


1 year, 9 months ago




25yo ยท he/they
a troublesome necromancer obsessed with raising the dead. loves botany & toxicology



mumble takes everything incredibly seriously, even when he seems like he's just causing trouble for the hell of it [which he also likes to do.] despite being a mage with a passion for necromancy, he's only managed to raise a single person from the dead, so some would call him a novice of the craft. you know those cartoon-y witches who stir a cauldron of glowing green slop, laughing maniacally as lightning crackles behind them through the window. that's mumble in essence. with the help of his trusty zombie assistant, skid, he spends most of his current days gathering wild plants and herbs to make new concoctions. he loves making potions-- both remedies and poisons-- even outside of his macabre hobbies.
he's insanely difficult to make conversation with, or get along with at ALL for that matter, as he will greet anything that doesn't pertain to his interests with indifference and even contempt. even skid doesn't seem fond of mumble, but it's not like they have a choice in whether or not to hang out with him.
mumble is also incredibly egotistical and has way too much confidence in his own abilities, especially for someone who barely manages to cast their own spells. he's a fool who is more often than not blindsided by his own self-admiration and ends up in bothersome situations as a result [and poor skid usually ends up along for the ride]. overall, mumble is not a very good person. he revels in the idea of being treated as a misunderstood villain & causing mayhem to all who oppose his ideals, and yet he also views himself as a savior. though at the end of the day he's mostly just a really pathetic guy trying to make his rivalry with death everyone else's problem.



mumble was practically raised by his older sister, holly, since their parents had been out of the picture for most of their lives. they lived in a small home in the middle of the forests of cicada isle, which is where mumble lives in the present day as well. like a majority of the former residents of cicada isle holly succumbed to a lethal illness when mumble was still very young, so for most of his life beyond early childhood he has had to learn how to care for himself.
the death of his sister cemented mumble's obsession with the concept of death and the idea of toying with it. he's a walking ball of grief and fascination and obsessive tendencies. he's so confident in his own actions because he feels like he needs to be-- he misses holly and wants to bring her back. all of this helped result in mumble's passion for necromancy. however, his initial vision began to slip & snowballed into wanting to revive everybody who had been lost to the disaster the isle had succumbed to. mumble believes himself to be a hero, some one to "save" cicada isle, but he's so genuinely absorbed in his own ideas he doesn't listen to when people say "hey maybe raising an entire population from the dead is bad."
mumble views death as something filthy-- something that needs to be evaded, yet at the same time he sort of views himself as a god of death in a way, someone who deserves control over the deceased. and while it can't be stressed enough that mumble is a "rookie" necromancer in every sense, his unrelenting determination to learn and improve at the art is concerning at best, and a danger to everybody around him at worst.



mumble is a very very short man. he's also a bit scrawny so he relies on any available magic [or skid] to do any heavylifting. or reaching the top shelf on anything. you could probably pick him up pretty easily. he has a very upturned nose that i usually like to stylize as a snout. he has brownish orange eyes & also wears too much eyeliner for his own good. there is a scar over his left eyebrow. his hair was shorter in the past, but in current day it's pretty asymmetrical with a short braid on his right side of his head & a ridiculous cowlick in the center of his head he usually tries to brush back to no avail.
summers on cicada isle can get pretty humid, so he usually prefers to wear clothes that aren't too insulating [the black cloak he wears when outside the house isn't doing him many favors though.] he typically likes to wear a broad belt with a little pouch attached for the purpose of storing small things like clusters of herbs.
mumble's mouth is also full of sharp teeth. and while he likes to pretend he's above biting people, he definitely isn't so... be careful with that