Laguna Blackwood



1 year, 9 months ago


Laguna Blackwood

"I fear nothing can repair a broken heart..."


NAME Laguna

ALIASES Songbird


D.O.B July 15th





FLAVOR Peppermintfloss


RESIDENCE Iota Territory


Joji - Glimpse of Us


Melancholic • Observant • Compassionate

Laguna is quiet, preferring to sit back and floss-watch through the day instead of engaging in conversation. She carries a melancholic air around her, quick to somber those that talk to her for an extended time. For most, she is kind, but for those from the Beta clan, she tends to be much quieter than usual and gives one-word answers until they leave her alone.

While she has a bleeding heart for those that need help, Laguna isn't oblivious to those that may try to take advantage of her generosity and compassion. If she truly believes they need help, she will help them as much as she can. Bringing food, blankets, sometimes even money to assist them. However, those that take and take, and do not make an effort to help themselves will find that next time, she won't help them.









Laguna was born to a Rho Taffy father and Rho Peppermint mother, to a family who were considered nobles in their clan. She was brought up to be smart, graceful, and everything a young noble girl needed to be. Her parents always told her that one day she would be married to a man from another noble family, that that was her purpose; to bring noble families together. While others might have been concerned or upset about this, she thought the idea of marrying a noble man who would protect and care for her was a dream come true. She strived to be the best in everything that her parents threw at her, wanting to be the perfect wife in the future.

When she was 10 EYO, she was introduced to a young Beta Sugarfloss who was about her age. The both of them were told that they were betrothed to one another, that they were to be married when it came time. Laguna was estatic; finally, this was the boy she would be married to when she was of age. The boy seemed a bit hesitant at first, but as they got to know one another over the months, then years, he grew to be just as excited for their upcoming marriage as she.

Alone at the Altar

As soon as Laguna turned 25 EYO, both families began preparing for the upcoming wedding. It was decided it would take place in 6 Earth months so everyone would have proper time to prepare everything; it had to be prefect. Both Laguna and her fiance continued to spend time together, helping to choose some things they'd like to have at the wedding: the cake, guests, colors, and much more. Laguna and the women of the family went to look at wedding dresses and chose one that complimented her perfectly.

It was only a month from the wedding when it happened. Laguna didn't remember much of what happened, only the intense fear and then pain, pain, PAIN before everything went black. When she awoke, she was in a hospital with parents who looked disappointed, not relieved like she expected. According to the doctor, she had lost both legs, her lower left hand, and part of her upper right arm in the accident. She was devastated, and she didn't even get to mourn the loss of her limbs before she was told the wedding was called off; the Beta family didn't want to have their son marry a girl who was considered 'damaged goods'. In an instant, everything she had worked so hard for was gone, just like her limbs.


Thanks to her clan, Laguna was able to have her limbs replaced with water artificial limbs. Originally, they had been dyed white to match her fur, to hopefully better hide her disability; her parents said it was for the best if they were to marry her off to another family. However, she feel into a depression, unable to muster up any energy to do anything. Her dream was gone, she knew this; there was no way her family would be able to find suiter for her like this. Instead, she mourned for what she had lost as she would have mourned a deceased family member. She took to wearing black, grays, and occasionally white almost all the time, barely wearing anything other than those. It was also during this time that she dyed her water limbs black, to match the mourning she was going through.

This mourning period lasted even after she was kicked out from her home at 28 EYO by parents disappointed in her, for something she couldn't have even controlled, no matter how hard she would have tried. She left her home city of Kah Guss'ess Ma, and traveled around Glykos until she settled in the Iota district of Vaccarelli. She didn't have much money on her, and while she was skilled in many things that a wife would need to know, she didn't have many other skills that were good for many jobs. In the end, she was hired as a singer for a low-key, relaxed club for her gentle voice and inclination for softer songs.

New Look on Life

Eventually, Laguna's mourning process came to an end when she was about 30 EYO. She accepted that that was never going to see her first love again and moved on, wanting to be happy again, even if it was difficult. She lived in a nice apartment high above the city, and was more than happy to sing at any clubs that wanted to hire her for the night. It was best to not be picky and to not show too much favortism; she didn't want to be caught singing too much at one club or casino that was owned by one mafia family. Even so, she primarily chose clubs in her district, the Gotti district, or the Eastman District because they tended to be the safest and highest paying.

Nowadays, Laguna continues her singing career, and while she continues to sing her softer, sadder songs, she has also branched out to some faster-paced, happier songs in order to continue singing at as many clubs as she can. Her heart is still healing, and she is hesitant to allow herself to fall for another floss; if her heart is broken again, she isn't sure if it would survive.


  • Drawing
  • Comfortable Silence
  • Porcelain Dolls
  • Fog/Mist
  • Music


  • Surprises
  • Gossip
  • Politics
  • Cold Coffee/Tea
  • Flashing Lights


  • She isn't fond of Betas or Sugars, but doesn't hate them either.
  • She nearly covered her gem when she left Rho.
  • One day, she hopes to be married and have kittens.
  • Her hair is always up when she's on the clock
  • lorem



WEIGHT ~140 lbs.


FUR White

EYE Black

HAIR White & Black

DEMEANOR Mild-Mannered

STYLE Delicate



  • Admin Shaped Horn
  • Legendary Aquatic Articial Limbs
  • Legendary Eyes on Leg, Chest, Hands
  • Rare Dripping Eyes
  • Uncommon Studs


  • Her studs are centered most around her eyes and aquatic limbs.
  • The only markings she has are on her lower lip and around her soul gem.
  • Only around the roots of her hair are white while the rest is black


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