


6 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info
Theodore Elliot Thomas
February 19th (Pisces)
5'7 (170 cm)
Male (he/him)
Aracial (void fae)
Blood Type
Alive | Taken
  • Showman magic
  • Baking
  • Romance novels
  • Tiramisu
  • Salty foods
  • Horror media
  • Dusting
  • Summer
Design notes
  • Theo has a spade shaped scar on his right bicep
  • Theo's elven side makes him age much slower physically
  • Theo has short nails from picking at them
  • His eyes are multicolor green
  • Has straight posture, but shaky hands
  • His smiles, even genuine, tend to look a bit crooked due to his shy nature
  • His favorite music genre is country
  • Has an uncanny sense for when animals are near by.

Shy | extroverted | excitable | doubtful

Theo has always been on the shy side, it's easy to tell he still isn't used to being listened to even after all these years. Due to his childhood, he tends to be overly polite. He's slowly grown more confident, offering his opinions without having to be explicitly prompted and sharing ideas. He's very book smart, so anxious of failure in his youth he pushed himself to his limit to get straight A's. His street smarts aren't to be ignored either, but his anxious demeanor tends to make people think he's overly cautious. He notices small details, but tends to keep them to himself. His love language has always been words of affirmation, so he frequently makes sure to give them to others as well. He's very friendly, but he's not often the one to start a conversation. Many people find him very pleasant when given the chance to start talking.


Theo had an unpleasant childhood, born from an affair and never given fair chances by his mother's husband who raised him for it. He was frequently ignored in favor of his 'legitimate' siblings, and therefor grew up very quiet and overly polite, attempting to avoid conflict. That and a young ADHD diagnosis seemed to put his 'father' over the edge. His scar was the result of the last conversation he ever had with the man who raised him; Cut in by a shard of glass to mark him with the emblem of his biological father before he ran from home at 17. He couch surfed while paying his stay with multiple part-time jobs, overworking himself to the point of frequent sickness and pains. By the time he was 19 he had his own small apartment, struggling to make ends meet and feeling hopeless with no real idea what he wanted out of life. He continued on as he had been, hoping maybe he'd find something. Depression and anxiety had plagued him all his life, and it was clear even to outsiders now that it was creeping up on him. One night, he wrote a series of letters and planned to take his own life. He didn't remember how it happened, but somehow his attempt failed and he woke up in the hospital.

It was three years after returning home from that hospital that he met Reaper. During that time, Theo had reached out and reconnected with his biological father and his mother, forming a rocky but friendly relationship where his mother helped him out to start going to therapy. Reaper and Theo two became friends during Reaper's frequent visits to the coffee shop Theo worked at as one of his jobs, and over the course of a few months they began to hang out more and more outside of work. Visits to each others homes and long phone calls became their favorite things, and it felt more and more like second nature over the course of two years until Reaper asked one night outside Theo's apartment; "Would you let me take you on a date?" Theo had been under the impression Reaper was aromantic, but still took the offer. It was such a cheesy date, the kind Theo loved; a movie he'd been wanting to see and dinner after to discuss it. Theo could tell Reaper hadn't loved the movie, yet they seemed so happy to have seen it. As time passed and more dates went on Theo figured it out, Reaper would listen. He hadn't noticed how much he'd begun to ramble on about what he enjoyed, and how Reaper would listen and encourage him to go on. Theo decided the night he realized their work to encourage him to do the same for Reaper, prying just enough to learn the things they'd enjoy. He took them to art classes that interested them. Sure he may have sucked at actuallu making pottery because of his shaky hands, but Reaper would always make extra pieces so they could glaze pieces together. Slowly, their dates became a blend; visiting art galleries and seeing romance movies, a pottery class and then going out to swim... A mix of each of them suited to their tastes. Theo's therapy had been going well, his dates were the highlights of a month, and he'd finally managed to dwindle down to one job and begun to work on not pushing himself so hard. Though in this time of calm, he was finally settling enough to notice the prickling pains in his hands. Going to the doctor, it wasn't long after that he went through a series of specialists and tests to learn this pain and numbness was the result of neuropathy. In his youth, unhealthy habits and ignorance of early warning signs had led to the slow creep of type 2 diabetes. With the diagnosis, he was put on medication to manage his blood sugar better and began adopting personal self-care routines to try to help manage the pains as well. It was when he told Reaper about his diagnosis that the two began talking and came up with a plan, putting into practice talks that had come and gone briefly. The two looked together for a house they could afford with their individual finances, and soon enough moved in together. Both for Reaper to be available to help Theo with any tasks he may struggle with, and for the proximity they both craved. Living together, Theo worried if maybe they'd grow sick of each other. Turned out to be the opposite, he was enamored with the way Reaper seemed to notice small things; how he liked to organize with his ADHD, working to copy that method and learn it. He knew just a few months after moving in; knowing each other for three years, he saved up and purchased a ring. A small silver band with a purple sapphire, and he took Reaper to the art gallery they'd gone to a long time ago. Alone in the gallery per Theo's negotiation with the staff, he proposed. Reaper accepted, and their engagement was filled with planning. Eventually they settled on a small ceremony; Theo's family, a few friends they'd made along the way, and with a lot of negotiating; the art gallery they'd gotten engaged in. Days spent finding the best places to put their favorite photos from the wedding, nights spent up with glasses of milk and water working into the night.

It was a year after their wedding they met Lillie, ripped apart and driven to the brink by voices that'd wormed their way into a scared childs head. Reaper watched their erratic behaviors and stepped in, rushing and apologizing before knocking the child out. Theo was the one to take Lillie to the church of Deus, begging for help to release the child from the souls fighting against their own. With the help of the priests they were finally able to free the child and take them to receive medical care. While Lillie was hospitalized, Theo frequently brought Reaper to the hospital to visit. It was during the night of one of those visits Reaper quietly asked Theo a question; If he could give them a new name. He didn't understand fully, but he thought long and hard, eventually settling on a name he felt fit them perfectly; "Kiohri". When Lillie woke up, Theo and Kiohri formally introduced themselves and began to spend time with the child, helping them readjust to their newly freed state. A year later, it had happened on its own; Lillie moving in, the adoption papers... And not long after, Kiohri's first pregnancy; Setev. They welcomed their second child with open arms, and not long after their third; Quevi. Three children, one home. Full of love Theo had never seen himself finding, a place to be safe and heard. One he took immense pride in.


Quevi Thomas | Child  

Quevi has a very positive relationship with Theo, the two have always been close as have Quevi and Kiohri. Theo and Quevi often go out to thrift stores together and enjoy looking for Quevi new hoodies.

Theo and Lillie's relationship has changed more to one of friends over the years than one of a parent and their child. Theo still thinks of Lillie as his first child, but the two have a lot of mutual respect for one another..

Setev Thomas | Child  

Setev is Theo's first-born, and he'll always love him as such. The two admittedly trip around each other a lot, but they always work out ways to communicate that work for them. Theo loves Setev dearly, but acknowledges his reckless behavior.

Kiohri Thomas | Spouse

Over fifteen years of being married and these two are still going strong. Theo and Kiohri seem to be able to communicate without words, and while they may sometimes grind each other's gears, their open communication makes quick work of it.