♛ Vera ♛



6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Vera Lcona

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Monocat

Relationships?: N A HH H


Food Type: Meat

Color: Blue

Book genre: Fantasy

Study: Mythology/History

Movie genre: Sci-Fi

Weather: Cold

Least Favorites:

Food Type: Root Vegetables

Color: Green

Book genre: Realistic Fiction

Study: English

Movie genre: Romance

Weather: Summer/Really Hot




-Practicing magic (she’s really bad at it tho)

-Lounging around



-Lazy (mood ?)






Vera comes from a long family line of Gristokats, commonly called Monocats due to their large, singular eye. This eye helps her species make accurate predictions into the near future and concentrates their magic. Gristokats are able to use weaker magic without any practice, and one who has had a lot of practice can be considered a great Mage. Gristokats were worshiped and revered by the ancient Egyptian peoples, and had ability to predict the future and practice basic magic. They were often seen as earthly servants of the goddess Bastet. Gristokats used their magic to protect people in exchange for goods or services. Though now in modern times, few are still highly skilled in the practice, many can only do basic things, if even that  

Many prefer to walk on all fours, as this tends to be less frightening than them on two legs, but some still choose to walk on their hind legs. They can morph their bone structure just for these needs.

Vera herself grew up in an upper class family. Not regally ranked, but still well-off in terms of financial means and social standing. She prefers to keep to herself, spending a lot of her time alone. She absolutely adores Mobi, doesn't really know if he likes her or not. But regardless of how he feels romantically, she still treasures him as a friend. And he’s dead. So it’d be kinda weird if he tried to date her.

Mobi is an idiot.

Anyways, Vera is a fairly skilled artist, often drawing what she sees around her. She loves observing the world she lives in.