Micheala Velderman



1 year, 8 months ago


Micheala Edward Velderman

My power is for what I choose to use it for, nothing else.

Gender Transfem
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Age 11
DoB February 2nd
Sign Aquarius
S.O. Undecided
Height 4'09"
Alignment Chaotic Good
Occupation Trainee
Hometown Unknown
What's up Munchkin?
dadddd im busy
Awwww. No movie with your Pops and Dante?
what are you watching
Terrible b-rated movies with your favorite caramel corn?
...make sure Te-Te doesnt eat all my popcorn
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype The Explorer
Leading trait Outgoing
Biggest flaw No Filter

Design notes

  • Mickey has the body of a preteen boy but dresses very stylishly and is successful in acquiring the look she wants.
  • She often wears clothing colors similar to her father though more pastel and calmer.
  • Mickey likes to wear pastel clothing, leaning towards skirts and colorful blouses.
  • Her silver hair and red eyes are unable to be hidden, her hair can't be died and contacts can not mask the glow.
  • Mickey's DT is based of a flaming fox with humanoid form.

Micheala Edward Velderman was previously Nathenial Edward Herist. She lived in an orphanage run by the church, because she had been dropped on the orphanage steps at one with only her dead name and a birthing date. With her odd appearance, she was often bullied and ridiculed by the sisters and the other orphans. When she turned 4 her devil powers began to grow and she was begining to lose control over it.

When she turned 5 she accidently Devil Triggered. The power of her fire and anger over how she was treated, the orphanage was demolished. People where wounded and Devil Slayers were called in to take care of the demon. Nicolas was the first to arrive on the scene and when he say her small, small form with tears on her growling face. He quickly grabs her and pulls her away to his car. After calming her down enough for her to stop burning his seats, he promises that no harm will come to her while she lives with him. A couple weeks later they return to the orphanage in order for Nicolas to adopt Micheala. The sisters agree readily to get her off their hands. The two take a picture together infront of Nicolas' car with Micheala wearing a brand new light green sweatshirt that he bought for her in celebration.

Later when Nicolas moves to work with Dante, Micheala is happy to meet the legendary devil and does attempt to impress him.

  • Cake
  • Caramel Popcorn
  • Cherry Soda
  • B-rate Movies
  • Static
  • Fuzzies
  • Belts
  • Paperback Books
  • Watching Movies
  • Cooking with Dad
  • Bothering Dante
  • Annoying Vergil
