Dante (Captain)



1 year, 9 months ago


Pronouns He/him

Gender Trans man

Orientation Gay

Age 21

Role Captain of the NSBS

Theme Cap’n Cuttlefish (OE)

Dante Kolane

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquam pharetra auctor. Proin tincidunt orci nisi. Integer interdum ullamcorper libero, non ullamcorper massa dignissim ac. Phasellus at tortor cursus, gravida erat a, accumsan orci. Vestibulum non nibh tincidunt, gravida sem semper, luctus ex. Donec et ultrices urna, ac lobortis eros. Donec vitae facilisis lectus, ac molestie nisl. Suspendisse ut tincidunt leo. Morbi facilisis, nisl vel lobortis egestas, magna augue ultricies leo, nec fermentum urna est eu sem. Mauris convallis sodales massa.


Quiet - Stubborn - Kind

While he initially comes off as blunt and harsh, Dante, also called Captain Three, is a genuinely kind and caring person. He operates based on his own beliefs after the events of Octo Valley forced him to question whether or not the Squidbeak was doing the right thing. He’ll offer help to anyone and refuses to fight unless provoked, which when it happens, he’s strong but not without mercy. He’s more often than not tired, so he’s pretty quiet as well as laid back (But not lazy). Though the latter may very well just be a mask. Regardless, he doesn’t mind taking charge and assuming responsibilities, though he is easily flustered and pretends he dislikes the praise by hiding his face under his cap.

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Dante was born to a large family and as a result, his parents didn’t dedicate an appropriate amount of time to his care. Instead, Dante was mostly raised by his older sibling Luciel. The two spent a lot of time together, topics such as space and technology came up a lot since it was Luciel’s field of interest. Naturally, Dante looked up to him and took on some of those skills himself, specifically programming and robotics. Luciel worked day and night to support him, so when the opportunity arose to have his research funded, he accepted in order to grant Dante a future much to the younger brother’s dismay. Though they’d still remain in touch, speaking through walkie-talkies to add to the fun as well as keep each other company, since Dante didn’t have any other support system at home.

However, after some months, Luciel had gone missing after the expedition and was presumed dead at the scene. Dante refused to accept this as the only truth, because he had heard an unfamiliar voice opposing Luciel’s and accompanying it were peculiar radio waves intercepting the signal. Using the skills he’d picked up, he spent the following years tuning in and out of different radio signals until one fateful day he encountered the same signal and traced it back to the strange UFO that crashed at Inkopolis. There, met Agents 1 and 2 who were impressed by the young one’s abilities and recruited him. From that day onwards, he officially became Agent 3 in order to find Luciel.

He didn’t make much progress exploring Octo Valley. It wouldn’t be until he and Cuttlefish found themselves at the Deep Sea Metro that he’d get an answer as to where his brother went. These events play more or less the same as they do in-game, with the exception that he must fight his sanitized sibling. (This has no effect on Agent 8’s story, since Dante gets sanitized himself as well.) By the time they all arrive at the surface, Dante’s goal had finally been realized since he was reunited with Luciel.

Nowadays, he spends his time in Alterna. He’s content with the path his current life is headed, after all he was promoted to Captain and has his family alongside him! He can finally relax a little, even if the current situation doesn’t call for such a laid back reaction.


  • His favorite idol group is the Squid Sisters and his favorite band is Hightide Era.
  • He has a special interest in space. He finds Octarian UFOs fascinating and would love to disassemble one.
  • He also really enjoys stickers and regularly gives them out to younger recruits as a reward.
  • He has a Squee-G pet friend.
  • When he was younger, he was prone to anger easily and was impatient. Since then he’s matured, and thinks that mentality is childish.


Luciel • Older brother

Finding the whereabouts of his brother was the sole reason he became an Agent. Luciel was the only person he felt comfortable around and genuinely adored, so him being missing was devastating for younger Dante. His brother avoids him out of guilt but Dante holds no ill feelings as he understands and is just happy to have him back.

Sal • Ex-lover, Close friend

Originally they were in a one-sided rivalry that neither of them won since they fell down to the Deep Sea Metro. The two of them used to be in a short-lived relationship that didn’t go anywhere because of their inexperience but the two are still really close and trust each other a lot despite their differences on ideals.

Nabi • Mentee

Since Nabi has paired up with Neo Agent 3, he provides guidance to her because of her inexperience. He sees himself in her a lot, a quiet autistic that finds it difficult to trust others specially authority figures. Dante doesn’t mind when she feels upset at him but wishes she’d understand that he only wants what’s best for her and that she still has a choice in between his teachings even if he isn’t the best at it.

Penny • Mentee

Since Penny is a Neo Agent 3 too, he also provides guidance to her. Dante sees a lot of himself in her habits because Penny overworks herself to prove that she’s capable and feels upset when he doesn’t let go on missions on her own. Dante only wishes she’ll understand sometime soon that she’s already worthy and that he’s proud of her merely by trying.