Mochyn Daear Hanwi (Badger)



1 year, 9 months ago


*****TRIGGER WARNING******* Blaidd Bach and Mochyn Daear's story includes suicide. Mochyn Daear is a Coblyn Ddaear (Grassland elf). Blaidd Bach is his brother. When they were children, their father was possessed by a spider demon. While possessed, their father killed their mom. Their dad was able to snap out of the possession before attacking Blaidd and Mochyn. But seeing what he did to their mom was overrun with guilt and took his own life. Their clan felt that the brothers were cursed and banished them. Blaidd Bach and Mochyn Daear grew up in the grasslands alone. They relied on each other and became very weary of anyone else. Even though he feels like his clan has abandoned him and his brother, he does understand why they were banished. He is more even tempered than Blaidd Bach is and is usually able to calm his brother down when Blaidd Bach flies off on a rant. While Blaidd Bach prefers to use the names "Coyote" and "Badger", Mochyn Daear doesn't hold a grudge against their clan like his brother does. He is understanding about the situation and tries his best to keep his brother's spirits up even though he knows his brother is more like a ticking time bomb. While his clan doesn't know about it. Mochyn Daear spends his time protecting the clan. He is trying to make up for what happened to his father and hopes the protection he gives can forgive the violence the possesion had on his family.