zephir phthâl



1 year, 10 months ago


"my miiind says move on... my heart lags behind it"

Basic info


Cerulean (Torea Bay #0b2697)

AGE 10.15 sweeps (~22 human years)

triuneRendezvous (TR)


65291071_zKHnzjZ5go4N03j.png Scorus, Sign of the Victorious

ABILITIES Third eye vision

Her third eye possesses no inherent special quality as it is merely just a mutation, a form of mutation that is more commonly found in trolls of her blood caste. Zephir's third eye provides her the abilities of being able to focus on multiple things at once and have selective vision, but these abilities can prove to be equally advantageous and disadvantageous.

She often misreads words, distracts herself on what she intends to look at, occasionally misses or bumps into obstacles, and busy or highly visually stimulating areas can quickly become very overstimulating for her. As a solution she usually obscures or closes her third eye when she needs to focus on whatever she may be reading or viewing.

OCCUPATION Freelance Photographer


Digital Artist

A personal hobby and passion of hers turned to profession, Zephir loves her job as a digital artist and creator. She has her own drawing pad and pen to match and her own little special space at her desk for her drawing materials. Zephir's a very talented artist and has even taken comissions for her work.

FETCH MODUS Camera modus

The Camera Modus is used by taking pictures of anything in the focus of the camera by equipping the fetch modus card's camera. The item photographed will then be produced as a photographic copy to then be transferred into the players captchalouge inventory. However, there are size limitations on what the player can captchalouge.

HIVE She lives in a decently sized, lavish apartment located in a nicer part of Queens. Her apartment is decorated in a way that seems more like a lounge than a home considering how comfortable her furniture is and the relaxing atmosphere. Zephir also frequently stays over at the twins' apartment.
LUSUS Black Panthress Bastet


Seven (adoptive)

Seven is a cat like lusus with features and habits of a cat as well as slight features resemblant of a bunny. He is larger than any rabbit or house cat but considered quite small compared to other lusii; a runt. Zephir came across him randomly one day on a stroll and had soon frequented that area the following weeks to continuously feed him and attempt to gain his trust. He now lives with Zephir in her apartment. Seven is a generally friendly mannered and an intelligent cat who is incredibly loyal to Zephir, rarely ever leaving her side when she's home and caters to her as if she were his own.

Seven has a unique mutation that makes him all black instead of white, typically like other lusii. This mutation is where he got the basis of his name. Zephir named him Seven because his dark appearance and sneaky behavior reminded her of an agent, so she decided to name him after the Troll Agent 007, Troll James Bond. Seven goes by many other aliases such as, (Lil) Sev, Sevvy, Jamie, Seviathan, and SP.

LIKES Pretty shoes and matching accessories, being outdoors, taking pictures, playing the Sims, flowers, drawing on her computer, fruity scents, large stuffed animals, meeting new people, having her meals paid for, interesting furniture
DISLIKES Rude girls, know-it alls, her eyes being irritated, stuffy rooms, Seven scratching up her furniture, boring and uptight people, forgeting to charge her things, being held up, bugs, watered down drinks, chipping her nails
INTERESTS/HOBBIES Photography, drawing, leisurely walks, shopping, almost anything related to art, watching the sky, nature; being outside, playing video games, cosmetology, fashion, dancing, marine biology
TYPING QUIRK Her quirk is based around the number "3" and consists of repetition regarding certain wording or lettering three times in refrence to her eyes. She multiplies the letter "i" by 3 only if the first 1-3 words of the sentence have the letter "i" in them. Her quirk can become progressively inconsistent and sporadic if she becomes overwhelmed, flustered, or frustrated in conversation. She types with little to no proper capitalization and with most punctuation besides periods, unless used for emphasis in a sentence. She tends to overuse commas in relation of her habit of running sentences, starting unfinished thoughts and sentences, and her tendency to ramble. When creating emoticons she uses a period and colon in her resemblance; .:) , .:7 , .:P

ex: the quiiick brown fox jumped over the river


Maid of Breath : One who Creates with Breath or Creates Breath

Maids are the passive halves of the Servitude class, their active counterparts being Knights. Maids serve under their aspect, often taking part in the role of a true servant; overlooked and expected to readily offer themselves up at the request of another, usally someone they rely on. Maids typically seek out their aspect in others in order to try and fulfill themselves until they eventually begin their journey where they will begin to finally realize that they don't and never did need anyone for any sort of validation or fufillment, that they can learn to depend on themselves for not just their aspect. They tend to seek validation from others they asociate with and let others control aspects of their lives, struggling to see the difference in sincerity versus borderline controlling behavior. Not to call all Maids naïve, but Maids often tend to get grouped in with people who have little regard or appreciation for them that they gloss over because they become blinded by seeking approval. They may be too careless, unaware, or both to see how they are really being treated. Despite the negativity in it all, it is all necessary to their ascension toward godhood. Maids must fight, either figuratively or literally, to liberate themselves in order to get to learn true peace. They need to get themselves out of their adversities. Maids must gain control of their situation and assert that they are capable enough to rip themselves out this viscious cylce, turn tables, and free themself from what had them bound. They often have a close relation to their aspect which can be as beneficial as it is damaging. The struggle they need to overcome is more often than not related to their aspect. At their best, they are capable, understanding, and ecouraging. At their worst they can be irritable, remorseful, and alienated.

The aspect of Breath embodies wind, intagibility, freedom, independence, options, flexibility, detachment, and separation. With the additional knowledge of both the aspect of Breath along with the class of Maid, in her coming to her journey of ascending, she would be able to rid her reliance and dependances on those that were prominent figures of dominating her life. Being able to finally take her own initiative and remove herself from the clockwork of her place in other peoples lives to instead focus on and take hold of her own. At first, she would compliantly listen to or go along with what others had to say about their own judgements regarding what exactly she should do, like being told certain things shouldn't matter, what she should be put her focus into, and who she should associate herself with, unconcerned with the shape and focus of her life being in others hands. When rising to her challenge, she would essentially flip the script and move in her own way at her own pace just as easily as before when she previously went along with others say. She would learn to prioritize what she wants over others wants for her and learn to do as she pleases, allowing nothing and no one to get between her and her convictions ever again. The Maid of Breath would be free to do as she pleases without any forethought about what any others may have to do with it and she won't let anyone can drag her down again.


Zephir is a very tall young woman (190 cm/6'3) with a more curvy figure. Her natural hair is about shoulder length and the frontmost strands are almost always dyed blue. She has blue pupils, monolid eyes, thin brows, freckled skin, and prominent dimples on both sides of her face. On her face she has four moles, 2 under her bottom left eye, one on her right cheek near her nose, and another on the upper rightside of her top lip. She cycles through a lot of jewelry, but she most often wears a necklace with a green heart on it with the letter 'S' etched into it and a silver ring on her left hand with multiple green gemstones embeded in it. Her horns are thick at the base of her skull and gradually become more thinner once they begin to wind, curving downward before pertruding at the sides once more with identical hooks at each end.

She has few tattoos and multiple piercings, she has four different sized stars running down her upper left arm and double mirroring stars on both sides just above her v-line. She has her eyebrow pierced, the bridge of her nose, a septum, snakebites, her dimples, lobes, three piercings in each ear, back dermals, and her navel.

  Good/neutral traits

  • benevolent; kindhearted, full of compassion
  • affable and congenial, easy to get along with
  • assertive and headstrong personality
  • unshakeable character, she stays true to herself
  • ambitious; pursues her passions boldly, dedicated and a fierce overachiever
  • adventurous, enjoys seeking out changes and new experiences
  • true socialite, very attractive, magnetic and alluring
  • observant, has a good attention to detail
  • has a lot of natural confidence in herself, emits a sense of being well put together
  • heavily values her own personal freedoms and enjoyments
  • emotional and very empathetic, experiences her emotions intensely
  • fashionable, chic, and stylish; takes pride in her appearance
  • strong sense of social justice and high ideals
  • very uplifting and motivational
  • often tries to keep other's best interest in mind
  • free-spirited

  Bad traits

  • tendency to become overly competitive or fiercely intense
  • easily made upset, jealous, or frustrated
  • prone to experiencing sudden and intense mood swings
  • often starts one thing and forgets to finish the previous task
  • poor multitasker
  • sometimes struggles to carry out mandatory responsibilities
  • struggles to simply "let things go" or forget confrontations
  • her determination can be misconstrued as stubborness to others
  • appears to be avoidant of her problems
  • determined to get her way, my way or the highway mentality
  • emotions can be so intensive they hinder her functioning
  • worries too much over little things and outcomes
  • passive aggressive when criticized
  • can easily become overly obsessive in things or people
  • poor planner
  • creature of habit, remains stuck in her ways
  • can be intense and easily overwhelming


  • Zephir's first name used to be temporarily spelled as 'Zephyr'. Her name came from Zephyrus, the Greek god and personification of the West wind and one of the several wind gods part of the Anemoi. Zephyrus is considered the most gentle and favourable of the winds, and is also associated with flowers, springtime, and procreation. Her first name is in reference to her being a Breath player.
  • Her surname, Phthâl (pronounced "thowl", the "Ph" and "L" are silent.), derives from the word 'Phthalo' (pronounced either "fay-low" or "thay-low"), which are paint pigments that are transparent, highly staining, and reliably lightfast. The spectrum colors of Phthalo pigments range from multiple shades of blue, green, and some shades of teal. I remembered the name of the paint from an old art class I had, I thought the name was unique.
  • When she was younger, she would often cover her third eye with her hair or either keep it closed because she had grown to be embarassed by it because of bullying. As she's grown older and more confident, comfortable, and more secure in her indentity, she's come to find it to be one of her more beautiful and most defining features. She's ashamed of herself that she had ever even tried to hide it in her youth.
  • Zephir is 6"3 and weighs around 240 lbs.
  • She loves sweets and desserts, her favorite desserts are cheesecake and french macarons.
  • Zephir has moderate ADHD, Dyslexia, suffers from PTSD, and shows high signs of having emotional dysregulation.
  • She is Vietnamese, Filipina, and African American. Tagalog is her first language and she has learned English over the years.
  • I made Zephir around the same time as Aurumi (their first piece together being made December 5th,) and they were intended to have had romantic history. They did date for a short while before I changed Zephir's narrative for her to be Seethe's girlfriend/love interest instead and in turn made Aurumi a less relevant character. I haven't given the two little to any interaction together since but that is the reason that they're both exes.
  • Zephir has a minor speech impediment which causes her to occasionally stutter.
  • She has Hypodontia, which is a dental abnormality that causes the absence of one to five sets of primary teeth due to lack of developement. She is specifically missing only her lateral incisors and she wears braces to correct the minor gaps in her teeth. Her canines are also much duller than most trolls of her caste. I also have Hypodontia and she's missing the same primary teeth I do, I just thought it'd be fun to do.
  • Zephir enjoys wearing lots of accessories with her outfits. She has a large collection of various accessories ranging from all sorts of jewelry, bags, hats, and studded belts.
  • She is known to frequently ramble. Sometimes about absolutely nothing at all, but she rambles most when she is really passionate about something, comfortable with whoever she's talking to, or either incredibly nervous.
  • She prefers to sleep with multiple pillows and finds it harder to sleep without some kind of background noise.
  • Her initial day of creation was December 5th, 2021, making her born under the zodiac season of Sagittarius.
  • She has a total of 14 piercings but sometimes takes out her lobe and dimple piercings.
  • When watching movies or most media, Zephir closes her third eye to help her better focus on whatever she's watching.
  • Wherever there is a Zephir, there is always a Seethe not too far behind.
  • I used to draw Zephir possessing vision twofold in both of her left eyes, but I had ended up scrapping it since I thought it made her face look cluttered. I also shifted the two moles she had under her right eye over to her left side.
  • Zephir used to be very self conscious of her self image and body. She frequently struggled with her perception of herself due to the influence of others in addition to extreme bouts of body dysmorphia regarding her journey of experiencing womanhood. She's since became much less harsh on herself.
  • As a kid she liked to imagine what she would look like with different kinds of glasses on, she thinks glasses and shades are such cute and cool accessories. She's sure they'd make her look funny though, so she avoids wearing them ever.
  • She loves to photograph Seethe whether they're aware of it or not. She thinks they are so photogenic and so very handsome. Littered around her home, especially on the walls near her bed and around her computer, she has polaroids of them. Her favorites have little comments or hearts written on them and lipstick marks smuged on them.
  • Zephir regularly plays her modded files of the Sims in her free time. Its one of her favorite pass times. She has elaborate stories and relationships made for just about all of them that she likes to relay to Seethe when they come over, or to anyone really thats willing to listen.
  • Seethe has let her pick out her favorite cologne of theirs for her to keep so that when she misses them, she can just spray it on the things she likes. She's used it on her larger stuffed animals and even some of her own clothes. Even though they're the one who granted her the permission to do so, she still finds it embarassing to admit to, especially when they make an off hand comment about random items in her room smelling like them.
  • Her favorite animes are Jujutsu Kaisen, Soul Eater, Mob Psycho, Bleach, Attack on Titan, and Saiki K.
  • Sometimes she bumps into things due to her wonky depth perception from having a third eye. As a kid she was super clumsy having still not quite yet learned how to coordinate herself with her extra eye.
  • When I shifted for Zephir to date Seethe instead of Aurumi, I intended for the two of them to meet at a club or bar where Zephir was getting unwelcomed advances from a man who wouldn't leave her alone. They would've physically intervined and walked her home afterward and that would've been the start of their relationship but I scrapped it considering that that particular plot had multiple issues. The primary issue was the both of them were underaged at the time to be in such a setting.
  • I didn't initially plan for Zephir to become an all too relevant or a detailed character at first, she was intended to be more of a side character alongside Aurumi and they were meant to be seen together often. After I began to shift to the idea for her to have some sort of romantic potential with Seethe instead, I changed her history with Aurumi and she became more relevant and fleshed out.
  • Zephir tends to play with and style Seethe's hair when they have it down. She thinks their hair is very pretty and incredibly soft. She can't recall ever seeing it anything else but green.
  • Her favorite characters in JJK are Gojo, Yuki, Kirara, Megumi, Nobara, and Choso. She especially likes Megumi and Choso because they remind her most of Seethe.
  • She can run surprisingly well in heels.
  • Zephir has a habit of leaving her clothes over at the twins' apartment, typically in Seethe's room and usually thinks she's lost them. In reality, Seethe actually returns them to her and puts them back the next time they go over to her place. They wait until she tells them that she actually did manage to find that one article of clothing she thought she had lost, its a repetitve cycle that she is blissfully unaware of partially due to Seethe not having the heart to tell her so.
  • Zephir changed the spelling of her name from Zephyr with a "y" to Zephir with an "i" when she began transitioning in order to make her name feel more feminine and true to herself. She'll quickly correct you if you spell it the wrong way.
  • Zephir used to have little respect for herself, dating or mingling with almost anyone that had little to enough interest in her, often for shortlived periods of time. She was constantly cycling through heartbreak and obsession within her quadrants. It often messed with her head. So much so that she believed that to be valuable as a woman, you needed to be sought after and desired, and if she wasn't sought after, that made her plain and unwanted.
  • She thinks the relationship the twins have with eachother is very sweet and incredibly admirable.
  • Zephir has never had someone spoil her as much as Seethe tends to do.
  • She used to rollerskate as a teenager. She's still pretty decent at it, just a little rusty.
  • Zephir sometimes forgets words in English or on how to translate certain words in Tagalog to English since it isn't her first language.
  • She once fought a (very petty) girl over Seethe. (She won, obviously.)
  • She has almost all of Seethe's usual orders at restaurants memorized, just in case she occasionally has to order for them. That and the fact that they rarely ever change up their orders.
  • Due to being mistreated by so many people romantically, she struggled to maintain long relationships inside and outside of just her quadrants. This caused her to forcibly push many people away and out of her life, a prime example being Seethe. She tried to try to do what she thought felt right in order to keep her peace and her heart safe to avoid being hurt over again.
  • Zephir's third eye often blinks asymmetrically from the others.
  • She knows how to play the keyboard, albeit mediocrely.
  • Zephir has plenty polaroids and other photographs of her and her friends as well as fun little magnets on her fridge.
  • She often finds herself drawing portraits in the likeness of Seethe on her drawing tablet. She has a subconcious habit of giving the men she draws similar traits and attributes to them. It's really embarassing...
  • Zephir has a habit of biting at her acrylics, it is a self soothing behavior of hers.
  • Some of Zephir's biggest special interests is marine biology and nephology. She loves all kinds of fish and she even has a tendency to correlate fish to the behaviors of her friends. Regarding her interest in nephology, she'll often note the type of cloud formations that are out in the sky, especially if they're her favorites.
  • Zephir's favorite cloud formations are cirrus clouds, undulatus, cumulus, stratocumulus, and alto cumulus clouds.
  • She loves to tease Malach. He gets so fussy when she pokes fun at him, she finds humor in him actung just as a little brother would.
  • She always asks Seethe for second opinions on her outfits though she knows they'll always say she looks gorgeous or something similar. She really likes the attention.
  • Zephir is oddly flexible and has surprisingly good balancing skills. These enhanced abilities were adopted from her panthress mother, of course.
  • As a child, she was very rambunctious when it came to playing with other children since that was often how she played with her mother. She tended to be a little rough with the other children, pouncing on them, biting, and even drawing blood on occasion. She grew out of her rough playful nature in her adolescence.
  • She's had braces ever since she was 17.
  • As a teenager, she used to be very slim, almost unhealthily skinny. Once she started regularly taking estrogen on top of the birth control she was taking prior to that, she began to gain weight at a rate she couldn't quite control. Her eating habits also took a change once she began taking estrogen. All of her rapid weight gain quickly made her very self conscious and she had became bulimic as a result.
  • She hid the fact that she was taking testosterone blockers and estrogen from her mother until it became too difficult to hide anymore, as she did with a lot of secrets she kept from her mother.
  • She has a tendency and poor habit of lacking social awareness, speaking loudly in public settings when others are in close vicinity or louder than what is considered acceptable for the setting, often having to be told to keep her voice down. She'll talk about anything just about anywhere.
  • She has a habit of calling just about anybody she's close enough to "babe" or "dude".
  • Zephir is an incredibly active sleeper despite her saying otherwise. Seethe accounts for being kicked repeatedly and waking up with her hand in their face on numerous occasions. She also drools. She insists that they're lying.
  • She's a complete party animal. Less so now than she was when she was a teenager. She was always invited to almost everyones parties.
  • Zephir owns a total of 3 Tamagotchi charms. They're all dead, unfortunately.
  • Zephir strongly dislikes the feeling of her nails how they are naturally so they are often painted, or she either has acrylics.
  • One of her favorite materials to wear is latex, she thinks it makes her look so good but she hates the process of putting it on so she never really gets the chance to wear it often. Her other favorite material to wear are silk and velvety fabrics.
  • She has a lot of plants at her apartment being gifts from Seethe. She makes an effort to take care of them, but Seethe takes care of the plants more attentively and thoroughly than she does.
  • Zephir once threw a piping hot cup of coffee on one of her ex-boyfriends because he wouldn't leave her alone.
  • The insides on the back of her knees is an obscure sensitive spot of hers. This is a reference to Envy Adams, from Scott Pilgrim that was revealed by Scott's tip to Ramona mid fight to poke the back of her knees as an easy weak point he had discovered when the two of them were still together and made out.
  • Before Seethe ever moved in, a lot of the things she has now in her apartment she would've never considered buying for herself. Like herbal tea. So much tea. Tea and plants. She'd eat a lot of frozen foods or quick microwave meals when she lived alone too, but now her fridge is almost always stocked with fresh produce and organic foods.
  • She once had a crazy binge after a bad break-up where she kept herself wired on tropical flavored energy drinks and video games. She cut her hair short as a result as well. She was up for two whole days and during those two days, she beat three video game storylines in their entirety.
  • She sometimes feeds Seven people food like rice, bread, small bits of cooked meat, and the occasionaly corners of crackers and other snacks that won't harm him. Seethe always tells her not to feed him that kind of stuff because it'll make him all fat and greedy but she still sneaks him little pieces anyway in secret. He's become quite fond of string cheese now.
  • Some of her favoite rock bands are System Of A Down, Slipknot, and Pierce The Veil, just to name a few.
  • She can't really cook to save her life but the few dishes she does know how to cook, she's confident enough about making them on her own without burning anything.
  • Zephir talks to Seven almost exclusively in Tagalog. He understands English just fine but she finds he is more perceptive with her when she speaks Tagalog to him.
  • Zephir has a habit of changing her hair quite a lot when she feels she's in need of some change, her hair has been many colors and lengths. She did so more frequently in her teens and she's since strayed away from using as much box dyes as she used to, but she's no stranger to cutting her hair.
  • She struggles greatly with executive function when it comes to cleaning, especially her own room. She struggles in general with motivation in comepleting daily or necessary tasks without her medication or someone else's motivation and assistance.
  • Zephir still keeps the many letters and little notes written on scrap paper that Seethe would give to her far before they became red and were still only moirails. She's never had somene write to her so frequently or in such detail like they have, they're very special to her.
  • She thinks it's funny that Seethe talks to their plants, she thinks it's even funnier when they're caught talking to them. Sometimes they switch between talking to them like they'd talk to Seven or like if they were another person. They always get so embarassed.
  • She's always found the French language very attractive, especially when women speak French or have French accents. She doesn't really understand much French though and can only say very few things in the language. She learned the few bits she's retained from an old ex-girlfriend of hers who just so happened to be French.
  • When they go out to eat together, Zephir always has Seethe try what she ordered. She does it when they're home together also. She just likes sharing her food with them and feeding them!
  • Zephir's become used to having Seethe by her in order to sleep, she sleeps much more peacefully when Seethe is glued to her. She finds it very cute how they always hold her when the two of them go to sleep. This has also made her dependent on Seethe being in bed with her to get a good nights sleep. She's much grumpier waking up without Seethe practically lying on her like a weighted blanket.
  • Zephir often helps Seethe with their sheds by running them a bath to soak it all off. Before though, she picks off as much as she can with her hands before having them soak it out.
  • She thoroughly enjoys testing the permamnece of her lip combos, glosses, and the look of new shades on Seethe.
  • Zephir can't really sing but she does anyway. She doesn't care. She makes up for it by being a pretty damn good dancer.
  • Zephir's always seen Malach as a little brother to her. Especially when they were all growing up together. She sees him that way even now. She assumes he's almost like a little brother to just about everyone, or maybe it's just her. Who knows.
  • She owns multiple different phone cases to go with some of her outfits. It's all about the details. Something about taking a cute mirror selfie and even your phone looks good with your outfit? It's just too cool, dude.
  • She sort of blurts out loud when she laughs, like a series of cackles. Her laugh changes depending on how hard she laughs though.
  • Zephir carries around a little digital camera almost always in her hand bags. The perfect item for a girls nights or a night out with her boyfriend when they do something cute or both look so good together.
  • She has a photo album in her phone of all the photos she takes with Seethe. Sometimes they're snaps taken offguard, cute poses, sights and things from trips they've been on together, Seethe sleeping, anything.
  • She loves wearing miniskirts. Skirts are supposed to be so cute and fun, if you can't be a little exposed when wearing one, she feels she's not wearing it right. Zephir likes long body fitting long skirts just as much, but she mainly wears the miniskirts for Seethe's attention. In reality she'd be far too bashful to wear them out in public.
  • Zephir's originally from Brooklyn, New York and she now lives in Queens. Her accents from both places sort of mesh together.
  • She can't recall seeing Seethe's hair any other color besides jade.
  • When she dyes her hair, she almost always has a colored streak somewhere in it. She's never dyed her hair entirely one color though.
  • As a kid, she had a small collection of press on nails, cheaply made from a local beauty supply store. She'd only wear them in private in fear of others judgement. They made her feel dainty and pretty and even closer to her sense of womanhood. It was really a small step, but to her, it meant everything. Until one day, her mother found her with them on and made her throw them all out.
  • She had learned to be very secretive at a young age because of the constant meddling and sterness of her mother.
  • Zephir hates the taste of ranch.
  • When I first changed the narrative for Zephir and Seethe to be together, aside from the bar idea, their relationship has always been based around them growing up together as friends and developing into them enevtuallty having mutual feelings for eachother. It's gradually became more complex with time.



Seethe Avérsi (fiancé)

Unamed ex-partner

Various former flings and affairs


Never fully pursued.


Azra Atabei (current)

Seethe Avérsi (previous complicated former)

Various formers


Only auspisticized in few instances, doesn't often pursue the quadrant.