white and green panda design I made ages ago. Made me realise it'd be a good species choice to go with.

  • I'm sure there will be more to put in here as I continue to use her as a sona and as I draw her more.

— Relationships

While a familiar in Autumn's Story, Blackcurrant is also a secondary sona and is a representation of my more hyperactive tendencies. Because of this they are part of both universes and acts as a pet and nuisance to Arwin. Truly beloved Lothcat that causes problems on purpose.


One of my uni friends! My beloved!!! They have awesome characters and art and you should check their stuff out ^^ We share a braincell.