🔧 Christopher 🔧



1 year, 9 months ago


Christopher Sterling Compassionate . Soft-Spoken . Loving . Empathetic . Family-Oriented . Adventurous



Christopher Sterling, a German Shepherd born on August 21, 1981, was a beacon of compassion and love in every facet of his life. His heart held a special place for his family, with a profound connection to his little sister Phoebe. Their bond, woven in the threads of sibling love, was a testament to Christopher's nurturing spirit.

High school not only marked the beginning of academic pursuits for Christopher but also introduced him to the love of his life, Kimber. Their story unfolded like the turning pages of a cherished novel, and after graduation, Christopher fearlessly ventured into marriage, laying the foundation for a family of his own. His commitment to Kimber and the family they built became the cornerstone of his existence.

As a dedicated mechanic, Christopher's skilled hands not only mended engines but also symbolized the unwavering commitment he had to provide for his loved ones. His life revolved around the harmony of family, and his nature, defined by compassion, left a lasting impact on those fortunate enough to be touched by his presence. Christopher Sterling, with his warm spirit and loving demeanor, stands as a testament to the enduring power of familial bonds and the profound influence of a compassionate heart.


  • Fixing Cars
  • Family Gatherings
  • Quiet Evenings
  • Classic Cars
  • Music from the '80s


  • Unnecessary Drama
  • Disregard for Family
  • Dishonesty
  • Excessive Materialism
  • Cold Weather




Christopher Sterling, a vibrant Aquarius, entered the world on August 21, 1981, destined to leave an indelible mark on the lives he touched. Growing up, he shared a close bond with his little sister, Phoebe, who looked up to him with adoration. The Sterling household resonated with the laughter and warmth of sibling camaraderie, setting the foundation for the family-oriented values Christopher would carry throughout his life.

High school, a stage where friendships and destinies intertwine, introduced Christopher to Kimber, a soulmate whose love would become the cornerstone of his existence. Their connection deepened, and upon graduation, Christopher made the life-altering decision to leave the familial nest to marry Kimber. It marked the beginning of a new chapter, with love and commitment weaving the threads of their shared journey.

At the tender age of 23, Christopher embraced fatherhood with the arrival of Tobio, a testament to the enduring love between him and Kimber. The Sterling household echoed with the laughter and cries of their growing family. However, fate took a cruel turn on October 13, 2010, when a tragic car accident claimed the lives of Christopher and Kimber, leaving behind a void that could never be filled.

In the aftermath of this heartbreaking event, Tobio's fate took an unexpected turn. Unaware of his existence, Phoebe, Christopher's adoring sister, became the unexpected guardian of his son. The revelation of Tobio's existence became a poignant moment of grief entwined with the discovery of a previously unknown family bond. Though she had been tentative at first, Phoebe, fueled by the compassionate and family-oriented spirit inherited from her brother, embraced the responsibility of caring for Tobio, forging a new chapter in their lives.

As the years unfolded, the compassionate and family-oriented spirit that defined Christopher's life continued to echo through the connections and relationships he left behind. The Sterling legacy became a beacon of love and unity, a testament to the enduring impact of a Aquarius whose warmth and kindness transcended the boundaries of time and mortality.




In every glance, Christopher found a universe in Kimber's eyes. Her sweet nature and boundless love filled his heart with an everlasting warmth, making each shared moment an adventure of love and companionship.



Tobio, a living testament to his love with Kimber, became the beating heart of Christopher's world. His fatherly love, a blend of pride and tenderness, sought to guide Tobio through the complexities of life with warmth and wisdom.



Phoebe, a cherished piece of his heart, held the power to mend and break. It pained him when she rejected his and Kimber's bond, a fracture in their shared narrative. Yet, through the heartache, Christopher's love for her remained unwavering.

Christopher Arcas Sterling
German Shepherd
Neutral Good