
Humanoid Dragon | Age: 15 | He/Him

Reference Sheet



5ft, 3in
BirthdayAugust 9th


Night Fishing, Night Hunting, Night Swimming, Helping out others, Shooting / Fighting / Adventure Games, Getting to know more about the world and how technology works, Thunderstorms, Listening to music


Spiders, Anti-LGBTQ, People playing with his hair


Aiden is a Humanoid Dragon. His species is super rare on the planet which makes him stand out greatly in school. His style of clothing is usually anything that is the colors black and red. Most of the time, he wears his hoodie and sweatpants but definitely will try to wear something really cool when going on an adventure! Everyday he goes to school, he walks in with a different hairstyle and people like how creative he gets and sometimes people will try to play with his hair but he always tends to stop them from doing so. Aiden has been had a higher standing in his grades and many people like to ask him for help on the assignments. Aiden isn't the smartest kid in school but he does try to do whatever he can to help others and maintain his good grades. Aiden is really bad at fixing broken objects and if he does actually fix them, it's by complete accident. He's probably not someone people should rely on heavily.


Aiden is pretty cool about everything that goes on in his life. He isn't really ever going through deep situations so most of the time he is pretty calm and always in a good mood. Everyday he tries to spread positivity to everyone in his school and try to make new friends and even help people out if they ever need/want it. He's shown up to his classes on time everyday and ask questions whenever he is lost. When not at school, he plays a lot of video games. He mostly favors shooting, fighting, and adventure games. He tries to get better and better at the game so one day he can compete in tournaments and bring home lots of money to his friends and family. He also sometimes likes to go fishing, hunting, and swimming especially around midnight mainly because it's peaceful. He would sometimes bring a friend with him. Aiden has always been curious about the world and he tries to get to know more and more about the world everyday. He even studies thunderstorms to help him get to know more about the world. Aiden has been known to have arachnophobia [fear of spiders] so he tries to avoid going into basements/bunkers mainly since that's where the spiders like to hang out at.

Friends and Family

Digit-16: Best Friend/Crush
Lillith: Best Friend
Spirit: Great Friend

HTML Profile by Coywolfy