
1 year, 8 months ago


I have all the time in the world.
Name Calista

Age Immortal/Appears 21

Height 5’4

Gender Female

Species Former Human/Now Doll

Orientation Heterosexual

Occupation Witch of Time

Designer KyrieMeiiArtist

Doll With No Strings

A beautiful and curious doll who was once human, Calista was born a very sick baby and would be abandoned by her parents to die. But it wasn’t going to end like that for her, instead, a hellhound in the form of a human named Claudius had found her and was disgusted and angered by whoever had done this. So he would take Calista and raise her as his own daughter, despite his diligence, Calista was bed bound for the majority of her human life and couldn’t leave their home. As she got older it would change as Claudius could sense her magical capabilities and would help her learn magic which would result in her crystalizing her soul and transferring it into a human sized doll as a vessel so she could freely leave into the open world. With many doors opened to her, Calista was able to discover that she specializes in time magic.

Design Notes
  • Is a white porcelain ball jointed doll with a golden ivy pattern all over.
  • The horns are part of the head and not decoration.
  • Hair goes past her knees.

Calista is a very beautiful girl, and she takes care to keep it that way. She’ll make sure none of her body parts are cracked or dirtied and keep her long beautiful hair brushed. She also loves to wear various exquisite dresses and accessories, usually black, white, gold, and red.

  • Calista very much loves to travel and will not stay in one place for long as she wants to see all there is in the world.
  • Her appearance, she’s not exactly vain though, she just wants to take good care of her current vessel, and also she just loves fashion and looking cute.
  • Calista loves music, it helped her get through troubled times that she has a collection to listen to any time, she’ll also sing or hum to herself.
  • As cheesy as it is, Calista does love the world and what it has to offer, she wants to explore and learn everything that it has to offer.
  • Settling down, she just can’t do it, she wants to keep moving around from place to place.
  • Doing anything to intense and extreme, while it could be a fun new experience, Calista doesn’t like and doesn’t want to accidentally crack or break her current vessel since it can be a hassle to deal with.
  • Her real parents…it’s obvious why…
  • Being told what to do, she doesn’t mind helping out people out of her own free will, she just doesn’t like being bossed around since it takes time away from what she wants to do.

Calista at first seems like she would have the elegance and grace of a high class lady and that she would be serious and look down on those that don’t reach her high standards. The only part that is true is her elegance. Aside from that, Calista is a kind and sweet girl that enjoys meeting new people and hearing all about them and their story. She also has a curious nature and wants to learn about anything and everything that she had missed when she was bedbound.

  • Can control time, can’t really compete with that.
  • Has a powerful familiar.
  • Can switch vessels if her current one is destroyed or damaged.
  • Body is made of porcelain.
  • Her soul crystal can easily be shattered.

Calista typically avoids getting into battles due to her fragile body, but also because she’s just not interested in them and just wants to enjoy her life peacefully. So usually she will use her time abilities to easily slip away without a scratch. If for whatever reason that doesn’t work, she has Claudius always by her side to fight and protect her.

Time Manipulation Currently at her level, Calista has the ability to stop and slow down time at will, only she and Claudius won’t be affected by the spells. Calista does have the potential to achieve even more abilities such as reversing or forwarding time, and even time travel, but she is a bit hesitant and scared by the potential of those abilities, so for now she’s comfortable with what she knows.

Soul Transfer In order to keep on living and not be bound to her original body, Calista had crystallized her heart which can be placed into any empty vessel which she can then control. Technically she is immortal because of this, but she can still die if her soul gets destroyed.

Familiar A hellhound in the shape of a man named Claudius, even though she calls him father and views him that way, he is still her familiar and a very loyal and protective one at that. He will do anything to protect Calista and destroy anything or anyone that dares to try and harm her.

Witches Chamber Accessed by inserting a special key into any door with a keyhole, Calista, Claudius, and anyone else she allows in will enter her room. It’s a tidy room with clocks ticking away on the walls of various time zones, beautiful antique furniture, and beautiful dolls in cases. Calista will come here when she wants to relax and take a break from the world.

Witches World Accesses this world like her chamber, it’s an overworld only for fellow witches and their familiars to gather.


To be written...

  • Despite being in a dolls body, she does still retain her senses such as taste and feel.
  • Even though it’s not required to survive anymore, Calista does enjoy eating and drinking things she never got to have before.
  • Her current appearance doesn’t look like her old true self.
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