


Reference Sheet








5ft, 0in








October 9th
















Spirit! He's a blue and green space themed boy. The clothing he often wears are comfort clothing with sometimes his headphones or brown shoes. He also has a ring that gives him superpowers. The ring has 3 buttons and each button allows him to use a certain ability. The blue button on his ring gives him the ability to open portals just like what his cousin Midnight can do. The purple button allows him to jump really high just like what his cousin Aluben can do. The green button allows him to give himself a glowy green musical aura shield which can protect him and/or his allies from heavy attacks. It is super loud on the outside so anyone outside the shield will likely have their eats hurt. Anyone inside the shield would be fine as it is quiet from the inside. Spirit does have to be careful using this shield as it can hurt his allies if they're not in shield range. The loud sound can be heard from up to a mile away so anyone outside this range wouldn't have their ears hurt. Spirit originally came from Planet Sepiatron where he lived with his mother and father in a HUGE Mansion in Cyberpunk Festival. He loved living with his parents but when he just turned 13, he wanted to spend time with his cousins Aluben and Midnight. So he then asked his parents if he could stay at Aluben's place for a while and they happily accepted as well as Aluben. Spirit's parents then gave him a ring that would allow him to create a portal to Planet Arcanum in the Arson Jungle location where Spirit would stay at Aluben's place and he absolutely loves staying with them.

[FC Winner: December 2nd, 2023]


  • Music
  • Soundwaves
  • Using his power ring
  • Radios
  • Gaming
  • Horror Films
  • Being on Social Media
  • Desserts
  • Coffee
  • Glowy Outfits
  • Clean Places
  • Bunnies/Rabbits
  • Outer Space


  • Dirty Places
  • Playing Sports
  • Going outside during the daytime


Spirit is super laid back and polite to most people. Though he has a crazy obsession with music and will mostly talk about it a lot. Even video game music gets him started on the subject. Most of the time, he would go around with his headphones on listening to all kinds of music especially video gaming music. Outside that interest, he loves watching horror films, being on social media, and playing video games. He loves bunnies/rabbits and has always wanted one growing up so every time he sees a bunny/rabbit running around, he would get crazy excited. He does have a huge sweet tooth and will eat a lot of desserts. Even in the mornings, he would go for a coffee all the time. He hates being forced to play sports and would rather walk out and get in trouble for not participating rather than stay and play. He also hates areas that are extremely filthy and would much rather be in a clean environment. His favorite time to go outside is during the night time as he likes stuff that glows in the dark, especially outfits. He is always open to making new friends and would love to have a conversation with just about anyone as long as they're not creepy and/or dangerous to be around.



When Spirit lived with his mother, he actually enjoyed living in her place. He was always given stuff he wanted and even they always bonded with each other. After a while though, Spirit wanted to spend more time with Aluben and Midnight so he asked his mother if he could stay with them for a while and happily so, Euphoria allowed him to go to Planet Arcanum to spend time with them. Everyday, Spririt and his mom always video chat with each other and it's always super wholesome.

ALTAIR Younger Brother

Spirit loves hanging out with Altair!! Most of the time, they would end up playing video games, watching movies, and building pillow forts together. Sometimes Spirit would invite Clover over and they always end up having a lot of fun!

KIT Younger Brother

Kit loves pranking Spirit and just annoying the mess out of him. Outside of that, they both end up playing video games with each other a lot. Though Spirit often destroys Kit in video games which often leads to him raging and crying. They do have wholesome moments together though.


Spirit lives with Aluben. They both have an interest in bunnies/rabbits and would often watch movies together. Spirit looks up to Aluben a lot everyday and often gets inspired to do a lot from them.


Midnight usually sees Spirit when he is hanging out with Aluben. They both love watching horror films and playing with bunnies/rabbits.

CLOVER Best Friend

Spirit and Clover are the bestest of friends and would often have sleepovers together and stay up all night playing video games together. Spirit also enjoys showing Clover some of his taste in music with some songs being enjoyed by Clover and some not so much.

XENO Awesome Friend

Spirit loves visiting Xeno every morning for a cup of coffee! They both have the best of conversations everyday and sometimes Spirit would invite Xeno over to play some video games on days he isn't running the shop.

AIDEN Great Friend

Spirit and Aiden would often trade video games with each other every once in a while. Spirit would also often help Aiden with school work.

DIGIT-16 Great Friend

Spirit and Digit-16 mainly study outer space related things every now and then. They really only talk once a month but they both really do enjoy hanging out together.

LILLITH Great Friend

Spirit isn't really into sports like Lillith is but he always enjoys seeing how interested Lillith is in that stuff. Often, Spirit would attend one of Lillith's sports games and watch from the audience and then later have a really fun talk about it.

CUPCAKE Good Friend

Spirit loves the silly personality that Cupcake has. Sometimes Spirit will even ask him for cupcakes as he heavily has a sweet tooth. Cupcake is always super happy to give cupcakes to Spirit.

MILO Good Friend

Spirit would often see Milo hanging out with Xavier every now and then. In the online world, they would often play video games together and trash talk each other for fun. They mostly like to play competitively with each other.

XAVIER Good Friend

Spirit doesn't often see Xavier unless he is hanging out with Milo. Both of them love playing competitively online in games.

ARLO Okay Friend

Spirit always enjoys seeing how silly Arlo can be every once in a while. They often play games online together.

TYRO Okay Friend

Spirit doesn't really like how messy Tyro's place is otherwise they often play games online together.

code by icecreampizzeria

Art from Linkachu, rangelgonz, and Middlemist | images from LeafyKid87