Rasmus Jakt (D&D)



-born in the city, poor and with an unusual family life, just him, his younger half-brother, and his mother. She was a prostitute, and his father was one of her clients. The same could be said for his brother's father. 

-His brother and him had a game they would play, to watch the customers come and go and theorize who their sires were. 

-He and his brother learned to steal and swindle to make extra money, and they even got caught up in a small time gang for a bit, going around and terrorizing the neighborhood. 

-Rasmus was more romantically inclined, while his brother was always averse to any of that. Rasmus would try and form relationships, and they would last for a bit, but between gang stuff and taking care of his brother, his relationships always fell to the wayside. No girl wanted a boyfriend who was always on the run for petty theft and other smaller crimes. 

-it became a dream of his to find someone he could share his life with and grow old together. He met a girl named Katerin as a teen, and fell head over heels. At first she rejected him, but he wouldn't give up that easy, and over time he wooed her, and she agreed to go out on a date. They ended up hitting it off and started dating. Things were rocky, and what Katerine, or Kat as he called her, wanted was a stable life, away from the city. She didn't want to worry about Rasmus, or live in the bad side of town. 

-Rasmus tried his best to fix these problems, but he couldn't make enough money just working for a local gang. He became desperate to make Kat happy, live their dream of a new life, and made a deal with a fiend. In exchange for his soul/servitude when needed, he got everything he could ever want. An amazing job opportunity in a small town, with a nice plot of land and a home big enough to house a family, enough money to buy a ring and propose, a nice wedding. 

-Of course, things ended up not being as great as he thought. The house had little things here or there that would need fixing or repainting, and over time his job became less about catching bad guys and more about paperwork and menial tasks. The big family he wanted, they couldn't create. No matter what they tried, Kat couldn't get pregnant.  All of this put a strain on their relationship, and after 10 years, their marriage was in shambles. They argued constantly, the house always needed fixing, and he hated his job. Rasmus was miserable and with the death of his half-brother a few years prior, he had taken up some unsavory habits, such as smoking and drinking. While he didn't drink to excess, a glass or two of alchohol or a cigar were the only things that could calm his frayed nerves. 

-He had made a terrible mistake... 

-good traits: confident, driven, willing to put in work and sacrifice for things he truly believes in, strong sense of justice, drawn to being a pillar of the community and keeping others safe, very loyal to those he loves, good eye and a personal knowledge on rifraff, big softie when it comes to kids and teens, 

-bad traits: says he'll do something but he forgets, complains a lot, swears a lot, sometimes he takes the nuclear option instead of being rational, bad with babies, smokes and doesn't always realize it may not be an appropriate time to do so, doesn't believe in love/happy ever after anymore, REFUSES to cry, 

Why did he fall in love with Kat?  She was beautiful, sweet, gave him a purpose, drove him to improve as a person, and his mom liked her. 

Why did he fall out of love with Kat? 

-Vusken part of rusty shears in city of Vipara Creek

-Club: spur of the moment decisions, risks, double edged swords, simple mechanics, ill advised decisions

-Heart: create your own destiny, creative, describing things in detail, pet classes, budget management, aesthetic style (FALSE)

-Circle: expectation for failure , sadness, underdog, slippery pest, dark humor, secret (REAL)

-Gorteshlocutem  => Gortesmo__tem (under the bracelet, say around the clown guy)