


6 years, 3 months ago



Name Agave
Designer LunaEden
Gender Female
Obtained20$ and 6 art pieces
Significant Other None
Rules None provided
Species Furred dragon



  • She can have orange or pink fur, however pink is more rare. It changes to pink for only a month or two in the winter- in her home habitat, it would have changed for fall and winter, but since she lives in the desert now, its "Winter length" is much shorter in duration. 

Agave is a cheery and friendly dragon who has made a life for herself far from her place of origin. While her story's start isn't a happy one- she's made the best she can with where she's ended up, and has found a family in the people around her and supporting the community she ended up in.  A master of plants, she's taken to using these skills to help those around her. She can always be found ready to lend a helping paw, as she feels a strong sense of duty to help those who saved her during a time in her life when she really needed someone. She believes strongly in paying things forward and earning her "keep". Related, she has a deep insecurity about her value to those around her, and sometimes becomes a bit paranoid that she's not doing enough, no matter what others may say to the contrary.

Because she's originally from the Seventh, she tends to be a bit mischievous at times, pulling tricks and riddles on others. Whether that's instinctual, or a residual memory of her very early years- is unclear.

She tends to be very naiive, and trusting of others, though she can put her foot down when she comes to realize she's under threat. She isn't afraid to fight- but it would have to be a pretty drastic circumstance to convince her that someone really wants to hurt her. She's cursed with a deep desire to see the best in others no matter what. 


  • She is not native to her now-desert home, so she overheats with her fur, She tries to stay out of the desert and in the shadows as much as possible, or in the village caverns. While she will venture out into the sands occasionally, she prefers to make it in the evenings- where her fur is a good asset to fend off the cold. 
  • She lives and farms in a small cavern higher up in the village, where normal people can't reach. Since she can levitate her body/fly- she is able to reach this place and turned it into her home.
  • While she will pull small pranks on the villagers, she adores them greatly- and they do in turn. She's a well known face and beloved member of their community. 
  • When her fur is pink, its more resistant to cold, making it ideal for her to search for things at night (though she hides during the day during this time) 
  • Agave was a name given to her by the desert dwellers, she does not remember her original name!
  • She has silky soft fur that she keeps well groomed at all times. It does however- retain the awful sand from her home so shaking her will probably shake sand everywhere. 

Agave lives in a small desert village in the deserts of Caisos. She has the ability to use earth magic, and uses it to grow rare herbs and plants for the local villagers that they cant normally find easily or struggle to grow in the desert climate.  Her herbs help with medicines, potions, and trade with other villages.

As a youngling, she lived in the deep forests, before being captured by magical poachers of Ipus. However, due to a bandit attack she was flung from one of their carts in transit to a new "owner", finding herself lost in the desert, young, alone, and helpless. Taken in by one of the passing villagers, she was raised in the small village that lied in a cave with a small oasis, growing up among its walls and the scorching sand surrounding on all sides. When she realized she could make plants grow, she quickly set about making the oasis flourish, and helping the villagers as a thank you for their kindness and help, even when they had very little when she first arrived.

She's been set about by bandits who try to capture her and drag her to local warlords that demand her help with their own cities- however, she has learned to fight them off with all the trickery typical of any creature native to the Seventh. 


  • Plants and growing things
  • Playing games 
  • Pranking people
  • Singing

  • Empty sand with no plants
  • Feeling lost 
  • Bullies
  • Direct sunlight 

Kaekiko Estranged/unknown Brother

Kaekiko is Agave's brother from the same clutch, however- they have never met since being hatchlings and are unaware of each other's existances as adults 

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.