seethe avérsi



1 year, 10 months ago


"You can't just call Dolosá a cunt to her face, Malach."

Basic info


Jade (Pigment Jade #0ba154)

AGE 9.69 sweeps (~21 human years)

viridescentPanacea (VP)


65291146_UrwJaQfGsd6TSoC.png Virpia, Sign of the Perfectionist

Rainbow drinker
  • Enhanced stealth

Seethe was reborn as a Rainbow drinker, a rare probability of occuring exclusive to jade bloods upon death. As a Rainbow drinker, Seethe's swiftness and stealth are substantially increased to the point where they can go comepletely undetected even in a room full of people, quickly roaming and vanishing through rooms without making a sound or any trace that they had even been there.

  • Illumination

They can also self-illuminate, though a lot of the time when they do it, it occurs due to certain stimulations. They used it most during their adolescence when navigating the woods, but now that they've grown older, they use it much less. Seethe mainly ever uses this ability to act as a reading light when in the dark nowadays.

  • Blood thirst

Another and one of the most defining traits of being a Rainbow drinker is a newly developed craving to consume blood. Unlike most Rainbow drinkers, Seethe prefers not to indulge their cravings for blood because they personally find the act distasteful due to personal reasons. They also have a minor fear of being exposed to excessive amounts of blood, and unlike most other non-blood drinking Rainbow drinkers, Seethe doesn't rely on a substitute to stifle their natural urges. Because of this, Seethe is much less dependent on blood compared to Malach and any other blood drinker for that matter. They still do get cravings for blood from time to time, as do all Rainbow drinkers, but they prefer to remain obstinate from consuming blood on a regular basis and try to do so as little as possible.

Snake traits
  • Physical traits

Growing up with a snake lusus, naturally both boys would become imprinted onto her and adopt her mannerisms. Their physical traits include, having multiple sets of sharp fangs and one hollow retractable set that are partially venemous, slender and vertical pupils, a long forked tongue, being naturally cold blooded, the ability to unhinge their jaw when eating, and shedding certain sections of their skin 4-12 times throughout the year.

  • Behavioral traits

Regarding their cold bloodedness, Seethe can become rather lethargic in cold climates or during colder seasons. They thrive better in warmer temperatures and becomes considerably more active and alert.

Seethe can become overbearingly overprotective and territorial of their personal belongings or space, and in other instances, certain people. They will hiss and expose their fangs if agitated or feel physically threatened in some way.

Being more viper and python based, Seethe behaves in similar manners to a pythons contriction. When expressing physical affection or even just gestures that involve physical contact, they seemingly hug or squeeze a little too tight for comfort, unaware of the strength their embrace tends to hold. They also have relatively thick skin, similarly to some vipers which have serrations or keeled scales, which are scales that have ridges that extend to the tip of each individual scale instead of being comepletely smooth all around.

OCCUPATION Ceramic Artist

FETCH MODUS Light modus

The Light Modus is neatly organized based upon color and brightness, meaning the more light that surrounds the player grants them more access to store and retrive items in their sylladex. Lighter and bright objects are placed further to the front while more darker to black objects tend to be stored towards the back.

HIVE A very large apartment than most in their area located in Troll New York where they stay with their brother, Malach. Their apartment has lots of plants thanks to them who is entirely in charge in catering to them. They also occasionally stay over at their girlfriend's (Zephir's) apartment.
LUSUS Cadecia/Mamá

Cadecia was an incredibly large two headed snake who lived in a large cavern underground. Her left head resembled a cobra and her right head a rattle snake. It was said through myth that at one point, centuries ago they were once two seperate snakes that had ended up conjoining when the other had died to continue living alongside each other due to the strength of the pure love they had for one another. Cadecia was a pure manifestation of love and all of its strength. They both spoke at the same time and when they sang, it was a beautiful fusion. She provided unconditional love to both boys and instilled them with strong will so that no one and no thing could ever divide them from each other and from achieving greatness together. She taught them the importance of valuing family and how important it was that every living thing was to receive love. Cadecia made sure they both knew they were very loved and how special they were to her and to anyone they were to meet.

Before they both had been adopted by her, they were quirkless due to having no lusus so they were both very impressionable and easily influenced by her snake mannerisms. Her untimely death occurred when the both of them were only 14 years old. Her loss of life greatly affected the both of them growing up and still does to this day. Malach and Seethe got matching snake sleeve tattoos to commemorate her and kept a set of her smaller fangs to keep.

LIKES All of their plants (minor favoritism), cooking for others, creative writing, colored ink pens, shag rugs, having and maintaining a routine, herbal tea, scented candles and incense, baggy sweats, discovering new bands, having designated places for things, seaweed
DISLIKES Being late or running behind schedule, having to adapt to sudden changes of plans, rough hair brushing, lint, loud chewers, rude company, sticky surfaces, most alcohol, chocolate, wearing wet clothes, cleaning up after their brother, crowded spaces, cross body bags
INTERESTS/HOBBIES Reading and writing, culinary; cooking and baking, psychology, philosophy, photography, botany, watching movies
TYPING QUIRK Seethe types with proper punctuation and grammar and use typical text acronyms. Seethe speaks directly and somewhat flat which makes them seem more serious than intended sometimes. They use multiple periods to accentuate tone in a message.

ex: What? I didn't... say that? Actually, nevermind.


Knight of Light : One who Exploits with Light or Exploits Light

Knights are the active equivalent if the Exploitation class, their passive counterparts being Pages. A Knight would hide behind facades of self confidence and false personas to act as a distraction of their true selves as coping mechanisms due to their obsessive fear of failure in themselves, being seen as weak, and their secretly incredibly critical and self conscious perceptions of themselves. Knights tend to undermine their own abilities and intellect because they often underestimate their truest potential and abilities. Knights exploit their aspect for the good of others and also protect it from external forces to then distribute their aspect to their fellow players. They often act selflessly and courageously, stepping up to defend others often before themselves. With the additional aspect of Light, they woukd exploit knowledge and overall information. They could exploit how much attention is put onto something to either alert their players or to divert their attention to bigger problems, quite literally casting light on what they deem worthy of being the focus at hand. Their overall knowledge would be multifaceted and could be used in multiple different scenarios to help in the overall session. Their overall challenge would to not hold themselves at such high standards, learn to let their guards down, and that they are skilled enough in what they believe they can and cannot do. The aspect of Light is the embodiment of knowledge, discovery, and fortune or luck im general.

With the applied knowledge of both aspect and class, a Knight of Light would find struggle most in trying too hard to try and understand something, overanalzying it to the point that they believe they're missing the big picture, when in reality, it could be so simple that the answer could be right in their faces the entire time. Knights of Light would want to retain any and all information because it could serve some form of use somehow to their team and would even read something over and over and over until they believe they've retained its meaning fully. They worry often if they've fully captured somethings importance and significance, often afraid of misunderstanding or misinterpreting somethings worth while trying to understand its potential, value, or worth. Light players are extreme go-getters when it comes to knowledge and would rather go out and discover it for themselves instead of merely hearing about it or waiting around for said knowledge to come to them. They could exploit luck and probability by making something happen in other players favor by mysterious and unimaginable odds or being bestowed with lucky items that mysteriously came to be. Knights of Light are often over-analyzers and consumers of knowledge and often need to learn how to step back and take a break, but they would rather die than miss out on potential beneficial intelligence.


Seethe is a very tall young man (195 cm/6'5) with a rather chubby yet muscular build. They have long, flowing jade hair that curls slightly at the ends with natural dark roots peeking through. Seethe has dark, thin, piercings pupils and downturned, droopy lidded eyes, thick arched eyebrows with the left having a slit in it from a scar, and a fang that portrudes on the left side due to their cleft lip on the left side of their lip that they were born with. They have two prominent moles on their face, one being a little below the right of their right eye and the other being below the left side of their bottom lip bordering their chin. They also have two vertical moles on the right side of their neck. They usually wear a long necklace with a blue heart on it with the letter 'Z' engraved into it and a silver ring on their left hand with a singular blue gemstone on it. Their horns are large and curvy and point outward at the ends. They're thicker at the base and gradually get thinner toward the tips. Their right horn has two hooks near the top and bottom of it.

They have few tattoos and a couple of piercings, their left arm is covered top to bottom of a large snake spiraling from their shoulder to their wrist and the letter 'M' on their left pinky finger. They have one piercing in their right eyebrow, right nostril, one lip piercing on the right side of their lip, lobes, and identical piercings in both ears with an additional industrial only in their right ear.

  Good/neutral traits

  • considerate and selfless, tends to put others before themselves
  • empathetic and understanding of others emotions
  • very good, attentive listener
  • responsible and mature
  • eloquent; concise, meaningful, and fluent in speech and mannerisms
  • values honesty, very transparent and upfront, doesn't like to sugarcoat things
  • very motherly, naturally nurturing, protective, and catering
  • sagacious; a confidant to others, known to have good judgement and considered very trustworthy
  • reserved and bashful, not very outward, a bit socially awkward
  • ablility to take accountability; owns up to their mistakes and can admit when they're wrong
  • phlegmatic; usually levelheaded, composed, and calm
  • habit of attempting to perfect something until satisfied
  • unpretentious; unassuming and modest
  • strong sense of social justice
  • very thoughtful
  • tends to exceed others expectations

  Bad traits

  • puts too much stress on themself over little things
  • can be incredibly meticulous
  • excessive conscientiousness
  • feel they must prove being worthy of love through acts of service
  • can become uncomfortable quickly in foreign situations
  • seldom when it comes to expressing their own stresses
  • tendency to be overly critical on themself
  • never really gives themself time to destress or relax
  • can be overly adamant, stubbornly difficult to persuade
  • easily burnt out due to exceeding their own limitations
  • too stand-offish sometimes
  • unexpressive and monotone, tone can be difficult to read
  • can be a little overbearing with their overprotectiveness
  • difficulty tolerating uncertainty
  • unknowing habit of being controlling
  • casts doubt on themself


  • Seethe’s name comes from the word itself, which means in context of a person, to be filled with intensive but unexpressed anger or frustration. Their name was much more fitting in their earlier concepts as they were often easily overwhelemed and extremely volatile. Their name is pretty ironic now considering the drastic change in how Seethe is now.
  • The twins' surname comes from the word aversion, which means to hold a strong dislike or disinclination for or towards something. When both were created, they were purposefully made to be disliked by others they came in contact with. They used to be reffered to as "The Hateful Twins" when they were written like that but have since changed.
  • The twins fake birthday is meant to be June 10th under the season of Gemini, but their official day of creation was October 6th, 2021 which technically makes the both of them actual Libras. I tend to celebrate both days as their birthdays but they only actually ever age up on October 6th.
  • Both twins have multiple sets of identical and mirrored moles, one of theirs is directly under the corner of their right eye, one on the left side of their chin near their lips, and another on the middle right side of their neck thats meant to resemble snake and vampire bites.
  • The twins were born conjoined inside of their shared egg. The egg appeared to seem like every other jade egg in the brooding caverns kept at that time, just visibly larger than the rest. The egg was only assumed to hold one grub but once it had hatched, it was revealed to have contained two nearly identical grubs. Upon birth, they were both quickly separated from eachother and both have their small respective scars. Seethe's is above their left hip.
  • Both of the twins are quite ticklish.
  • Seethe is more dominantly left handed. In the brooding caverns they were forced to adapt to being right handed although it never quite worked.
  • Seethe was selectively mute with the rare exception of minimal speech to only Malach until the age of seven, which was nearly 3 sweeps. While growing up, Malach did a majority of the talking for the both of them. They spoke to each other in a special communicative way the two of them created.
  • Seethe was born with their cleft lip. When they were young and still practically identical, it was the blatant way of distinction of differentiating Seethe from Malach.
  • Seethe has trypophobia and shows blatant signs of also having hemophobia.
  • Seethe knows a lot more than what they let on and can decipher a lot without others having to ever even tell them something. Not in a criptic or exploitive way or anything, they're just very intuitive.
  • Wherever there is a Seethe, there is a Zephir not too far behind.
  • Seethe has OCPD, Insomnia, Autism, Misophonia, and PTSD.
  • They have substantially worse vision due to their pupils being constantly constricted and rarely ever dialated, so they wear prescription lenses. They think they make them look funny though and wear contacts instead even though they dislike the process of putting them in.
  • They know how to do complex card tricks and shuffling methods. They taught themselves how when they were bored when they were younger.
  • Seethe is an extraodinary cook and baker, a lot of their friends adore their cooking. Seethe's become accustomed to cooking extra portions for Malach's hefty apetite and for when their friends come over. Cooking food for others is very personal, an enjoyable hobby, and an outlet for them.
  • They are 6"5 and weigh around 290 lbs.
  • Seethe's horns point more outward in contrast to Malach's, whose horns curve visibly more upward at the tips.
  • Seethe is a slightly wild sleeper and often hisses in their sleep. They also often usually have to cuddle something before sleeping.
  • When growing up in the brooding caverns, the twins were severely mistreated and neglected as children. Malach would often get picked on the most by other children and Seethe would have to defend him, often taking blows or punishments for fighting and getting into altercations with the other children. They also slept huddled with one another for protection, more so for Malach's security. They sacrificed their sleep trying to protect him that way and they became an insomniac at a very young age. Seethe would always hold his hand or keep him close in fear that someone may try to harm him in his sleep again.
  • They began to dye their own hair for fun at a young age to see how they'd like it and now it's sort of grown to be their trademark with them. I rarely ever draw Seethe with their natural color unless they're younger. Malach, in younger brother fashion, wanted to copy and match Seethe and they now dye Malach's hair as well because he's colorblind.
  • Seethe doesn't typically get overstimulated very easily, but their meltdowns can be very extreme to the point where they physically shut down and have to leave a location altogether. They try to avoid areas with too much overlapping noises and avoid wearing certain textures in their clothes.
  • Seethe had had a crush on Zephir since they were around fifteen. The two of them had lost contact for about a year and a half and had only got back in contact with each other once they were in their late teens thanks to Zephir reaching out to Malach.
  • Seethe has a Chikchok account with over 200k followers where they provide entertaining step by step instructions on how to cook various dishes all while being faceless for the sake of anonimity. Zephir, Malach, and Seven have made several cameos in these videos. They appreciate all the feedback and support. It makes them feel like a real chef sometimes.
  • They have a total of 10 piercings.
  • Seethe is Puerto Rican, black, and a quarter Ghanan. They are multilingual and fluent in Spanish under the Puerto Rican dialect. They know some sign language and is semi-fluent in speaking Tagalog from what they learned from Zeph.
  • Seethe has a tattoo on their left pinky finger of the letter M.
  • Seethe used to smoke cigarettes. It wasn't a very frequent habit of theirs and they had only ever smoked alone to ease stress. They did the best of their ability to hide the fact that they smoked from Malach out of shame, though he had known for quite some time anyway unbeknownst to them.
  • Seethe was the very first troll I had made out of the roster of all of my current existing trolls. Them being the first troll I made is why they are also the eldest twin. Not very long after I had made Seethe I had decidedly made Malach also. Despite both of them being my oldest made trolls, they're the youngest age wise out of all of them.
  • Seethe is a lightweight when it comes to drinking and has a hard time holding down their liquor. They prefer fruitier tasting drinks if they do happen to drink.
  • They had to learn to become more empathetic for Malach's sake since his emotions could be very complex and intense at times. Properly understanding him and his emotions took a lot of care and patience and Seethe knew not everyone would take the time to understand this about him. They used to struggle with expressing proper empathy and when it was appropriate to respond or react to things that warranted reactions in certain social settings when they were young as well.
  • They often feel responsible with handling situations and apologizing for actions that're on behalf of Malach.
  • Seethe has a secret box in their room, inconspicuous enough to look like nothing important that they keep stashed away. It contains items from dates them and Zephir have been on together, memorable moments from hangouts they shared, some items are stored in there far before they even began dating. There are an assortment of photographs, notes, drawings, jewlery, and some other more obscure items in the contents of that box.
  • Seethe has nearly gone crazy over looking for items that they swear they had the other day all only for them to magically end up in Malach's possesion. The amount of cologne that boy steals is appalling. Whats so wrong about him just using his own?
  • Sometimes Zephir has to accompany or order for Seethe since they can become socially anxious rather easily, especially in unfamiliar settings. She never minds, but they can't help but feel a little embarassed by it sometimes. They're grateful regardless.
  • Seethe is often taken aback when people they've become acquainted with tell them that they thought they were going to be scary or mean before ever talking to them or based on on first impression. They like to think they've learned to appear approachable enough over the years, but they understand the misconception.
  • When Seethe laughs it kind of sounds like they're hissing.
  • Seethe has pretty and long lashes and is described as rather pretty in the face by others. Not necessarily feminine looking, but just pretty since some of their feautres are rather delicate looking. It's mostly just their eyes.
  • Seethe wears a lot of sweatpants, big t-shirts, and hoodies. They prefer to dress more comfortably and casually, but can dress out when the occassion requires it.
  • Seethe often smells faintly earthy due to their regular tending to their plants and occasionally like cooking ingridients if they've been cooking prior.
  • They can become rather emotional when their happen to plants die, similarly to if a real person were to pass away. Seethe's deep attachment to their plants is a direct refrence to Megumi pertaining to his shikigami.
  • Seethe takes their personal hygeine very seriously. They often clean and trim their nails and cuticles, they trim their facial hair, and like to stay sanitized and moisturized.
  • The gradual shift of Seethe gradually growing longer hair over time was majorly inspired by Suguru Geto, from Jujutsu Kaisen. Like Geto, the style and length of their hair changing has meaning as well.
  • Seethe has a tendency to not make consistent eye contact with whoever they may be speaking to, looking at the floor, their hands, or objects around them when speaking instead. Zephir and Malach are the occasional exceptions.
  • Being with Zephir helped Seethe become less uptight, close minded, and less of an apprehensive person.
  • When together, the twins' Puerto Rican accents are more prominent.
  • The twins are both loosely based around different kinds of snakes. Seethe is mostly based around vipers and pythons. They used to only be based around rattlesnakes.
  • Seethe has known just about all of Malach's measurements since they were young because he's been known to forgets his own. They always keep up with important information pertaining to him, like the dates of his important appointments, allergies, medical history, and his medications just for safe measure.
  • Seethe has never once lived apart from Malach.
  • Seethe is very gentlemanly and respectful to most women, they are quick to give up their seat to let a woman sit in it, they have great manners, hold open doors for women, and politely turn them down when persistently flirted with.
  • Seethe was the one to teach Malach how to shave his face properly when they were younger since he kept cutting himself accidentally too frequently.
  • They leave some of their shirts and hoods at Zephir's place on purpose for her to keep. They think it's cute of her seeing her wear their clothes even though they're way too big. She loves them anyway.
  • During a quick, intensive, and passionate hook up they had with Zephir (before they had officialy started seeing each other), Seethe ended up knocking over some of her furniture and had accidentally caused a vase to smash in her apartment. They repeatedly apologized and bought her a new one as similar to the previous one the very next day. The two of them now have an inside joke about, "smashing each others vases", when the other comes over sometimes.
  • Seethe buys Zephir arranged boquets of flowers just about every month. They buy multiple boquets and arrange the flowers to present to her in a designated vase.
  • Seethe has what they deem, "Malach senses". They have a special intuitive sense of knowing when he's deeply upset or in danger, wants something from them, or has done something terribly wrong.
  • Seethe had on and off feelings for Zephir when they were teenagers. They had behaved like a couple and fooled around a few times before while still being moirails before ever pursuing red.
  • Seethe has put themself in jeopardy on multiple occasions because of Malach. Thats how they ended up getting the scar on their eyebrow. Long story.
  • They have some of Zephir's art hung up in their room. Mostly older stuff on old and torn up and crumpled notebook pages she had made when they were teens when they'd sit and draw things together. They think she's so very talented.
  • Seethe has double jointed fingers and shoulders.
  • When Seethe had gotten their top surgery, Malach was the one to help take care of them during the healing process.
  • Seethe takes a lot of pride in being an older sibling, protecting Malach especially as well as others that remind them of him or others they consider part of their family comes quite naturally to them.
  • Seethe leaves mutiples of the same thing around Zephir's apartment because she's often forgetful of where she places her things while they often know where everything is kept in the apartment. If they plainly tell her where its at, its likely to upset her, so they pretend to help her look sometimes. They do the same thing with Malach at their own apartment. Neither of them know and Seethe doesn't intend to tell either of them.
  • A lot, if not all of the twins' house rules were established by Seethe.
  • Some of the house rules are as follows; leave your shoes by the rack at the door, every drink has to have a coaster, don't touch the plants if you don't water them, if something runs out, replace it, if you break it, pay for it, if you smoke, do it on the balcony, and a few others.
  • Almost all of Seethe's shirts have the tags on the inside cut out. For sensory issues.
  • Seethe has been growing their hair out for over 4 years.
  • They've considered working in the medical field once or twice and they always decide against it because they fear that they have too much compassion for the weak and ill. They also can't withstand the sight of blood for very long. They're quite medically sound though.
  • Seethe is more of a texture based eater. They're not very picky when it comes to trying foods, but they do have particular textures they dislike and avoid in food.
  • Seethe ruffles Malach's hair a lot as a form of endearment. He always gets so fussy about his hair, he's been that way since they were young.
  • They remember just about everyone's birthdays.
  • Seethe has Misophonia. Specific sounds like excessive pen clicking, loud chewing especially, and ticking clocks can easily put them in distress, upset, and annoy them. Their emotions can be so intense that they have to leave a location altogether because of these things. They're a little more sensitive to most sounds than others in general.
  • When they were younger, Seethe once had a really bad meltdown that caused them to huddle and scream, fully shutting down on the floor in stress. Other kids were evidently picking on them, pestering them, and the enviroment became too overwhelming. Malach never left their side and aggressively fussed at anyone who contributed in upsetting them. He wouldn't let anyone get close to Seethe, not even adults. It's an important memory to them.
  • Seethe wins about every board game or video game they play, even if they aren't that familiar with the game. They often butt out when it comes to betting on games or just playing in general because they know they're likely to win.
  • Seethe finds Zephir's lack of self awareness very endearing, even though sometimes she can be a little bit loud at times. They take her lack of social awareness as her being comfortable, unafraid of being herself and showing her true self to them unapologetically so it never really bothers them. It just makes them all the more attracted to her.
  • Both boys' fanged bites will never be deadly or venomous since neither of them ever developed their venom glands despite both species of snakes they're based on having venomous bites.
  • Both boys are incredbily strong because like snakes, they are mostly just pure muscle. Their sheer strength is also credited to their rainbow drinker powers. I don't often showcase the power of their strength but they're both incredibly strong.
  • Malach and Seethe are usually the designated heavy duty moving assistance whenever their friends move. They've both helped Dolosá and Zephir move a few times before.
  • In the twins' apartment they keep large silverware and dishes for themselves, mainly for Malach because he's so big. Regular tupperware is just too small for him. They have "regular sized" silverware and dishes for when they have company though.
  • Seethe cut their hair short for the first time after their Mom died. Their curl pattern changed once they grew older and began taking hormones, it wasn't as curly as it was when they were younger. Their Mom always loved how beautiful Seethe's hair was which is why it's so important to them now.
  • Seethe keeps Malach's silverware and plates seperate from the other silverware and things they have in the kitchen so he can find his things easier. They do that with a lot of his belongings that aren't in his room because he has a habit of misplacing things and not quite remembering where things are. They leave things in plain sight, predictable spots, or in easy to reach locations for him.
  • Seethe's eyebrows are always so symmetrical and neat because Zephir always plucks their eyebrows for them, sometimes she does it in their sleep.
  • Seethe really likes tea, herbal teas specifically. In the apartment theres a cupboard in the kitchen dedicated for all their various tea flavors which Malach finds absolutely ridiculous. Their favorite to drink is green tea with a hint of lemon added.
  • They aren't a huge fan of caffeine. They drink the occasional cup of black coffee but for the most part they dislike things with heavy amounts of caffeine in them like flavored energy drinks or sodas. Too much sugars.
  • Both twins usually wake up a few hours apart from each other. If Malach wakes up first, (which is never) Seethe is usually up an hour or so later.
  • Seethe has a way with animals. They just all just seem to naturally like them, for reasons they can't explain. They're very fond of most animals and will pet just about any cat or dog, domesticated or stray.
  • Like Malach, they really don't like most people touching their hair. They let Zephir touch it whenever though, sometimes she puts it up for them or braids it when she's bored.
  • Seethe is a big planner. When it comes to trips, outtings, or parties, Seethe is usually at the head of planning because they're the most trusted with keeping things in order and maintaining a schedule. If they're going somewhere as a group, Seethe is usually the designated driver because they're the safest and better with directions than the others.
  • Seethe's pupils can dialate, albeit rare. They wouldn't dialate by very much, they'd still be rather small but instead in a regualar, beady pupil shape instead of constricted which is how they usually are.
  • They sleep talk when stressed.
  • Seethe isn't a very big fan of most chocolates. Too bitter for their liking. They like white chocolate the most.
  • Seethe can easily tell where Zephir is just by hearing her laugh.
  • They aren't very fond of wearing lots of gold or silver jewelry, they prefer beaded or charmed bracelets and necklaces, hand crafted things. Seethe still likes silver and gold jewelry and will wear it on occasion, is just a personal preference of theirs.
  • At almost every job Seethe has worked they have been employee of the month at least twice.
  • Seethe likes to take note of everyones personal food preferences when cooking for others, like when they have company over. Knowing things like if they have certain allergies, their sensitivity to spices, or what ingridient someone may like more of or less of in their food so that can can personalize their meals to make it all the more tasteful and meaningful. They put a lot of care in their cooking.
  • If Seethe gets snacks with different flavors, they will almost always pick up Malach's favorite flavor first instead of their own, even if they don't like it as much as he does or even at all.
  • Seethe sings and talks to their plants regularly.
  • Seethe is very aware of Phemos' deterance of consuming certain meats like beef and pork because of his religion. If they cook while he's over, they often make other dishes for him to eat instead that have meats he is able to eat, fish, soups, or prepare more veggetables with fruits specially for him to eat instead.
  • They have a lot of Sanrio clothes now because of Zephir wanting to match with them. They now have quiet a few Hello Kitty sweatpants and shirts. Their favorite Sanrio character is Choccocat because it's her favorite. Pochacco is a close second.
  • When the boys hiss, it sounds like a cross between a vampire's hiss and a snakes hiss.
  • When Seethe has their headphones on they don't speak verbally, they only communicate through nodding.
  • The twins experienced their growth spurts in their teens around similar times. Seethe was assumed to grow to Malach's height if not taller, but for sone reason they remained just short of 6"6 ever since they were 19.
  • They like watching sped up timelapses of different flowers and plants blooming. Very soothing to them
  • Seethe is rather superstitious and their superstitions have proved them right many times before. They keep special charms and things of that nature on their keys and things littered around the house because those are their good luck charms. Malach just thinks they're crazy though.
  • When Seethe is near overstimulated they'll flap their hands and fidget with their hands a lot more frequently.
  • Seethe really likes watching let's play videos instead of playing the actual video games. Their favorite series overall to wacth is the Resident Evil series, The Walking Dead, and The Last of Us. They really like story-based decision games. They've watched Malach play some of those games before too.
  • Seethe really dislikes guns and they hate the fact that Malach carries one so often. They know he doesn't care what they have to say about it and they know they can't make him get rid of it, but they'd hate for him to get in another incident that put him in danger because of that thing. They hate it just as much that they've felt relieved he's had it on him when he does happen to get into those incidents.
  • Malach and them both grew up in the Bronx and they moved throughout multiple different places within the Bronx for a few years. The two of them moved to Queens when they both turned 19.
  • They have a polaroid of Zephir in the back of their phonecase and a little note from her as well. It's still legible after all years and water damage. They also have one of Malach's drawings in it.
  • The twins actually have two different hair colors. Seethe's natural hair is more lighter, sort of brown looking, and curlier.
  • Seethe was always more popular than Malach when it came to dating when they were in their teens. Malach was always much more popular socially, though.
  • They help arrange boquets for Dolosá to give to Azra. Ultimate wingman.
  • Seethe knows Malach hates most vegetables, especially mushrooms, but they've been sneaking various vegetables into his food for the past year because he eats them so sparsely. They have to do the same thing for Seven by sneaking proteins in his meals because he demands people food so often.
  • Seethe always checks every door in the house is locked before going to bed in their apartment. They do it at Zeph's, too.
  • Seethe thinks the custom jewelry Azra makes is so cool. They've never been to her shop, but they've seen a few of the things she's made for Dolosá try on, she's got excellent craftsmanship. They really want to ask if she'd be able to make theirs and Zephir's engagement rings.
  • Them and Malach subconsciously make a lot of similar faces. They have very similar resting faces.



Zephir Phthâl (fiancé)

Unamed ex-partner ("She who shall not be named")

Kyenyx Eleara (an old former)

Various former crushes and affairs


Never fully pursued the quadrant. They're not very interested in blackrom.


Zephir Phthâl (previous and old former)


Only ever auspisticized for a few instances, doesn't actively pursue the quadrant.