
1 year, 9 months ago



Nyro Hawkins



Day of Creation

September 4th - 2022








188cm/6'2" - 240cm/8ft







Hidden away from the outside, deep underneath Hearthwish Estate, an ancient old dungeon resides to house the dead members of the Hearthwish family. Lady Charlotte has been using it for other practices than for burials. Making it a place for worship of the Demon Lord Baphomet. Behind the back of her husband Lord Edwin, she has been practicing the dark arts within these crypts. For years Lady Charlotte endured the absument of her husband. For him wanting her to bear children, but alas she was never able to. Her frustration became too much. From stealing away children from other towns, to ending up siding with a Demon Lord. All for children that could bear the good name of the Hearthwish family. Gifted by minions of Demon lord Baphomet, two babies were given to Charlotte, Nyro and Cassius. Exclaiming that these children are destined for great things. With power unimaginable for a human to understand. Given into her greed and sorrow, she took his offer. Unknowing what demonic curse she brought upon her family.

Originally born in a noble family in Renatus, Nyro got stolen away by demonic forces, ending up in the hands of the Hearthwish family. Nyro experienced a harsh childhood for a noble. Being under constant surveillance and abuse from his father. Who wanted him and his brother’s to be trained as perfect soldiers to lead the Hearthwish brigade. Nyro was pushed for a leadership position by his father but never showed any interest when brought up.

Sibling rivalry was always there between Nyro and his brother Cassius. His brother gets jealous often. As he felt that Nyro gets more attention then he does. For this Cassius wanted the worst for him Starting to belittle and bully him, even making lies just to get him into trouble. Cassius easily got his siblings to join him in bullying Nyro. Insults that would mock Nyro’s character as being weak and unfit to ever lead anyone. Nyro would try to ignore Cassius and his siblings' relentless mockery, trying to push it aside as simple sibling rivalry.

Until one day, Nyro had enough of his brother’s mockery. Nyro's built up anger throughout the years turned into rage. Ending in a disaster at the dinner table after Cassius taunted Nyro. Causing an outburst, choking Cassius until he passed out. Leopard tried to stop him, but Nyro wasn't having any of it, throwing his brother to the other side of the room, slamming him into a wall leaving him stunned. As the rage consumes him, Nyro transforms into a large bestial form. Lord Edwin pulled a sword from one of the dining rooms many wall decors and charged his bestial son. After the onslaught, the guards came in to find Cassius, Leopard and Nyro unconscious on the floor, they were brought to the infirmary. Their father however lay dead on the floor, his blood on Nyro's hands and face. Nyro woke up shackled in a cell beneath the mansion, to await trial for the murder of his father. Luckily his sister Alenia interfered, the one sibling who cared for him, releasing Nyro from his imprisonment. Giving him a chance to escape through the vast dungeons beneath the mansion with a hope for a better life. He fled to a nearby town to rest, and find the next step where to go.


Nyro takes his time when he is able to. Not a person to turn down a conversation, but does not like to be held up either. Perhaps a bit posh, but not in a condescending demeanor. Because of his past, he tried his best to be the opposite of his brother, by being kind hearted and respectful to those around him. Due to recent events, Nyro has become more and more short tempered. Getting angry quickly when insulted.


  • Unknowingly by both their families, Nyro and Cassius have been experimented on before they were given to Lady Charlotte. Nyro being infused with the blood of a Goristro, while Cassius with another demon/devil.
  • Nyro is originally from the Hawkins family. Cassius is from another family.
  • When Nyro rages, he transforms into a mix of human and a Goristro. A large upper body covered in fluffy fur, arms and back with spikes, bull’s horns, and demonic facial features.