Casey Ebony



6 years, 5 months ago


Probably the only Rainbow Haired Hare you would ever see.

He hadn't had the best life but he sure does know how to make the most of it to the best of his ability. 

He has twin older siblings, fraternal twins. Morgan (male) and Robin (female), who are considerable older, about 12 years, who serves as more of a guardian/parental figures to him. for their parents were lost to a house fire as they were the first responders, the father, was the firefighter, and the mother was a police officer. Casey was only about 7 at the time when his siblings took custody for him, for they did not want to split up the Ebony family.

His mother had the light magic while his father had the healing magic. However Morgan was the one who had the ability to harbor the light magic while Robin was the one who was possessed the healing magic,. The parents taught the the respective twin their magic, and when Casey came along and into the picture, they found him to have both abilities, He knew both light and healing magic. However he was more inclined to use the light magic in his youth for he was a bit of a momma's boy and had a bit of a fear of the dark. So he found plenty of comfort whenever he used his light, or illumination magic. It wasn't until afterwards