


1 year, 9 months ago


aliases: rey
age (17-18)
race: afro latino
occupation: tutor



positive / neutral / negative
Reyes is a calm level-headed person who once served as the main source of positivity in his environment. Despite his rough upbringing, he tackles every day with a smile. He is a pacifist, preferring to not get into an altercation if possible, but at the same time, will not hesitate to fight to protect what is dear to him. He tries to keep a light hearted aproach to everything since he is someone who feels and understands emotions very deeply. Reyes is a natrual leader, often taking charge in group projects or other team oriented activites. Despite this he does not come off as too pushy or bosys. He's a very understanding indivisual with a heart that always is inclined to help those around him.





R eyes came from a low income family, he grew up being the oldest of 4 and often finds himself overworked when it comes to school and homelife. Despite odds often being against him and growing up faster than most he always held his head high. He grew up being told by his mother that he could have anything in the world as long as he believed in himself and relied on those who support him. Reyes spent countless weekends studying for exams while having one of his younger siblings attached to his hip, now that they are older he does not need to constantly check on them but old habits die hard as they would say. Although, at times he can feel suffocated by his situationships, he learned to not blame his mother, since she as well was trying her hardest to suppoprt not just his sibling but him as well. Now that hes nearing the end of his high school career he hopes for a future with his significant other and a fuutre where his hard work in his adolcenet years payed off.


super duper swagadelic quote goes here... or just a short desc of ur character. text truncates if you go over!

by macroura |