


8 years, 7 months ago


Name Pyrit
Species Spirit of Forgotten Things
Gender None
Age Ageless
Setting Dystopian futuristic world. Extremely clean and sterile, governmental erasure of history.

A spirit-like creature that roams the roads of a streamlined, futuristic city, where all traces of greenery and nature are gone. In a world where history is being systematically erased by a controlling, totalitarian government, Pyrit is an incarnation of past civilizations, customs and ideas. His appearance fluctuates constantly, but always embodies a point in time, like a snapshot of a specific era.

People perceive him mostly as visions, flashbacks into the past like vivid hallucinations that they forget as soon as they've faded, leaving them only with the hollow feeling of having missed something important.

Physical Description

His appearance is extremely versatile and will change depending on the viewer and the era he embodies. There are a few elements that remain, though:

  • He has human hands and hoofed feet.
  • His face is hidden by a mask. It can be very plain or very intricate, but his eyes are never visible.
  • He is always 'decorated'. Wearing jewelry or clothes, being covered in plants, etc. These elements are always reminiscent of a specific era and culture.
Info for Artists

You're free to take as many liberties as you want while drawing him! His design is meant to fluctuate a lot, and I love seeing how different people choose to depict him. He can be very humanoid or more animal-like, friendly or monstrous, heavily decorated or streamlined. He can have secondary sex characteristics or not, be strongly male/female coded or androgynous. Go nuts!
Some of his artwork is older, and he has gone through a few pretty drastic concept and design changes since, so don't feel like you have to follow those, either.