


1 year, 8 months ago



name Tamara Pigeonhawk
alias Volt
pronouns she/her
gender Female
element Electriciy
weapon Bow
birthdate 10/16
role Leader
major Illustration
status Alive
extraverted introverted
intuitive observant
thinking feeling
judging prospecting
lawful chaotic
good evil
likes Magical Girls, Drawing, Familiarity
dislikes Socializing, Rejection, School


  • Writes "self insert friendfiction" with random students around her college.
  • Not good at talking to people about her feelings.
  • Social anxiety?


Tammy struggled to make friends at college. Because of her fear of talking to people, rather than make friends, she opted to write a self-insert magical girl comic, using the likenesses of a few people she frequently saw around campus.

One day, at work, Tammy met Gloria and was enamored with her. Desperate to put Gloria into her story, Tammy ran to buy something to draw the scene where Gloria joins the group. Not realizing that the pen she found was magical.

By drawing Gloria into the story, she accidentally turned herself and all the other people involved in the story into their magical girl counterparts. Unfortunately, because Tammy only knew them by appearance, not name or even personality, all of the casts' memories got erased. Now, Tammy and her band of cursed magical girls must find a way to get their memories back while making sure their world doesn't get overrun by monsters of Tammy's creation.

Rae roommate

Tammy admires her ability to socialize.

Joey teammate

Tammy admires how confident they are.

Melody teammate

Tammy admires how put together she is.

Nessa teammate

Tammy admires how happy she always is.

Gloria >///<


Oro enemy

Tammy created him as an adversary for her team.