


1 year, 9 months ago




29yo ยท he/him
a very, very stressed out mortician. he
doesn't like being called mort :(



mortis is scared of anything and everything all the time-- it is very rare that he is not shaking or tripping over his own words or sweating or fidgeting.. though this constant state of fear doesn't always manifest itself through cowardice or timidity. if stressed enough, he is more than capable of being absolutely pissed off. his mood feels like a metronome constantly shifting between "curled into a ball crying on the floor" and "so mad he could crack a table in half with his fist" on a whim.
he has an extreme phobia of corpses, which is really inconvenient considering his current job as a mortician. he sees it as an opportunity to get over his phobia, though all it seems to do is make him 100x as stressed all the time. luckily, he has a very kind boss named razz, and she seems to have endless amounts of patience for him [she usually prefers to deal with "messier" stuff herself in a mad scientist-y type of way anyways].



despite mortis' extreme necrophobia, he is more than capable at his job. this could be in part due to his past as a human biologist, so a lot of his previous skills and knowledge carried over. he also has a bit of general engineering capabilities. very computer-smart.
mortis was an extremely lucky survivor of the illness that plagued cicada isle in the past. though one of its many symptoms [and probably the worst one] includes a rapid decay of flesh, which has affected the right side of his face, his upper torso & left arm, as well as his right leg.
his partner had suffered the illness as well, though mortis had taken it upon himself to save them-- by removing their heart and placing it into a robotic body. so now there's a sort of "ship of theseus"-type scenario happening wherein he doesn't really know if it's truly the same person anymore or if he's created somebody new with this robot. either way he tries his best to treat them with kindness in the present day, regardless of whether or not it's the same person he once knew.



mortis is a man of pretty average height. his limbs are rather thin but his torso isn't skinny. even without his gloves, his fingers are sharp and claw-like, and as previously mentioned, he is covered in bandages. he is almost never seen without the darkest eyebags youve ever seen on a human being. his nose is narrow and long with a prominent bridge when viewed from the side. he has bits of facial hair, noticeably on his chin and very slightly on the sides of his face. his hair is somewhat long but he does a shit job at tying it back most of the time.
mortis also has rounded ears as opposed to the various types of pointed ears people typically have on cicada isle. no insane lore reasons for this or whatever, it's just a rare physical trait and people think he's weird for it [lol]
outside of work, mortis usually doesn't worry about his attire. he will wear a t-shirt and shorts anywhere if permitted, but overall he likes wearing loungewear. he will go out in his pajamas if he's not on the clock.