🌸 Mazia 🌸



6 years, 7 months ago


Mazia / Maz

She / Her

Age : 23

Birthday : June 29th

Personality and Behavior : Occasionally highly emotional; insecure; has difficulty opening up to people; honestly just really needs a hug 99% of the time; seriously she'll hug you; night-owl (most of the time)

\\ S e n s i t i v e  C o n t e n t  W a r n i n g //

Genophobia - "Genophobia or coitophobia is the physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse. The word comes from the Greek nouns γένος genos, meaning "offspring," and φόβος phobos, meaning "fear." ... The term erotophobia can also be used when describing genophobia."

Agoraphobia - "Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping malls, or simply being outside the home."

PTSD related to sexual harassment - "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves a pattern of symptoms that some individuals develop after experiencing a traumatic event such as sexual assault. Symptoms of PTSD include repeated thoughts of the assault; memories and nightmares; avoidance of thoughts, feelings, and situations related to the assault; negative changes in thought and feelings; and increased arousal (for example difficulty sleeping and concentrating, jumpiness, irritability)." 

If this matter is of importance to you, you can read more about it HERE .