


6 years, 2 months ago


...Let's Go In The Garden...

【 Name 】 Ainslie Bruis【 Called 】 Ainslie
【 Age 】 34【 D.o.B. 】 September 10th
【 Gender 】 Female【 Orientation 】 Heterosexual
【 Height 】 5'6"【 Build 】 Hourglass shaped
【 Origin 】 Earth【 Ethnicity 】 Scottish
【 Role 】 Princess【 Alignment 】 lawful good
【 Status 】 Taken【 Theme 】 TBA


Ainslie is the only daughter of a Scottish King and Queen. She is the mother of Skylark and Belladonna.

Nulla eu blandit nisl. Quisque nec nulla eu lorem aliquet commodo. Vestibulum maximus laoreet lacus a sollicitudin. Nam vitae libero tempor, aliquet libero congue, tincidunt libero. Etiam elit neque, vehicula et interdum vitae, sodales et libero. Aliquam pulvinar vulputate sapien, id lacinia orci cursus eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel quam at ante blandit lacinia. Pellentesque eget arcu lacus. Quisque sit amet mi dui. Vestibulum vel nulla ut nisl pharetra scelerisque. Maecenas diam purus, ornare a volutpat non, efficitur vitae neque. Nunc faucibus purus a ante pretium lacinia. Phasellus quis rutrum tellus, in efficitur velit.

Vestibulum pulvinar ullamcorper mi, vitae varius magna sollicitudin eu. Integer lacinia non risus eget eleifend. Duis cursus tortor sit amet tortor malesuada, at mattis quam viverra. Ut vestibulum nulla erat, at porta ex vestibulum a. Ut vitae nisi egestas odio semper consectetur. In in finibus leo. Ut at aliquam elit. Proin venenatis pretium faucibus. Etiam quis metus eu metus dictum imperdiet et sed augue. Aliquam vel nulla nisl. Nam non erat non augue aliquet tempor. Integer vitae vestibulum sapien. Donec volutpat dapibus ligula non rhoncus. Nunc dignissim mauris urna, in eleifend odio ullamcorper placerat. Phasellus imperdiet felis sollicitudin, ultricies neque et, tempor odio.



[ oldest daughter ]

Ainslie was very excited to finally have a daughter, and the two were very close until Ainslie died.


[ youngest daughter ]

Ainslie and Bella have a very special bond, and when Ainslie became sick, Bella stayed on Earth with her to take care of her until she died.


[ husband ]

Ainslie and Sulvald fell in love at first sight, and lived together until she died. After her death, Sulvald took Sky to live with him in Asgard. He offered to take Bella with him but she wanted to stay on Earth.

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