Ivory Wisp



1 year, 8 months ago


Ivory Wisp

Human form (glamour)

Age: 24

Birthday: 18 September 1998

Height: 5'2

Weight: 101 lbs

Pronoun: Any

Gender: Agender(fem)

Orientation: Asexual


They died a year ago from an undead attack. They lost their emotional attachement to every person they knew before death has a side effect of turning into a ghost. They grew great discomfort about undead at the same time knowing they are one themselves. Their uncle found and recongized them and helped them to get away from the country since undead don't usually get blessed by good willed god - and even less keeping their sanity and so are hunted then killed by the staff of the government.


They seeked some direction to apply their desire to help their surrounding and after some research they stubbled over some rumor about the Beacon. Has cliché it might sound they turned away from their past life habits to instead give a better use to these abilities they obtained to protect mortals and joined the Beacon Company. They managed to come in contact and been introduced to the group by their uncle that had connexion to it.

Alignement: Neutral good

Voice claim:

Status: Drawing and painting artist

Wealth: Average

Wish: Tell me why I came back, why me specifically?

Hobbie: -Drawing -Reading

Like: -Listening others -Drawing -Reading

Dislike: -Begin forced into conversation -Yelling -Undead/Ghoul/Ghost

Negative traits

Impatient: They don't like waiting so tend to go solo when they feel other aren't listening or slowing them down.

Harsh: They don't like some aspect of a person? They don't like them. Has simple has this.

Coal pilling up over the fire: The more despair and fear they feel the more aggressive they become.

Neutral traits

Quiet: Tend to keep the talking to a minimum.

Dissociative: Tend to easily keep themselves detached from their own situation. Not taking thing personal easily.

Priority of the living: They put dead body and objects has last thing to worry about. Saving people first give respect to dead last.

Positive traits

Attentive: More a listener than a talker. Make them more receptive to details than some.

Polite: Even if they can be quite direct they keep a polite formulation to avoid show too much disrespect.

Focused: They are hard to distract. Clearly has a focus of steel.

Normal form & DTV

Name: Ivory Wisp

Other names: Goshpal

Race: Ghost

Pronoun: Any

Gender: Agender

Height: 4'0

Weight: max 45lbs

Category: Paladin

Extra: When their hood is
removed their head turn white.

Oath: Be the opposite of what killed you.



Strength: 12 (+1) | Dexterity: 12 (+1) | Constitution: 10 (0) | Intelligence: 10 (0) | Wisdom: 12 (+1) | Charisma: 16(+3)


Hasty mist (Single-target / 1d8 / Support): Whoever they apply it to (can be themselves) obtain the ability to have an extra action each round. They can apply the second turn right after they did the first or apply it anytime after it in the same round. Roll for duration.

Possession (Single target & Self/ 1d8 /Support): Damage are halfen between Ivory and the character/item when hit. Allow them to control the person body or item. The possessed character wear Ivory's cape or simply has purple iris. Ivory themselves aren't visible in this state has they are "inside" of them/it meanwhile. Ivory can use any of the possessed traits, spells or weapons with the possessed's stats instead of their. The character can make a save throw each turn to break free from. It has to be 8+ Ivory's Charimas modifier to break free. Any damage taken while under the spell effect on any of the two would be shared between both.

White wisp (Multi-Target / 1d6 / Ranged): Can cast as many cold fireball as their charimas modifier, and send each fireballs out to different targets at once. Has advantage on undead. The fire can act like any fire and spread has much than be used has a source of light, but Goshpal have the ability to cancel it if needed.


Ghost shit: Can go accross/faze trough stuff easily has long it's not specificaly ghost proof. Can float (fly) and stand in any manner even upside down on a ceilling for exemple. Items in she cape will follow through. Object and people outside their pocket cape can't follow/faze through even when held.

Copy Paste the Tool : Once per long rest, touching and item or unequipped weapon allows you to change your hand to mimic said object and its effects, using CHA as your modifier. Cannot copy an item that breaks after use. You cannot reshape your hand for the rest of the day.

Ghost Cape : It's alive! This cape can serve as a blunt weapon, and also has the ability to grapple / grab / cover creatures smaller than it that are within 5ft or less of it as a bonus action.

Pocket cape: Dimension pocket inside their cape! Total of 14 feet cube + charima modifier. Inside every wall is an exit to the cape and seem made of it. The floor is white and smoking. Living being and object can stay safely inside. The number of people or huge objects is their charimas bonus those can leave whenever they desire. Nothing can enter without Ivory being fully aware and willing of that action. Must be under 5feet large and tall to enter. Anything they try grab/reach get pulled outside like a magnet. Character will be pulled out of the cape if Ivory takes damage or falls unconscious. Character will also be pushed out safely if Ivory faze through a wall or if they use possession spell because they can't share that trait and spell.


Candlestick of the soul: 1d6 - Long range weapon that come back to Ghospal. The item is closely linked to Goshpal's soul so always come back to them.

Ghost Cape: 1d6 ( large melee bludgeoning / blunt weapon )

Futures spells:

Futures traits: