Elysian Yivrai



1 year, 8 months ago


Elysian Yivrai

[ ...astronaut passport verified. ]









Sep 18










Rosenfeld - Cool Cool Boy


[Personality]: Ambivert
[Attitude]: Pessimist
[Dom. Hand]: Right
[Leading trait]: Intellect
[Biggest flaw]: Impatience
[Diagnoses]: Autism










Markings 1


Markings 2

Height 6'8"
Weight 324 lbs
Body type slim fit
Face shape heart

Facial features

  • Visor comes down into a point on the left and right sides of the face
  • He has a tooth gap in his two front teeth

Scars & marks

  • He's permanently removed his left arm and both legs and had them replaced with prosthetics that are interchangeable.
  • He has a tattoo on his right arm of 2 chevrons and a star
  • he has calico markings please draw them the same as his reference


  • gauges in both ears
  • 2 piercings in both ears



"I would do anything just to see you again."




Ely was taken care of by a lovely lower class elderly woman who couldn't help but get attached to the boy as he learned his way around Strixia. She honestly babied him at first and would even fashion wooden robot dolls for him to play with and keep as action figures. He still owns these figures even though the woman had passed away due to an untreated illness when he was 16. Ever since, he'd taken up residence in her home and made it his own little place. He's always had a fixation on robotics and even grew up to be a robotics engineer. Everything he learned was self-taught through books and eventually the internet once he had it set up in the home. He made due with rent by coming up with small robot mechs and entering them in robot fighting competitions. Secretly though, he had another idea in mind for his robotics that he'd been working on during his free time.

Ely had a friend named Veno who grew up with him, although they weren't "raised" by the same woman. Even still they spent a lot of time together and were as close as friends could be. After the woman had passed away Veno had even moved into the home with Ely and helped with various household chores and sometimes even his robot projects. Well... Ely's strange side project was to work on robotic enhancement prosthetics ranging from things like robotic limbs to sight-enhancement prosthetics.

Only a year after Veno had moved in that he ended up going missing. Ely was distraught of course, but he had no idea where to search or who to ask considering Veno was truthfully his only friend. A missing person's search would go out for a couple of days to no avail. Strangely enough though, Veno would pop up again as if out of nowhere. He was worse for ware but seemed otherwise intact. Little did Ely know what happened during Veno's absence would change the pair's life forever, especially that of his friend.

Veno was insatiable. Groceries would go missing as quickly as it was restocked. Veno had no self control and would devour everything in sight. Eventually Ely would end up starving for days due to Veno's appetite. The only way he was able to get food was to leave the house without the other. He tried his best to keep the fridge stocked up but he was still low class and money was running thin. By this point Veno had ended up eating non-food items like the curtains hanging up around Ely's apartment and even the furniture if he could take a bite out of it. Ely knew it was a problem but tried his best not to seem too concerned as not to escalate the situation. At least until the "incident" happened.

One night Ely would end up shooting off a piece of his robot by accident while working on it and it jammed itself straight into the lock on one of the house doors forcing it to stay open. This door was entry to the room Veno would typically go to in an attempt to control his hunger however. Ely would go to bed that night knowing full well Veno would probably end up roaming the house destroying more furniture but little did he know that wasn't what he was about to wake up to. Rather, instead he would wake up and walk into the room to tell Veno he was going to leave to the grocery store again only to find his best friend had nearly gnawed his arm clean off and was devouring his flesh piece by piece down to the bone. Jumping into action, truthfully he was mortified by the sight but needed to do SOMETHING. Rushing to a stash of sedatives he'd stolen from the pharmacy, he would return and attempt to sedate his friend, holding him down while the medication kicked in and sobbing to himself silently until Veno seemed to relax.

Well... That was some strong stuff and it knocked him clean out. Ely decided this was a good time to clean up his friend's wound and ended up finishing the amputation along with it with a saw he'd sanitized. Unable to pay for an ambulance, he'd spend the next hour or so driving his friend to the hospital and waiting in the waiting room to see what the results were. He was told he did a decent job of cleaning off what was left, the paramedics not knowing he finished off the amputation. He lied about what happened to Veno, worried they would put him in a psych ward if he spoke the truth. Eventually though Veno would be out of the hospital and rested back at home, still as voracious as ever.

Meanwhile, Ely had been working nonstop on his side project, hoping that if he could patent the design it would make him more money and he could take care of his friend better. His first project... A new arm for Veno. It was finished in record time as Ely was fixated on the project and had the scrap metal laying around from failed robot designs. After a couple of tests on the articulation he would end up attaching it to Veno and it worked like a charm. It was Ely's first offical patent and he was proud to show it off to anyone he could. Although, he was worried about taking Veno anywhere due to his hunger issue so not many saw his handiwork. Having successfully created his first prosthetic, this kickstarted a new fixation for Ely. He became obsessed with his own handiwork and wanted nothing more than to have it for himself. This time however, he wanted an interchangeable interface. His first project was to create a new arm for Veno that he could switch out for other extensions if he pleased. He got to work and spent most of his money on both food and supplies for his new project until he was nearly out of funding again. It went by fast due to his lack of interest in robot competitions. He was so sure that his patent would save him but due to his overprotective nature over Veno not many seemed to care.

As food became slim again Veno would return to eating non-food items which began to include some of Ely's blueprints, supplies, and even parts of the already created prosthetic he was making. Eventually Ely's patience began to run thin and after completely losing all of his progress to Veno's appetite he seemed to have enough. He and Veno would have a big argument about the situation they were in and ultimately Eli would end up kicking his friend out of the home out of anger and resentment. Veno knew it was his time to leave and didn't take long to gather what little he had. After he was gone, Ely began to feel guilty about what happened but it was already too late. He had no idea where Veno had ended up after he left and he had no idea how to contact him outside of hoping the man would respond to him on social media.

Even still, Ely would work on his project... And eventually he would finish his project. There was only one thing left for him to do and it was something he was planning for a long time. He'd adjust the sedatives he had stashed after having seen them work on his friend and well... he got to work. Or well... He started up the chainsaw.

After waking up from a blackout he endured due to the pain Ely would notice a tourniquet on what appeared to be a freshly severed stump. Close by was his arm that layed limp on the ground. Beneath him was a decent pool of blood but it wasn't much longer than a couple seconds that Ely was out of it and he quickly got to work on attaching the cybernetic port to his stump, wrapping it up tightly once things were connected. After letting it heal as well as many tests on the new exchangeable arm he would finally attach it. It worked like a charm!

As time passed Ely would create multiple new patents and would even go to saw his own legs off above the knee (in a similar fashion to his arm). At this point nearly all of his limbs were cybernetically enhanced. Yet... He still felt inclined to keep his other arm. It held the matching tattoo he got with Veno when they were younger and still feeling some guilt, he decided to keep it. Oh and, of course after sawing his own limbs off the poor boy was traumatized but apparently not enough to keep himself from doing it a second and third time. He was too prideful to admit how terrified he was and his drive to eventually become a cybernetic legend of sorts with his patents was far to strong. He'd stopped at his limbs for the time being but he does have plans of replacing certain organs with cybernetic prosthetics. He just hasn't gotten around to finding a doctor willing to do the procedures on him.

His new cybernetic prosthetic shop ended up taking off after people would see how versatile and well-crafted his designs were and he was actually able to crawl himself out of poverty into a comfortable and even slightly wealthy career. Even still... He didn't have a lot of friends. But that's okay... He likes it like that even if he gets a little lonely sometimes. More time for his robots, haha.


  • FC - Satsuki Nakayama
  • VC - Taemin
  • The sound of chainsaws will make him freeze up and go mute until he can work himself over his fear
  • He has a matching inverted tattoo that his friend Veno got with him. It's the reason he wont change his second arm for a robot one.
  • He's already created a patent for various important organ prosthetics (like the heart or lungs). He's working on the legal side of entering them into medical practice.
  • He wants to replace his visor with a new one as well as various important organs in his own body but he hasn't found a doctor willing to perform the procedure on him.
  • he's autistic but is currently undiagnosed. He also has social anxiety (moderate) and depression (mild)
  • (and now that he can afford it) he takes antidepressants
  • his special interest is mechanical engineering and robotics
  • he's also taught himself how to code and has made a couple of large-scale websites (as well as many smaller ones).
  • He currently owns and operates an actual business which has it's own factory and office space. It's VERY small and he only employs a couple of people at the moment.
  • He's upper-middle class now but he still lives in his "mom's" old studio apartment for sentimental reasons. It's had a couple of renovations.
  • He offers a free fitting for a cybernetic port to anyone already missing a limb. The actual prosthetics cost money though... (gotta make the money somehow)
  • All of his prosthetics have a lifetime warranty on them
  • He's been on a talkshow before but left in the middle of it when he was asked about his self-amputation. He lied and used food poisioning as an excuse. He no longer does talkshows.
  • he has a gap in his front teeth.
  • cats are his favorite animal
  • he adopted pet cat after veno yeeted off. It's a calico stray that would hang around his house with a couple other strays. He just liked them because "hehe me but cat."
  • He's too prideful to the point where he genuinely believes he's some sort of robotics genius and his designs are flawless (until they arent)
  • Cici is a nickname only given to him by his mother and used by Veno.
  • His cat's name is Aphrodite

[ ...4 people linked with this person were found. ]


Myrah Yoon

[ Girlfriend ]

We started off on the wrong foot but after getting to know each other better and my falling head over heels for her she finally said yes. We're now in a committed relationship and I would do anything for her.


Valda Yivrai

[ Adoptive Mother ]

She raised me into the person I am today. She may have passed now but I'll always remember when we used to play together when I was a kid. I love my mom. I still keep a lot of her belongings around the house for sentimental reasons.


Jinrae Tanaka

[ Friend ]

Jin is one of my best friends He was there for me when my ex-best friend left my life. We now work together in my prosthetics company and sometimes he brings his glazen with him to work. I think that little guy is neat, haha.


Vashni Koyo

[ Friend ]

She's one of my newer friends but I love her all the same. She also works with me in my prosthetics company. I think it's really cool how she does freerunning. I hope she'll have the time to teach me how to do that someday too.